News Scrapbook 1956-1959


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-S011 Olevo Union Stoff Photo Rodriguez during yesterday's drill at Navy Field. The Pumas meet the University of San Diego in the Pioneers' opener at Balboa Stadium Saturday.

he University of Mex- r a play with fullback r, and halfback Luis

'HE SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 19511 Grid Future Seen Bright For USD oral • Pioneers to Cla With Mexico Club The University of San Diego Pioneers will launch their 19/18 football campaign in a clash with the University of Mexico eleven in Balboa Stadium at 8 this Saturday night, September 20. Football prospects are bright for th e University of San Diego, a former Notre Dame grid great told members of the USD Boosters Club at a lunch- eon meeting in the ission VaJ- 1 ley Country Club last Monday. the The grid inaugural promises to be an exciting affair, with Mexico gridders featuring a flashy multiple offense. The , Pumas arrived here Tuesday He is Maurice J. /Clipper) Smith, who formerly coached at Santa Clara and Villanova. USO is in a splendid posi - l and have been working out at Navy Field.

By ,JOH. Co ,;:h Roherto M nde7. and his 3 man Umverslty of MPx• lco tb JI quad reported nto n ye terday and went hrou h a two-hour drlll at avy }"leld. The Pum s will play t h e University ot San Diego in the Plone r • season opener aturciay ht at Bal boa State, 23-6, latil Saturday night In Los An- gele·. In perfect physical shape and ar expected to open with the same club that faced the Diablo ·• Sf/l' Mendez said his team will work out each day from 4 to 6 p.m. through Fr da) at . ·a\y Field. Several lunch- eo , an a embly t the uni- \ r~lty and p clal trips have be n arranged tor the visitor from Mexico C ty. Heading the Me»ican squad are Victor VPlez, 5-10, 143- p o u n d back: quarterback Alonzo Fernandez and f u l 1- back :Felipe De La Carma. The • rxlcan arr light but operate from an interesting multiple offense. "Sometimes I wonder myself if they know what formation they"re going o u e next. but everything eem to come out ju:;t right," ·ald Bob fcCutcheon, h e a d Pioneer coach, who scouted the Mexicans against L o s ngeles State last Saturday. Meanwhile, Mccutcheon said ~e was- co n c e r n e d about USD's lack of depth, Two players, Vlc Gausepohl .lt Long Beach and J e r r y Lyde of La Puente, have been bsent tor the last two days. However, the coach s aid Lyde plans to return. RAY PROi.UOTJ,;o The Pioneer coach said his earn has weathered a couple >f scrimmages without injury ind that he doesn't plan any ;:ontact work. USD worked out on offense yesterday. With the loss of Allee Now- den to Iowa State Teachers, Mccutcheon s a i d he has moved freshman Joe Gray, formerly ot St. Augu tine, up to the second unit. Another switch to bolster the backfield rinds Don Gilmore, a 190. pound end, moving to f u I J. back. Gilmore is a former All- ·outhern California Interscho- astic Federation player who performed at tailback at Lan. ·aster. tarlium. The , r Los Ange ·ho lo.·t to WORKOU

football season in Balboa St_adium _Saturday nighJ: The University of Mexico w1IJ flll"!11sh the compe tion as the Pioneers start their third season.

PIONEER PASSER-Quarterback Duane O'_Co~or will be handling the passing chores for ~~ 1 ':er{~i~ of San Diego's Pioneers ~hen they open e1r

EVEN/ Bro Pain Mexico Coach and university of Mexico"s foot. Luis Rodriguez, weighing in 1 ball team is reported in good/at 143 ~nd 139, respectively.. shape tor its game with Uni- USO s already bulky lme versity of San Diego Satur. added another star from last day night in Balboa Stadium year's team when guard Dick with one exception-its coach. lGardner, 5-foot-11 and 23.3 t o the Mexican team, is watch scho~i- from a six-month tour By J\lEL ZIKES 1 halfback Victor Velez Roberto Mendez, coach of pounds, reported back

