Member Connections, Fall 2023

Member Connect i ons , Fa l l 202 3

Br i an & Al l yson Ether idge Hi l t on He ad I s l and , SC

S t ewar t & Le s l i e Ha skins Gr eens boro , GA

Tom & Nancy Soare s Emmau s , PA

Bi l l & Cooki e Linc i come Hi l t on He ad I s l and , SC

J im & J ane DePi ero , Rams ey , NJ

New Member s Not Pi c tured : We l come New Members

I n th i s I s sue

02 03 4 - 5 6 - 9

We l come New Membe r s Gene r a l Manage r ' s Upda t e Boa rd o f Di r ec t or s News Cl ub Ca l enda r & Upcomi ng Even t s Go l f Spor t s Cen t e r Ma r i na News Long Cove Cu l t ur a l As s oc i a t i on Long Cove Yach t Cl ub Long Cove Fund

1 0 - 1 3 1 4 - 1 5 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 - 1 9

Back Cover Photo Credit Mi ke Ri t t e rback

Cover Photo Credit Al l an & Nan c y P i nn e

Comments & Article/Photo Submissions L i nd s ay F i nge r

Genera l Manager ' s Updat e

If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, eventually you will see progress. As Michael Jordan says, “I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying.” So trust the process and don’t give up…..the results will be worth it. There are so many exciting and positive things happening at Long Cove Club. It’s almost too much to write about, but one thing I will never want to stop bragging about is our selection process that we now have in place for hiring new Team Members. There is no single judge system here at Long Cove Club and we are already benefitting from our efforts. We are pleased to announce that after almost two months of searching for the best possible candidate to be our new Clubhouse Manager, our diligent process has paid off. We had 53 candidates apply, seven of those were chosen as finalists, then three for direct interviews, and lastly, two candidates to join us for all day in-person visits. Well over twenty of our Team Members played a role and provided feedback in our decision. Kaitlyn Allen was selected, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to present her to our Long Cove community and have her join our Leadership Team.

Mario Campuzano GM/COO

She comes to us with an incredible resume in the club management industry and with significant leadership experience at a variety of diverse clubs. Kaitlyn will be focused on priorities such as enhancing the membership experience, building a cohesive team, strengthening our culture, and bringing our team's core values of loyalty, collaboration, and creativity to life. The focus on our core values that are referenced above are the responsibility of every single Team Member to prioritize. Every decision that is made, and every action that is taken should be routed in our core values, and driven by trust in each other, trust in the process of how we achieve our goals, and a deep

“ I c an a c c ep t f a i l ur e , bu t I c an ’ t a c c ep t no t t ry i ng . ” -Mi cha e l Jordan

Kaitlyn Allen, CCM

pride in belonging to Long Cove Club. This is not only demonstrated through our selection process, but also our commitment to time, effort, and energy of advancing team members into the right positions that fit perfectly within our Team culture. Look at the internal changes and promotions that are taking place, such as Mallory moving to the clubhouse in an expanded role of Member Services and Communications Coordinator, Jamaul and Mike as shift leaders in our service operation, Meggan into a supervisor position in our heart of the house, and Helen, who will become our new housekeeping supervisor as we move that entire operation away from contracted outside services and back into our clubhouse operation next month. The hope is that you continue to see and experience positive changes, some that are subtle and some more obvious, but all intentional. We had an excellent month of July and the results of our golf course shutdown were better than planned. Ashley and his Team did an amazing job of intense course work that are absolutely critical to the long-term health and playability of our surfaces. There was also extensive work completed throughout all areas of our community and in particular around the clubhouse. Hats off to the entire Team for taking care of many areas including bag stands, golf shop windows, grout work, painting, Long Cove Room flooring, power washing, carpets & chairs, deep cleaning & organizing, outside areas and storage units, and so much more, as in assembling new popcorn machines for member enjoyment! We are primed and ready for the remainder of the summer and looking forward to what will be an amazing fall. We look forward to serving you!


I want to thank you for your continued support and engagement during the Initiation Fee referendum process. Approval of this referendum is important for our long-term financial health. After the deadline to vote, we will notify you of the results and keep you informed about club financials in both operations and capital. Long Cove Club exists to provide members an exceptional quality of life and leisure in a private, secure and naturally beautiful island residential environment. Many of us purchased in Long Cove Club because of the nationally acclaimed golf course, the beautiful homes and landscaping or the wide range of amenities offered. But did you know that Security is tied for the #2 reason why buyers choose the Long Cove Club community according to the New Member survey? A portion of our vision states "Long Cove Club will continue to progress as one of the outstanding private, secure residential communities..." While security has always and will continue to be a top priority for the Board of Directors and Management Team, you have probably noticed a renewed focus on our safety initiatives, practices and enforcement. First, we have launched a " Share the Road" campaign. It is everyone's responsibility to keep our roadways safe and it's important that you always follow the important guidelines listed on page 5. In addition, the newly installed speed cameras are soon to be fully functional. This will provide our community with the ability to better monitor speeding and ticketing to offenders. Much more information regarding the trial period and ticketing will be communicated with you soon. Secondly, the Community Services & Security Committee along with the Board of Directors continue their review regarding alligator safety. Robust education is upcoming and a review of the rules, as they pertain to safety, is underway. Board of Di rectors News A r enewed f o c us on sa f e t y

