Viners Safety Knives Marketing Update July 2019



Unify PR suggest utilising the Knife Safety Survey to launch the knives with the UK consumer press but we need to be careful we are not seen to be using knife crime as a way to sell more knives, but that we are responding to a national issue. A news focused press release will be drafted for news, trade and food media showcasing the main findings from the Viners survey, looking at the nation’s opinions on this key issue (Unify suggest that a minimum sample size of 1000-1500 is needed and that no mention is made of the new knives at this stage).


We would then launch the knives separately to all media, and proactively target asking media to review the knives, including those initial 20 who previewed the new collection, as well as news pages in key food, homes, national and lifestyle publications. Other brands have linked with the Police for example, but Unify PR wouldn’t advocate this approach. Instead, Viners has listened to customers who love to cook and addressed a key national issue, creating a safe, functional knife collection that performs.

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