with Sri Ganesh

Sri Ganesh, with you I always return to a plane which seems to me the true material vital plane; as if this was your favored stance and degree of manifestation; and perhaps it corresponds to the center which is traditionally attributed to you, Muladhara… But there, in that world or dimension or plane, you are a provider: you give sustenance, and the food you hold out or communicate is deep; it is psychic food, it is love and refinement and the ability to cultivate the self. And, along with your outpouring this nourishment, you have the knowledge of how to link it to the most material food upon earth – the material manifestation of the Shakti’s powers. And this link, which you know how to establish, would be the key to a lasting material and physical progressive harmony.

But a movement is required in humanity for that to be allowed to happen in the universe…

O Sri Ganesh, There is such a profound elegance In your bearing,

So imbued you are With the greatness Of the Shakti

And Her Absolute Humility.

- 13-01-09:

Sri Ganesh, In you are combined Perfect nobility, Great freedom And the enjoyment Of a wealth of powers –

Even though your knowledge Reaches into the core of darkness, It is always joyous And generous, A tenderness that shines –


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