Our Security Team, led by Willie Rice, Justin Griffin, and Johnny Young is pictured below. They have been given the challenging task of providing first class security service to our members while also enforcing our rules which we hope will drive improved safety throughout the community. We have specifically asked them to be more attentive to speeding in the community, which includes issuing tickets to speeders whether they be members, visitors, or contractors. This is all a part of our "Share the Road" campaign which will be the focus of a robust communication/member awareness campaign and will work in conjunction with our new speed camera system. As the Security Team works diligently to provide for the safety of our members, they are most deserving of your respect. I hope you will join me in thanking them for their efforts. As always, if you have any questions about Security or any other general questions about our Community, please contact myself, Mario Campuzano, GM/COO, or any member of the Board of Directors. We are all in this together. Ray DiMuzio, President enhancing our selection and retention practices. Selecting great Team Members during the hiring process reduces turnover resulting in more consistency with our services to the membership and better enforcement of our rules and regulations. Part of our mission is to "employ capable, reliable and dedicated professional managers and staff who understand, embrace and achieve the objectives of the Club" and our Leadership Team remains committed to

Willie Rice

Justin Griffin Johnny Young

Rachelle Claudio Charles Deleon Evan Dumas

Not Pictured: Michael McClendon

Christopher Ramirez

Michael Harris Chemaine Jenkins Jermaine Lambert


SH RE T h e R o a d K e ep L ong Co v e C l ub S a f e

Always obey the posted speed limit, which is 25 mph. When exiting the community, please slow down to 15 mph.

When approaching a pedestrian or biker in your vehicle, please slow down and assess the situation before proceeding. If a car is approaching from the opposite direction, wait for it to pass before safely making your way around the pedestrian/biker.

When passing a pedestrian or biker, please leave a minimum of six feet of space between your vehicle and the pedestrian/biker.

Bikers should bike with the flow of traffic and always bike in a line. Walkers should always walk facing traffic and when a car is approaching, please move into a line to allow for more passing room. Pedestrians and bikers should always wear bright colors when walking, biking or jogging to be easily seen. Reflective vests and belts are available at no charge at the Administration Office.

something something


As we focus on roadway safety, we ask that all residents report any near misses or dangerous situations on our roadways. This can include aggressive driving or pedestrian behavior. Please contact the Security Gate at (843) 686-1050 to report.

Fishing and ball retrieval in the lagoons is temporarily suspended until September 19, 2023 or when a new set of rules can be reviewed and approved. Never feed or harass an alligator. Use extra caution when utilizing an expandable leash and always keep your pets away from the water's edge. Always stay at least 10 feet from the water's edge. Never approach an alligator when they are walking in between lagoons or resting on a lagoon bank. Report any suspicious alligator activity to Security. Please take the following steps to protect you, your animals and the alligators. It is important that you share this information with your guests. Al l i ga t or Sa f e t y

In t he e v en t o f an eme rgen cy , pl e ase c a l l 91 1 be f or e Se c ur i t y , ( 843) 686- 1 050 .


Club Ca l endar

HOURS Dining Lunch Jim Ferree Bar Tuesday-Saturday | 11 am - 3 pm Sunday Brunch Grill Room 10 am - 3 pm 19th Hole Menu Jim Ferree Bar Thursday-Sunday | 3-5 pm Dinner Downstairs & Jim Ferree Bar Thursday-Sunday | Starting at 5 pm The last seating is 8 pm and the bar is open until 10 pm or when the last member leaves.

