with Sri Ganesh

respects him anymore… I just tell him not to bother, let them make a case if they want, it will not take them anywhere…

Namaste Victorious Ganesha Namaste Aum Tat Sat

- 23-09-14:

… Rs. 10/- are offered…

Namaste Ganapataye Namaste

- 24-09-14:

… Today I instructed M on the crown I want him to cast for Sri Ganesh, and drew its design for him on scale – Your Two Symbols intertwined, Ishwara Ishwari as One – and gave him all the brass coins that have been donated for melting… He has now come on his own as R, the master bronze-caster, has left the area again. … Rs. 10/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Namaste Priya Ganapati Namaste

- 25-09-14:

… It is greyer now and sometimes it drizzles a little… I see that P has been coming here to take bath or to rest now and then and I am not happy about it, it is not as if he was homeless… Later he comes to say that “the case is today”… but what grounds are there for any case, except for the two parts of the family to fight and retaliate…? He admits he has again been sleeping here the last two days, because his people are “too much to bear”… So I blow at him: how can he play the victim, when he has been for years on end playing everyone and dissembling and even now failing to understand the extent of his betrayal; I forbid him to use this place for his own personal ends and remind him that now is the time to learn how to be steady in one’s choice for the truth… He leaves, saying he will come back when it is clearer inside him… … Rs. 100/- have been offered…


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