eKourier Jan 2013

Team Member Profiles

In this issue Kennards Family Ownership...


Dianne White Customer Care Officer

Team Member Profiles


Life begins at 40!


Farewell to Bill Bartlett


Career background: I have come from an insurance background which I thoroughly enjoyed, until joining Kennards, which has been just great! The people are fabulous. Marital status: Married. Any children? No Hobbies/interests: Going to the gym, walking and swimming. Do you play any sport or have any special talents? No. Favourite movie: Not favourite movie - favourite theatre productions! Sister Act in New York City, Wicked in Melbourne and Mamma Mia in Sydney.

LSI Returns to KSS


Highlights of PEP


Kennards Celebrate Christmas


Rozelle Hosts Tasting...


First Words From the Gong...


Nevs Notes 12 KSS Library Book Review 12 Customer Feedback 12 WebWord - Web Site Launch... 13 Trailers - Better Out Than In 13 Kennards Referred to as the Hilton... 14 Customer Feedback 14 New Zealand Sites Perform... 15 Coffee Break with Fizz 15 Turning a Potential Loss... 16 Finance Team Looks Forward... 16 Development Projects 17 Spotlight on Erina 18 8 Questions... 19 Congratulations 20 Next issue Deadline: April 1, 2013 Please send contributions to the editor Editor: Sharon Dux Email: sharon@kss.com.au Distribution: April 19, 2013 Upcoming events 6/2 - Waitangi Day (NZ) Closed 11/3 - Adelaide Cup (SA) PH Hours 11/3 - Canberra Day (ACT) PH Hours 12/3 - Labour Day (VIC) PH Hours 25-28/3 - Skillbuilder (NSW) 29/3 - Good Friday (KSS Closed) 30/3 - Easter Saturday (Normal Hours) 31/3 - Easter Sunday (Normal Hours) 1/4 - Easter Monday (AUST PH Hours, NZ Closed)

Favourite restaurant/food: Italian food. Where did you grow up? Surry Hills, it was fabulous. Any pets? No - My Husband!!! Favourite holiday destination: Overseas to Europe.

Matthew Jones Assistant Manager - Wollongong

Career background: Retail Management - last position was Assistant Manager at GAME (Video Game Shop). Before that in the Warehouse - Woolworths Distribution Centre. Marital status: De Facto. Any children? Amber, Maddy and Benji. Hobbies/interests: Sports and fitness, poker, video games, time with the kids, movies and dining out. Do you play any sport or have any special talents? Squash Favourite movie: Saving Private Ryan. Favourite restaurant/food: Jasmine Rice - Thai. Where did you grow up?

2-5/4 - Skillbuilder NSW 9/4 - Skillbuilder (VIC) 13/4 - Tough Mudder 17-18/4 - Skillbuilder (QLD)

Campbelltown - Enjoyed it, was more country than it is now. Any pets? No. Favourite holiday destination: South Coast, Particularly Narooma.

Kennards Kourier Jan 2013


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