Sunday, August 20 & August 27 | Pub 44 Sunday, September 3 | Labor Day Cookout (no ala carte dinner service) Monday, September 4 | Labor Day: Course & Clubhouse Open F riday, September 8 | Justin Wine Dinner (ala carte dinner in JFB) Saturday, September 9 | LCYC Ladies Fishing Event Sunday, September 10 | Pub 44 - NFL Sunday Starts! Tuesday, September 12 | Bunco Thursday, September 14 | Dowager Dinner Friday, September 15 | Ala Carte Dinner in JFB Only (downstairs closed for private event) Saturday, September 16 | Movie Night Sunday, September 17 | Pub 44 Tuesday, September 19 | Ladies Pearl Luncheon Thursday, September 21 | No Dinner Service (MI Reception) September 21-23 | Men's Invitational Saturday, September 23 | No Dinner Service (MI Reception) Sunday, September 24 | Pub 44 Wednesday, September 27 | Long Cove Fund Grants Reception Thursday, September 28 | Vaccine Clinic (Flu Shot, COVID, Shingles, Pneumonia) September 29 - October 1 | Men's & Ladies Club Championship Thursday, October 5 | No Dinner Service (Ladies MG Reception) Friday, October 6 | Ala Carte Dinner in JFB Only (Ladies MG Reception) October 5-7 | Ladies Member-Guest Thursday, October 12 | Dowager Dinner Sunday, October 15 | Husband/Wife Golf Tournament Wednesday, October 18 | Pink on the Links October 20-22 | Men's Senior Club Championship Saturday, October 21 | Movie Night Thursday, October 26 | No Dinner Service (Fall MM Reception) October 27-28 | Fall Member-Member Friday, October 27 | No Dinner Service (closed for private event) Sunday, October 29 | Spooktacular (no ala carte dinner service) Friday, November 3 | Holiday Wine Sale (no ala carte dinner service) Sunday, November 5 | Homewreckers Golf Tournament (no ala carte dinner service) Monday, November 6 | Annual Meeting @ 10 am Thursday, November 16 | Dowager Dinner Friday, November 17 | Twilight Golf (ala carte dinner in JFB only) Saturday, November 18 | Movie Night Thursday, November 23 | Thanksgiving Brunch (no dinner service) Saturday, December 2 | Tree Lighting Event (no ala carte dinner service) Thursday, December 7 | Ala Carte Dinner in JFB Only (downstairs closed for MGA Dinner) Saturday, December 9 | Movie Night Saturday, December 16 | No Dinner Service (closed for private event) Thursday, December 21 | Dowager Dinner Sunday, December 24 | C hristmas Eve - Club closed as 2 pm Monday, December 25 | Christmas Day - Club Closed Sunday, December 31 | NYE Celebration (no ala carte dinner service)

The Snack Bar is Open Tuesday-Sunday from 10 am - 5 pm. Please see page 7 for Pub 44 details. Dining hours are subject to change. Please read the dining options email or the LCC Weekly Update.

HOUR Happy

Happy Hour is available in the JFB & Grill/Magnolia Rooms from 5-7 pm during ala carte dinner service.

Please note that there is a 72 hour cancellation policy for all events unless otherwise noted.


Upcomi ng Event s

Labor Day Lowcountry Boil

Sunday, September 3 Cocktails | 5 pm Buffet | 6 pm

$45++/person | $18++/Kids (Ages 5-12) Reserve your seat via Member Central or contact: Christine Clancy at 843-686-1000 / 48-Hour Cancellation Policy Will Be In Effect

Pub 44 Casual Dining at Long Cove Club

Our speaker , Mike Brennan, wi l l del iver this entertaining, informat ive and fun new presentat ion about the wonderful wor ld of pear ls. There wi l l also be plenty of t ime to shop a huge col lect ion of pear l jewel ry, including new designs at incredible savings di rect from the producer . Reservation required. $31++/Person | Guests Are Welcome to Attend! Make Reservations online via the Member Central Calendar or Contact Christine Clancy at 843-686-1000 /

NFL Sunday starts on September 10!

Casual dining and NFL football will be available on Sunday 9/10, Sunday 9/17 & Sunday 9/24. Brunch (Downstairs) 10 am - 3 pm 19th Hole Menu (JFB & Downstairs) 3-5 pm Pub 44 Dinner Menu (JFB & Downstairs) starting at 5 pm Please note that the JFB will be closed during Pub 44 on August 20 & 27. The new Pub 44 options will start on September 10.

Our gift for attendees is a classic pair of pearl stud earrings.


Wednesday Nights MIDWEEK At Long Cove Club Starting Wednesday, October 4, join us for a Pasta and Prime Rib dinner buffet at the Club. Menus, details and reservation information will be released in an upcoming LCC Weekly Update.

Va c c i ne Cl i n i c | Thursday , Sep t embe r 28 f rom 1 0 am - 4 pm Kroger will be at the LCC Clubhouse on September 28 to provide vaccines for COVID-19, Flu, Shingles and Pneumonia. Your insurance will be billed for these services. Sign-up information will be sent soon.



Details coming soon! Trick-or-treating space is limited due to cart fleet size. rsvp by calling (843) 686-1000. If you plan to volunteer at a candy station, please call and let us know! 72 hour cancellation policy in effect.


Ce l ebrat e the Hol i day s

















Friday, November 3 Details to Follow.


02 dec sat FOOD, MUSIC, DRINKS THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS UPON US! 6 pm cocktails buffet tree lighting 6:30 pm 7 pm

Capital Maintenance and Improvements during the 2023 Course Closure

With member services typically slowing down during our annual three-week golf course closure, our Team takes advantage of that time to perform routine capital maintenance projects and more. During this year's closure, we cleaned and organized the clubhouse and basement, steam washed chairs and carpets, organized and cleaned the bag drop and cart barn areas, restructured the front offices for better member access, replaced the golf shop windows and power washed many areas in the community. In addition to this great work, our Community Services Team tackled an upgrade to the Long Cove Room including installing new flooring and painting the woodwork. We believe this space can now be better utilized for our daily activities including cultural events or meetings. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard during the closure!

