ŠAVŠ/TAČR Digital Czechia in a Digital Europe


[13] Government Digital Trends Survey 2015-2017 – infographic, Sopra Steria: Delivering Trans- formation: Together, see https://www.soprasteria.co.uk/en/newsroom/publication/gov- ernment-digital-trends-survey-2015-2017-infographic. [14] Government Digital Strategy, GOV.UK, see https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/ government-digital-strategy. [15] Government saves £18.6 billion for hard working taxpayers in 2014 to 2015, Cabinet Of- fice/HM Treasury, August 2015, see https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government- saves-186-billion-for-hard-working-taxpayers-in-2014-to-2015. [16] Hansteen Kjell, Ølnes Jon, Alvik Tor, Nordic digital identification Survey and recommen- dations for cross border cooperation, Norden, 2016, see http://norden.diva-portal. org/ smash/get/diva2:902133/FULLTEXT01.pdf. [17] Krumsvik Rune, Digital competence in the Norwegian teacher education and school, Högre utbildning, Vol. 1, No. 1, 06/2011, pp. 39-51, see https://www.researchgate. net/pub- lication/305360830_Digital_competence_in_the_Norwegian_teacher_education_and_ school. [18] Michal Karel, Průzkum Accenture: Jací jsou Češi zákazníci?, ITBIZ, 29/03/2012, see https:// www.itbiz.cz/tiskove-zpravy/pruzkum-accenture-jaci-jsou-cesi-zakaznici. [19] Murphy Alix, Estonia’s Mobile-ID: Driving Today’s e-Services Economy, GSMA Mobile Iden- tity, 06/2013, see https://www.gsma.com/identity/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/GS- MA-Mobile-Identity_Estonia_Case_Study_June-2013.pdf. [20] Portál občana (Citizen’s Portal) already offers 60 services. It recently included the land register. In January, it should ass the driver’s licence. 14/12/2018, see https://ct24. ceskatelevize.cz/ domaci/2679872-portal-obcana-uz-nabizi-60-sluzeb-nove-zahrnul- katastr-nemovitosti-v-lednu-ma-pribyt. [21] The Citizen View of Government Digital Transformation 2017 Findings, Sopra Steria: De- livering Transformation: Together, see https://www.soprasteria.co.uk/docs/ librariespro- vider41/White-Papers/the-citizen-view-of-government-digital-transformation-4.pdf?s- fvrsn=0. [22] UN E-Government Survey 2016, the United Nations – UN E-Government Knowledgebase, see https://publicadministration.un.org/egovkb/en-us/Reports/ UN-E-Government-Sur- vey-2016. [23] Vogl Gunter, business and economic section of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Austria, 10/09/2018, personal email correspondence.

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