Aéroport de Paris - 2018 Registration document


Risks related to the environment – Extra-financial risk



Groupe ADP analysed and evaluated the “natural environment” risk, including the effects of climate change on the Group’s activities, and leading to an update of this risk in 2018. Measures to adapt to the risk are addressed in the “Environmental policy” paragraph of the “Social, environmental and societal responsibility information” chapter. In order to help to combat climate change, the Company implements a low-carbon strategy described in the “Environmental policy” paragraph of the “Social, environmental and societal responsibility information” chapter. Groupe ADP’s 2016-2020 Environment and Energy Policy covers six themes (energy, water, waste, air and emissions, biodiversity, and sustainable development). It incorporates ambitious objectives linked in particular to the guidance provided by the Economic Regulation Agreement (ERA) 2016-2020 and the Energy Transition Law for Green Growth of August 2015. The goals, policies and achievements of this extra-financial risk are described in the “Environmental policy” paragraph of the “Social, environmental and societal responsibility information” chapter.

Given its business activity, Groupe ADP is exposed to environmental risks of both an external and internal nature: ® risks from climate change: the occurrence of events linked to extreme natural phenomena or exceptional weather conditions may have a major impact on the Group’s activity. These events could disrupt the functioning of airport infrastructures in a direct way by reducing the operating capacity of facilities or leading to temporary closure. They may also have an impact on the functioning of airlines, essential service providers and the strategic networks essential to the Group’s activities (electricity, water, roads, fuel, etc.): ® risks related to the Group’s activity with particular regard to pollution (emissions to air, water and soil and noise) and waste management, resource use (water, energy), protecting biodiversity and sustainable development. Failing to take these issues into account could have a negative impact on the Group’s development. Moreover, Groupe ADP’s activities are subject to regulations requiring compliance with increasingly strict standards, which could increase compliance costs.

Risks related to the Group’s activities Risks linked to security



In France, in order to prevent the occurrence of malevolent acts: ® the Airport Operations Division monitors security obligations. It proposes the security policy and implementation conditions, and coordinates its deployment; ® a plan to bolster security for the landside areas of its terminals has been shared and implemented with the competent Government departments since 2016; ® Aéroport de Paris’ Operator Security Plan (PSO) has been updated in respect of its obligations as an Essential Services Operator (OIV) and should give rise to updated Protection Plans for each of the Company’s vital installations; ® Public Security Studies (ESP) were conducted, in accordance with the Urbanism Code, as part of certain building or renovation projects; ® lastly, confronted with the phenomenon of radicalisation in airports, awareness raising sessions on understanding, detecting and preventing radicalisation have been carried out for those personnel concerned since September 2016. The Company also has a crisis management system steered by the Safety and Risk Management Division, which regularly undertakes crisis exercises addressing different issues in order to improve the system’s effectiveness. The international airports have put in place robust security systems. Nevertheless, the Group operates in countries where the geopolitical risk remains high. As a result, this risk is mainly of an external nature. It requires the constant reinforcement of control systems.

In a context of increased terrorist threats, the Group is exposed to malevolent acts perpetrated on its installations. Depending on their seriousness, the occurrence of malevolent acts could impact: ® the integrity of persons (customers, employees, partners) and physical or virtual goods; ® the level of air traffic and, consequently, revenue from airport retail, services and car parks; ® security obligations: new French or European rules that could result in increased operational requirements or the enforcement of additional obligations. In France, the alert level of the national vigilance, prevention and protection plan against the terrorist threat (Vigipirate) was at “increased security-attack risk” level at year-end. With the entry into force of antiterrorism laws, the state of emergency was lifted in France in October 2017 and in Turkey in July 2018.



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