Long Cove Room - Before Long Cove Room - After


Gol f News and Upcomi ng Event s

Bob Pa t t on , Di r e c t or o f Go l f

What a wonderful time of year fall is at Long Cove! Cooler weather, football and all of our members are coming back to enjoy a great finish to our year. Many of our best events take place in the fall, including the Men’s Invitational and Ladies Member-Guest, along with many other exciting tournaments. We hope you will join in to be a part of the fun and competition. As always, if you require assistance with tee times, tournament information, or even getting a game our Team is here and ready to assist in any way that we can! We are happy to do so and no request is too big or an imposition as it is our job to help you enjoy your club as much as possible. We look forward to seeing you at the club!

Men's & Ladies Club Championship | September 29-October 1

This year's championship will be played with an 18 hole qualifier on Friday, September 29 with match play on Saturday and Sunday. The Men’s Championship will be played from our gold tees, Net Flight from white tees, and the Ladies from the red tees. There will be Championship and Net Flights so anyone, regardless of handicap, can compete! Ladies will have a Super Senior Division as well for those 70 and Over. All participants must indicate at time of entry which Division they wish to compete in. All members, including our junior players, are eligible to participate so we hope to attract all our best players for an exciting Club Championship competition!

2022 Champions Jeff Hedden and Karen Ferree

Men's Senior Club Championship | October 20-22 This year our Senior Men’s Championship (55 and older) will be played October 20-22 with qualifying on Friday 20th followed by match play on Saturday and Sunday for those that qualify. There will be a Net Division as well and play will be from the white tees. For those 75 and older we will have a Super Senior Division as well played at net from the green tees. Sign up online or with the Golf staff by 10/18 to participate.

2022 Champion Bob Newcomer

Fall Member-Member | October 27-28

This popular annual event will start on Thursday evening with a casual gathering of the contestants followed by Friday tee times starting at noon. Saturday’s final round will be a 9 am shotgun followed by lunch and awards. Teams will be flighted based on combined handicap and Prizes will be awarded for both overall gross and net as well as net within the flights. Competition is multiple formats for each nine holes. Team up with a great partner and sign up right away! Sign up online on ForeTees or through the Golf Shop. Deadline for entry is 10/22.

2022 Champions Allan Pinne & Charlie Sanders

Save the Date! All Long Cove Club Members are invited to attend the annual Pink on the Links which will be held on Wednesday, October 18 at 9 am. All proceeds will be donated to organizations supporting breast cancer care and research. Additional details will be released soon.



Mi xed Gol f Event s

Husband/Wife Championships | Sunday, October 15 The Championship is played at gross, but there are prizes for low net as well so every team has a chance to win! You may enter on ForeTees or by calling the Golf Shop. Beverages, awards and dinner will follow play. Deadline for entry is 10/11. This mixed team event is a must-do for all LCC Members! Teams are encouraged to arrive with a team name in costume prior to the 12:30 pm shotgun. Not only will you be competing for the tournament title, but you will also be competing for best dressed! The “Homewreckers” event is aptly named as our couples play a true alternate shot format as a part of a team with three other couples in the better ball competition. The game will be followed by beverages, prizes and dinner. If you can’t find or fill a team, we will of course be happy to pair up to fill out the groups. Deadline for entry is 11/1. Homewreckers | Sunday, November 5

Twilight Golf | Friday, November 17

Our very popular fall “Nine and Dine” is a fun and friendly nine hole format starting with a 3:30 pm shotgun followed beverages and a great casual dinner by Chef John. Please sign up by 11/14 to participate.

Congratulations to the 2023 Long Cove Cup Winners

Kim Wilson & Moira Alfieri

Joe Reimer & Fred Del Gaudio

Weather Alert System

We have recently installed a new Perry Weather lightning detection system. As with the previous system, if lightning is detected within 6 miles of the club, the siren will sound with one long continuous blast. If you hear this, you must discontinue outdoor activity and take shelter immediately. Three short blasts of the horns indicate "all clear" and you may resume outdoor activity. Additionally, there are strobe lights attached to all horns and located at the marina and pool house that, when flashing, indicate that we are under a weather alert and all play or outdoor activities should cease until the all clear sounds at which time the strobe will stop. Another new feature is a warning message displayed on the screen of our golf cart TFM monitors when we are under a weather alert.

Member access to the Perry Weather information is available on the website to provide real time updates of the status of a weather alert providing an actual countdown to an “all clear” signal. FYI the system is set to sound the “all clear” 15 minutes after the last strike is detected within the six mile radius of the club. You can view this on the homepage of Member Central, on the LCC mobile app or on ForeTees.


Mark Your Ca l endars Course Overseeding Monday, October 30 & Tuesday, October 31 This year, we will be overseeding our tees and greens on October 30-31. The course will re-open on Wednesday, November 1 at 11 am. As always following overseeding we will need to keep the young grass seedlings moist to maximize germination and of course green speeds will be a bit slow for a time as we grow in the cool weather grass. We appreciate your understanding as we go through this necessary agronomic practice to insure good course conditions in winter/spring. Rain days for the overseed are November 6-7.

