(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


3072 Mailed on 24th December 1949 from Pakhai (49.12.04) to Hong Kong; affixed with one Kwangtung Unit stamp, the 5-fen value equivalent to Hong Kong postage rate. Under the leniency policy, Military Control Commission allowed this letter to be delivered after the expiry of the grace period. The provincial authority of Pakhai changed from Kwangtung to Kwangsi soon after the inauguration of PRC. Since then it is an important seaport for the South West region. 1949年12月24日從北海 (49.12.04) 寄往香港,上䀡廣東平信單位票1枚,相等銀元5分,香港平信郵資,此信寄發時已超越 兩週限期,這可佐證軍管會的寛容政策。在國統時期北海屬於廣東,解放後劃入廣西省。​ HK$ 13,000 - 15,000


3073 Mailed on 1st December 1949 from Liuchow (49.11.25), 27th December transited via Hengyang (49.10.08), 2nd January arrived in Shanghai (49.05.27); affixed with one Kwangsi Silver Yuan 5 fen, equivalent to Domestic postage. 1949年12月1日從柳州 (49.11.25) 寄,12月24日經衡陽 (49.10.08) ,50年1月2日扺達上海 (49.05.27), 上貼廣西銀元5分1枚, 相 等於國內郵資。​ HK$ 17,000 - 20,000


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