with Sri Ganesh

You tread midst men, A violet scarf at your shoulder Flowing, A crown of bright light Smiling, Deep knowing love and power

Clearing the way, Clearing the way, Clearing the way.


- 14-01-09:

The first day of Pongal… Vijayakumari comes early and sits quietly before Sri Ganesh with her silent question… … I am practicing and fine-tuning the last two slokas I have learnt; I must try and record them all again, so as not to forget the words or the tunes…

… Unity is the continuum of consciousness and presence – it at once contradicts and sustains time and space…

It begins in the Fourth Dimension –

Sri Ganesh, You wear and pour

Milk and blood And the nectar Of creation – In the nectar, Contained, Yet to be born, Is

The supreme child Whom the Shakti Has nurtured Throughout evolution.



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