Holiday Golf Schedule On Thanksgiving Day, we will have a 9 am shotgun start for all play and the course will close once the last group has finished to allow the afternoon for members and staff alike to enjoy the holiday feast! On Christmas Eve we will have a 9:30 am shotgun start for all play and again the course will be closed in the afternoon to allow for all to celebrate with their families and friends.

Rob St o cke , Di r e c t or o f Ins t ru c t i on

Many people search for more distance by striving to make a bigger turn or swing their arms further. The problem with this is not only do they lose control and timing, but also LOSE swing speed. Our bodies are limited with flexibility, and if we try to turn too much, we will come out of posture and lose power from the ground - all of which we can measure in The Cove.

With a proper pivot, we can create more force from the ground and create speed without more effort! When a player over-rotates they will also get the club too far behind them costing speed and good contact, or, I’ll see players move the base of their neck too far off the ball causing fat and thin shots. If this sounds like something you do, try feeling as though your left shoulder (for right handed player) is moving down towards your right ankle in the backswing - this will keep you centered and help you find the proper amount of backswing pivot. Another problem I see, especially among women golfers, is swinging their arms too far. I hear people saying they can see the club head in their backswing! This leads to poor timing, and worst of all, the arms & hands are forced to throw the club head towards the ball to make contact! While we want a wide arm swing in the back, we need to keep the relationship between the arms and the sternum to give us the best chance for solid impact. You should feel that your hands are extended in front of your back shoulder (right for a right handed player) at the top. While the arms may swing a little further than that in motion, it’s a good goal and feel. The solution is NOT to try to swing shorter - this will not produce the desired effect. However, learn to feel the proper position at the top of the swing. You want to pivot your body back while trying to keep the hands I front of your sternum and as far from your head as you can. This width is controlled by the trail arm (right arm for a right handed golfer), not the “keep the left arm straight “ theory. . The less it bends, the wider the swing. Here are two of my favorite drills: Preset a proper backswing: Take your address position and fold your arms up so the club rests on your back shoulder (right shoulder for a right handed player), now turn your body into your backswing pivot. No need to overturn, just so your back faces the target. Once in that position, stretch your arms out in front of your chest. This is the position you want to achieve at the top. Use a whippy club to feel the proper transition: The second drill uses the Orange Whip swing trainer & is great for a variety of motions in your swing. Setup with the orange whip and make a backswing while letting the whippy shaft flex in the early part of the swing, but then trying to “collect “ the club at the top so it has a very soft or minimal flex at the top. If your arms swing too much or your rhythm is off, the shaft will flex a large amount at the top. Also, when you do this drill, you want to feel like the orange ball stays above your hands at the completion of the backswing - this is also a good swing thought when you are playing - attempting to keep the clubhead above your hands at the top.


Gol f Ma i nt enance

The golf course will be closed for overseeding all greens and tees, October 30-31, and will re-open for play at 11 am on Wednesday, November 1st. To expedite germination, it is very important that we provide moisture to the new seed during the day for the first few weeks to ensure nice playing surfaces throughout the winter. Water will be running throughout the day and we will do our best not to inconvenience play while watering. Also, during establishment we will mow in the afternoons when the turf is dry. This is done to avoid picking up or pulling young seedlings out of the ground. Because of this practice the greens will be noticeably slower than normal for several weeks. As the new plants mature, we will work our mowing heights down and slowly back off the watering frequency. Once we get closer to our overseeding date I will provide more information regarding course conditions and playing expectations. See you on the course! Pruned all palm trees throughout the course. Aerated high traffic areas throughout the golf course. Resurrection pruned azaleas. Applied beneficial soil amendments to all tees, fairways, and greens. Widened entrance to 4 tee to help spread wear when entering the teeing area. Reclaimed golf course corridors through pruning on 11, 12, and 15 and removed several dead/hazardous trees on 4, 9, and 12. Other course projects/improvement completed during the July closure:

Greetings from Long Cove Club Golf Maintenance! The summer is coming to a close and maintenance is excited about the cooler weather on the horizon, I am sure you all are too. July and August was excessively hot and muggy. For the 14th consecutive year we were able to accomplish all of our major course aerations/cultural practices during the three-week July closure. The closure went very smoothly and a significant amount of work was completed. Some of the highlights of the closure are: All greens were aerated as planned with 5/8” tines on the 17th and 24th of July. With this size tine and aerating twice we were able to impact 22% of our greens total surface area. All greens were top- dressed following each aeration. On July 31st we Dry-jected greens, a patented process in which more sand is introduced into the soil profile to further help our greens perform to our standards. All tees and fairways were also verti-cut, aerated with a 3/4” tine, and topdressed.

Ashley Davis, CGCS Golf Course Superintendent

Let’s all take steps to maintain our great golf course! It’s every member's responsibility and only we can do it. Every time you play, make sure you are repairing your ball marks, ranking the bunkers, picking up broken tees, filling in divots, and practicing proper golf cart, push cart and practice area etiquette.


