NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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P/C Tom McHugh
P/C Harley Burris
P/C Brian McEvoy
Brian Michel
Larry Malik
to approve the members for the 2016 guideline committee by Darryl Campbell
seconded by Ian Blackburn
Motion carried
Topic #1 Commodore
Chuck Stroh
2016 Organization Chart was presented by Commodore Chuck Stroh. The chart was approved
by all.
2016 NCYC Calendar approved as presented.
Board and Flag goals for 2016 were presented by all present board member and were
Request from the Tom Weber of the Windsor Yacht Club to visit our island on July 8
and 9
Tabled from January meeting.
Approve By-Law Committee – February meeting
Hours needed to run the club on weekends based on the weekend activities. 128 hours for a
regular open weekend. 176 hours for a three-day weekend and 138 for a 2-day party weekend.
Motion by:
Ian Blackburn, Seconded by: Brent Malik. Motion passed
No Shows –
Discussion regarding charging weekend worker no shows for their scheduled hours
when it happens not at the end of the year. Develop a threshold of when to charge.
The current Club Rules / General Club Policy, states that members who do not work their
scheduled hours will be billed for those hours. The OD that has no shows must contact the
secretary and membership director for board action pertaining to the missed scheduled hours.
Member of the month
- None
Good of the Order: