NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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– Tom Martin and Randy Pagel
Review how many hours are required to run the club on weekends, will discuss under New
Discussed the current OD Schedule and will be assigning people to weekends once we
determine how many hours are required.
Supplies -
Ian Blackburn
Ian gave a breakdown of some of the bar’s supplies pricing and will recommend a reclassification
of some of the liquors based on the price by bottle. The PIN pads for the new chip cards have
arrived and are in safe keeping until we can get back to the club. Motion by Ian Blackburn to
accept a reclassification of the liquor. Seconded by Tom Martin
– Darryl Campbell
Fin #1 – Seasonal maintenance along with replacing the deteriorating coamings with Starboard,
paint the cockpit, replace the horn and shaft stuffing.
Fin #2 Seasonal maintenance along with replacing the deteriorating wood on the motor box with
Starboard. Locate and repair hull leaks and replace aft running light.
Fin #3 Seasonal maintenance along with installing the stern thruster in time for the Elite Brigade.
Replace the bilge blower.
Darryl also requested membership help getting the Fins ready and safe for the coming season, he
would welcome any assistance.
Fleet Captain
– Glenn Nixon
Absent, No report
Guideline revision status – Completed and approved at the November Regular Board Meeting and
approved for roster update.
The following Guideline changes are still in process
Mainland well rental – priority list
Update OD manual – Tom Martin
New member orientation
Second boat – Kim Miedema
Two incoming rendezvous were requested as follows: 16
of August Selfridge / 24th of August
Lions dates for 2016 (Kim and Randy), Approved
Discuss liquor reclassification – Ian Blackburn
Guideline committee
Guideline Committee:
P/C Rick Romatz
P/C Bill Bauer
P/C Hugh Vestal