Sport s Cent er Tom Ru t h , Spor t s Cen t e r Di r e c t or

Embrace the spirit of autumn at the Sports Center, where an exhilarating lineup awaits! Our fall season is set to shine with the spotlight on the highly anticipated tennis club championships slated for September and November. Kickstarting the excitement will be the Mixed Doubles Club Championships, September 25 - 30. Everyone is welcome to come to the Sports Center on Saturday, September 30th as all mixed doubles championship matches take center stage. As October arrives, brace yourself for the Men's and Women's Doubles Club Championships, igniting the courts from October 30 - November 4. Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 4th, when the stage will be set for the men's and women's championship matches. For the most up-to-date schedules tailored to each level, simply head over to the ForeTees Homepage – your ultimate source for all events on the tennis, pickleball, or bocce schedule. Participation in these prestigious championships is only $15 per player. This nominal fee covers a player gift, tennis balls for each match, and a chance at bringing home the trophy! And as if that wasn't enough, victory will etch your name into the illustrious history of Long Cove Club Tennis. Oktoberfest On October 14th, court number 4 will transform into a vibrant biergarten, complete with live music and a delectable German-inspired menu starting at 6:00 pm. The festivities continue with live music and a thrilling cornhole tournament during dinner. But before that, prepare for an action-packed day of sports, including a Tennis Round Robin at 9 am, Men's Pickleball Round Robin at 11:30 am, Women's Pickleball Round Robin at 12:30 pm, and a Bocce Tournament at 4:30 pm. All of this is available at just $40++ per person, covering dinner and unlimited participation in the sporting events of your choice. Registration opens on ForeTees starting September 1st. Don’t want to play anything? That’s ok, just plan to join us for the live music and dinner at 6!

Bocce League Night returns on October 4! Plan to join us for the weekly bocce tournament and socializing. More details and registration information will be posted on ForeTees, so stay tuned! And that's not all – our weekly programming for tennis and pickleball is designed to cater to all interests. The Women's Delightful Doubles program returns for social tennis doubles play. If you are looking to start playing tennis before the end of the year then this next program is for you! Introducing the Racquet Ready program, a four-week instructional journey from beginner to tennis player. This program will run September 12th to October 10th, with a mid-program practice week to reinforce learning. For those of you that have played tennis before but have a little lay-off, we have a program for you too! In October, the Tennis ReBoot program steps in, welcoming players back to the game. Pickleball enthusiasts, we've got you covered too! Two distinct sessions are in store: the Half & Half clinic, honing specific skills for 45 minutes followed by 45 minutes of play; and the Pickleball Skills and Drills clinic, a one-hour intensive session with weekly themes. The first session of the Half & Half clinic will finish in early September. The second session of the Half & Half Clinic is scheduled for October 6th to November 10th, while the Skills and Drills clinic runs from September 14th to November 2nd. Further information and registration details can be found on ForeTees. Prepare for a fall season overflowing with excitement and growth at the Sports Center. We're here to make this autumn unforgettable. See you there!

Stars vs. Stripes Showdown 2023


Sport s Cent er

Doubles & Bubbles

Mar i na News

Monday Paddle

Over the past several weeks, I have been seeing several manatees cruising through Broad Creek. Manatees will often visit marinas in search of a drink of fresh water. While this can be a cool experience, giving the manatees fresh water is discouraged as they will be more inclined to visit marinas for their next drink. These large and slow-moving marine mammals have few natural predators due to their size, but boat and/or propeller strikes can result in serious injury Manatees Our neighbors at Palmetto Bay Marina offer complimentary docking for patrons visiting their restaurants for breakfast, lunch, dinner and/or drinks. This is a perfect way to cap off a day on the water before returning to Long Cove Club. Restaurants include Carolina Crab Company, Black Marlin, Palmetto Bay Sunrise Cafe and Hurricane Bar. Dock and Dine I am pleased to announce that optional services are now available for our boaters. Services include engine flushing, basic cleaning, absentee services and boater training to include coastal navigation, tide information, docking practice and more. A full list of voluntary services are available on the Marina page of Member Central or give me a call to discuss. Services must be scheduled directly with me in advance by calling or texting (843) 295-7557. or even death. It is best to give these marine mammals their space, especially if you encounter one while onboard a powered vessel. I am excited to announce the addition of "Monday Paddle" at the Marina. I will lead a group of LCC members on a one- hour paddle on Broad Creek. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in learning more about our local waters or those who simply want a quick Monday morning workout. Please sign-up in advance by texting or call Mark Finger at (843) 295-7557 so we can ensure we have enough kayaks. Depending on popularity, additional sessions may be scheduled. Monday, 9/18 at 9:30 am | Monday, 9/25 at 9:30 am | Monday, 10/2 at 9:30 am | Monday, 10/9 at 9:30 am For your convenience, life vests and paddles are available at the Marina to be used on a first-come, first-served basis. They are located in a storage locker located on the pathway as you are walking towards the water. Please keep in mind that these are property of the Club and must be returned after each use. Community Life Vests & Paddles (weather permitting) Marina Services

