I would like to take this time to extend my personal thanks to all of the members who set aside
time on Saturdays since the beginning of March to participate in getting the club ready for the
Memorial Day Weekend opening. The finishing of the bar floor project, along with the many
perennial tasks associated with the club opening, demanded a huge member turnout if we
were to complete every one of them before opening. The member participation at the work
parties was fantastic. Once again, Thank You
The turnout for Memorial Day weekend was good, with only a handful of slips left open.
Sundays Memorial Day service was very touching, reminding us of the sacrifices others have
made so that we maintain our freedom and the great lives it allows us to have and keep.
This is the time of the year that the club events start taking place. Kid’s Day is this coming
Saturday, June 17
. Bring your family out for the day and enjoy all of the activities. There is
always something for everyone.
Please look at the Club events calendar and plan on attending one or more of the upcoming
events. It is a good way to enjoy and support the club. You won’t regret it.
VC Pat
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