eKourier Jan 2013

Life Begins at 40! KSS Celebrates 40 Years in Space

we also boast remaining a private family- owned business. In 2013, we will celebrate Kennards Self Storage turning 40 with our ‘ Life begins at 40 ’ theme. This suggests that our first 40 years are just the beginning. We will take the lessons and experience, to make future decades even better than the ones before. Forty years is an incredible milestone for a business. We have survived several recessions, endured numerous different governments and adapted to rapid advances in consumer expectations. Buying our competitor, Millers, in 2004 then buying-out our partner in 2008 are signifi - cant historical chapters. We have evolved from the budding idea to a strong profes- sional and well regarded Brand in two countries. I look forward to the 40 year celebrations of 2013. Sam Kennard Managing Director With some regret I announce our Board Director and Chairman, Bill Bartlett, has stepped down from our Board. Bill has been on our Board since April 2005. He joined shortly after the acquisition of Millers and has offered invaluable guidance and support as our business progressed and evolved. I have appreciated his valuable expertise and experience being applied to our opportunities, ideas and challenges. He has been a great sounding board and support for me personally. As a family business, we recognised many years ago that a Board with independent, external directors will broaden our business. Bill has played an important role in this regard. Bill leaves reluctantly as a consequence of a conflict arising in another Board which now has self storage assets. Sam Kennard Managing Director

O ur Business owes its origins to a courageous and entrepreneurial leap my dad took in 1973. After a trip to the U.S., where he saw ‘Mini Storage’ in its own embryonic and unproven days, he returned to build Australia’s first storage units at Moorebank.

was to try it. I recall him musing his scepticism of ‘Market Research’ that if he did any market research about storage it would of suggested that there was no demand! He would say: “Sometimes customers do not know what they want”.

“In 2013, we will celebrate Kennards Self Storage turning 40 with our ‘Life begins at 40’ theme. This suggests that our first 40 years are just the beginning.”

So, in 2013 Kennards Self Storage can proudly stand as the market leading operator in the self storage industry,

The idea of ‘Self Storage’ simply resonated in his head, and he was pretty confident the best way to be sure

Farewell to Bill Bartlett


Kennards Kourier Jan 2013

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