Mark Finger Dockmaster


Long Cove Cul tura l As soc i at i on The new fall season is about to begin! This is your chance to start a new hobby, meet new neighbors and have fun — no experience necessary! Your favorite activities and classes are returning, and some new activities are starting. All classes and workshops are run by volunteer Long Cove Members. All are free, but some classes will have a fee for materials needed. Watercolor Classes Classes will begin again in September. Classes are held

on Monday and Friday from 8:30-9:30 at the clubhouse. Please contact Paula Wood for more information and to sign up. Yoga

Our resident artist, Margaret Crawford will be offering Watercolor Painting classes. Below are the dates and times they will be held. All classes are in the LCR unless otherwise specified. They will be held on Wednesday mornings from 10-12. Please contact Margaret Crawford to sign up. September 2023

Classes will begin again after September 20. Please contact Elaine Israel for more information and to sign up. Writer's Group LCC Singers Encore, Encore! Back by popular demand, the LCC singers, under the direction of Barbara Sorkin will start up this fall. Please contact Barbara for more information. Anyone interested in knitting (or other needlework) is welcome to join the knitting group. Bring your own project. All levels of skill are welcome. We meet on Tuesdays from 10:30 am - Noon in the Clubhouse living room. (This is subject to change). Call Eileen Frankil with any questions: 267-304-0969. Knitting

• Wednesday, September 13th • Wednesday, September 20th October 2023 • Wednesday, October 11th • Wednesday, October 18th • Wednesday, October 25th November 2023 • Wednesday, November 1st • Wednesday, November 8th • Wednesday, November 15th • Wednesday, November 22nd

A full list of activities and dates will be released soon. Fall activities will also include writing, a variety of art classes, gallery tours, digital photobooks, great book discussion group, movie nights, acting, dowager's dinner club, mahjong, bridge, bunco, bird watching, garden club, tap dancing, floral Design, Iphone 101 and the first settlers gullah/geechee experience. For more informa t i on , con t ac t Carolee Hu t t on a t caroleehu t@gma i l . com.

Water Aerobics celebrated the 4th of July at the Pool!

The Dowager's Dinner Club gathers once a month in the Magnolia Room.

Members of the Garden Club met at Fox & Olive gift and flower shop in July.

Bunco gathers once a month. In July, they had a beach party!


Long Cove Yacht Club

Strawberry Moon

June 3rd saw the last full moon of the spring, called the Strawberry Moon, it rose over Calibogue Sound. Four minutes later the sun set over the sound. The absolute best place to view these delightful events just minutes apart is from a boat anchored on Calibogue Sound. A group of LCYC members set out to take part in this special time on the water.


Children/ Grandchildren Fishing Event

On July 3rd, LCYC parents and grandparents with their children and/or grandchildren ventured out for Inshore fishing for about three hours.

The Kayak paddlers have been taking trips through the Salt Marsh, learning about the ecology of the area.

The LCYC was proud to host a group of 17 kids from the Boys & Girls Club of HHI on a boating excursion to Daufuskie Island. During the trip each captain provided the opportunity to take over the helm, quite an experience for each child. Once there they were treated to lunch of chicken fingers and fries along with ice cream. Boys & Girls Club Outing

Upcoming Events

The LCYC is the largest social club within the Long Cove Club Community. It's open to all Long Cove Club Members, whether you are a boat owner or not. Activities are organized by the following committees: kayaking, biking, boating & fishing, social and travel. Dues are $50 for a family or $25 for a single. Email Lisa Bisgard for

8/31 - Factory Creek Paddle 9/9 - Ladies Fishing Trip 9/25 - New River Paddle 10/2 - Salty Dog Cruise 10/23 - Fall Tailgate Party 10/24 - Cuckolds Creek Paddle 11/16 - Oyster Paddle 12/12 - Ebenezer Creek Paddle 12/5 - Marina Merriment 1/9/24 - South America Cruise 4/13/24 | Commodore's Ball

Join the Long Cove Yacht Club!

additional information:

The six month Atlantic Hurricane Season runs through November 30. We should all be prepared to take actions to lessen a storm's impact including preparing your home and knowing your evacuation route. Be prepared now. We encourage you to watch the hurricane preparedness video by Justin Griffin on the LCC Member Central website in the Security and Safety section. Hurr i c ane Pr epar edness Remi nde rs


Long Cove Fund

Attend the Annual Grant Reception on September 27!
















