SWEP Sustainability Report 2020

SWEP employees receiving a personal card from our CEO Ulrika, explaining the Basic Beliefs concept and its importance. Implementation is a never-ending process, so promotions and events will continue throughout the SWEP world. At all levels of the company, we are proud of the SWEP culture. To make sure that it continues and stays near the top of our agendas, all key stakeholders, including the Executive Management Team, have culture initiatives as part of their goalsetting.

Company culture

Social media outreach

To inform and remind our current and future employees about the culture at SWEP, we use various social media channels, both internally and externally. Our internal communication takes place mainly through Instagram and our intranet portal, IntraSWEP. LinkedIn is our primary social media channel for communicating with potential future employees.

Social media outreach

Diversity, inclusion, and gender equality

At SWEP, we recognize that a diverse workforce – in terms of age, gender, and background – gives us broad perspectives that support innovation and business success. With that in mind, 2020 has seen us continue our diversity and inclusion initiatives. These include actively pursuing a diverse pool of candidates during recruitment, and increasing the percentage of female managers at all levels. For these initiatives to be meaningful, it’s important to have an accurate picture of any demographic discrepancies in managerial and non-managerial cohorts. To do this, we have produced reports on gender in our workforce, via analytics in our human resource information system. These reports have helped to shape our initiatives, and inform the diversity workshops that have been held throughout the year.

Gender equality



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