The Boating Season is here and the Club looks great. The new enhancements for the Bar
area are incredible. We have had a lot of help on the Elite Brigade weekends and work
weekends. The flowers are all planted and they look beautiful. There are still a few outstanding
items to complete, please see one of the Flag Officers or Board of Directors to lend a hand.
I want to continue to list some educational pieces of information that is useful for all of our
boating members.
This month I want to discuss “Rescue” tape for your boat. This is an excerpt from Boat US
magazine’s June/July issue. If you ever had an engine hose burst while underway, it is not
pretty. When you open the engine hatch, water – under pressure from the engine’s circulating
pump-was spraying from a gash in the hose all over the engine compartment. This particular
boat was a twin-engine cabin cruiser, so the solution was to shut down one engine and
continue on one engine. But, if the Captain had “Rescue” tape aboard, he could have wrapped
up the busted hose and been back underway at normal speed. This tape is a self-
amalgamating silicone. To repair a leak, stretch and wrap the tape over the hose and itself,
overlapping each wrap by about half. Using the tape to cover an extra few inches on either
side of the leak should allow you to seal just about any leaking hose or pipe in an emergency,
even high-pressure hydraulic line. For $10 to $12 per roll, this tape is cheap insurance. Look
forward to seeing you at NCYC.
R/C Randy Pagel
Rear Commodores Comments…