Long Cove Fund Charitable Advisory Committee Mickey Graham







Sandy West, Chair Roy Bowen, Board Liaison Jill Clark, 1st Secretary Les Janka, 2nd Secretary Bob Heden, Annual Appeal Patricia Leader, Grants Bill Sheridan, Communications





Cindy Maloy Elaine Lesnak Tina Brooks Elaine Shayne


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The Annual Grant Reception will be held on Wednesday, September 27th at the Long Cove Clubhouse from 4:30-6:30 PM followed by drinks and hors d’oeuvres This is a wonderful opportunity to meet the Grant Recipients and see how your funds work to make our communities a better place to live. We expect a great turnout as our Guest Speaker is David Lauderdale, a well- respected and beloved writer for the Island Packet and Beaufort Gazette. He started at the Packet in 1977 and became the face of the paper in his roles as reporter, news editor, managing editor and editorial page editor and columnist. David retired in 2020 but he still writes one column a week. Following our program, we are excited to offer something new this year. We are hosting a Volunteer Fair. Many organizations need volunteers, and the Volunteer Fair provides our members the chance to learn about volunteer opportunities with these amazing organizations. This is also a chance to personally thank the leaders of these valuable nonprofits.

Guest Speaker David Lauderdale

We had grant requests totaling just short of half-million dollars and were thrilled that we were able to provide grants of $266,300 to 40 unique organizations focusing on Health, Housing, Hunger and Education. This is a BIG Year as it’s our 20-year anniversary! We are so pleased to announce that the Long Cove Fund has awarded over $2 million dollars of grants to organizations serving Beaufort and Jasper Counties with particular emphasis on Hilton Head Island and Bluffton in our 20 years …. Cheers to twenty years! The Long Cove Fund committee is made up of 12 of your neighbors. Prior to awarding the grants, committee members visit each organization requesting a grant to a get better understanding of the request and to evaluate their facilities and ability to use the funds appropriately. After all applicants have a site visit, the committee convenes and discusses each grant request based on an extensive list of requirements. It takes quite a bit of discussion during the review of the requests by the committee resulting in a very but very rewarding day. The committee ensures that the money goes to those most in need of the funds. By March 1st of 2024, each grantee will submit an Interim Report indicating their expenditures, complete with receipts, to the committee to show where they spent the monies and ensure it was spent as represented in their original Grant Application. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, September 27th at 4:30 PM . ….. this will be a special event you won’t want to miss!


Long Cove Funday s

This year’s Long Cove Fundays was a huge success with 346 members helping us raise over $120,000 that will be distributed to non-profits this year. In the last 3 years this fundraiser has raised approximately $420,000 thanks to the participation and caring of you … our generous members!

The co-chairs of this amazing event – Dan & Elaine Lesnak and Roy Bowen & Karen Hoppe - did a wonderful job creating and planning all of the fun activities. A great team of volunteers, including the entire Long Cove Fund (LCF) Charitable Advisory Committee assisted in making the 4 days a great experience for all while raising critical money for non-profit organizations.

In addition to the LCF Advisory Committee Members, we would like to extend our thanks to Kim Wilson for finding a terrific band for the Music Festival, Denise Banks for her efforts to organize the Tennis and Pickleball event, Michele DiIenno for creating the beautiful flower arrangements for all the events, and our photographer Holly Moeri for capturing a lot of great memories. Proving that Long Cove Club really does have talent we recognize and thank Barbara Sorkin and the Long Cove Singers, Jim Harding for leading the open mic fun and a special performance from some very talented LCC musicians, Jonathan Vaughn on lead guitar, Kenny Wareham on rhythm guitar, Jim Harding on vocals, and Kim Wilson on drums. Everyone enjoyed a night full of fun, great food and dancing to the beat of Crosstown Traffic. We would also like to thank Rob Stocke for starting the 18-hole golf event by playing the Star-Spangled Banner on guitar … as ONLY HE can perform! The weather cooperated for the most part … the tennis and pickleball event was rained out but the participants made the best of the situation and enjoyed lunch and libations! Congratulations to the winners of the raffle for one year of LCC dues - Phil & Julie Jones. We would also like to thank our Premier Sponsors - Coastal Signature Homes, Coastal Door and Sash & Marvin Windows, and Kolcun Tree Care. We would all agree with Sandy West, Long Cove Fund Chair, “I am grateful to live in a community filled with awesome, talented and caring people.” Many thanks to YOU … Our generous, caring Members. Cheers to 20 years!

Oyst er Reef Volunt eer Pro j ec t

In June, Long Cove Club had a fantastic group of 16 volunteers join up with The Outside Foundation and SCDNR to place bags full of oyster shells along the bank of Broad Creek. The oyster shells were gathered from area restaurants and were bagged by Long Cove Club volunteers in November of 2022.


399 Long Cove Drive Hilton Head Island, SC 29928

Ma i n Club L i ne

( 84 3 ) 686 - 1 000 ( 84 3 ) 686 - 1 020 ( 84 3 ) 686 - 1 030 ( 84 3 ) 686 - 1 050

Gol f Shop

Sport s Cent er

S ecur i ty


202 3 Board of Di rectors

Ray DiMuzio, President Fred Del Gaudio, Vice-President DougWetmore, Treasurer

Vic Feigenbaum, Secretary Roy Bowen Randy Brooks

Sharon Essler Randy Rose Steve Schuckenbrock


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