USD's Coach Bob Mccutch- eon and his five aids saw the Mexico club in action last Sat- urday night when the Pumas dropped a 23-6 decision to East Los Angeles. And the score did not indicate the closeness of that battle. "They made five co.stly fum- bles in the first halt that ruined them," Coach Mccutcheon said. The Pumas operate froin a multiple offense, T-fonnation, single-wing, spreads, balanced and unbalanced line. Mccutcheon sala th e Mexi- cans are light but fast, a n d have three good backs in Vi_c- tor Velez, Luis Rodriquez, and Alonzo Ferna.ncez. Mccutcheon said he Is con- cerned about the Pioneers' Jack of backfield depth. With the loss of Allee ·ow- den to Iowa State Teachers, the USD mentor said he has moved / freshman Joe Gray, formerly of St. Augustine's, up to the sec- ond unit. Another Switch to bolster the backfield finds Don Gilmore 190-pound end, moving to full~ back. He is a former All-South- ern California Interscholastic Federation player who starred at tailback at Lancaster. ""Actually we have one fine set of backs but behind them the boys are Inexperienced," Mccutcheon said. He praised the work of Jan Chapman and Duane O'Conner at quarterback. ""Chapman is a fine ball handler and throws a pass like last year's quarterback Vern Valdez," Mccutcheon Said. ""O'Conner is a good signal caller and runner."

THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEM ER 18, 1958 0 Page b-1 What's Doing In Son Diego

tion "to develop an ambitious football program,"' Smith said, "but I think it will take about five years to reach a definite goal. "They have a great start and can do well as long as the fol- lowers don't g e t Impatient. USD is In a better location than St. Mary's, Santa Clara, or Loyola." Competition from major In· j stitutions forced these teams to quit football, he said. The university ''will have to buy good opposition to estab- lish a following," Smith said. ''I mean offering big guarantees, in other words, take a gamble." "If USD plans to move up gradually each YCl!r against tougher competition, it must have big seasons to retain in- tere t,"' he said. Smith said the football pro- gram posed • terrific chal- lenge but he felt the univer- ·ty was in an excellent area to/ · make the plan work. - - -----


East nsan Eg~rsu ~fleet; or: William Rusi, pr~si- California Westerr ·Uri!vers1tv, speo'ks on "The Future of Higher Edu- ~f; 0 ~~d ~~ubn-i7~~0 n"d dent

the San Diego area,




as cpmr,lled by the City Park and Re(;- Noon -Carillon recital, Balboa Pork. reat,on Department: 1 & 3 p.m•. Seal

shows, San Diego cation In San Diego,"







2:30 p,m. - 10 p,m.-MunlclPCI swim- Club; welfare foundation proqram. ming, Mission Beach Plunge. California Association of Public Sch!)OI 7!30 P.m.-Supper party dfnner dance, Business Officlals-12;30 p,n1;, Education 1 USO·NLCS. Center; panel discuss10n 9,t How to Ge 7:30 P.m. - Advanced round dance, al- Publicity for Your School. bc;ci;3 :a~~m~~~·encing class, Balboa Park


of m1htary duty. San Diego's line aver-






p.m.-Ad1,1onced square don e, Lo


s, w en

mg where ~e wa

Jolla Elementarv School.

nd-to-end and

does, as he 1s favormg a brok•tage 210 from

7:30 p,m.-Adult co-ed _recreation swim, COPiey YMCA, 3901 Lond11 Street. 7•30 pm - Photo competition, Photo- gro·phic 'Ar\s Building, Balboa Pork, and Art Center m La Jolla. , 8·30 pm -"Cat On o Hot Tin Roof' , coronod0 Playl'louse on the Strand. Servicemen may find USO facilities at the~e locations: 9'5o. f Ave,; .-079 St~ st • 550 w Broad· '226 Se1,1entt) Ave., s2i' B St Room Othe~,,fJ

jlhe Pioneers' overall tea m

en toe.

Mendez didn't suffer should out- break· while kicking about his lweigh the visitors by about loss to Los Angeles State in 20 pounds per man. the,average of 196

his opener last week, 23-6- it was broken before they left Mexico City Mendez hopes for breaks of a different ~ort Saturday night/ as his Pumas help USO open l its third seasi;m. However. tne Pumas aren't given too much of a chance of knocking off the Pioneers. The Mexican team is awful- ly light by American stand-1 ards with its two top stars,

Chap Pioneer

In Opener




By JOHNNY McDONALD Jan Chapman, an accurate thrower with four years of combined military and junior college football experience behind him, has earned the starting assignment at quarter- back for the University of. San Diego when the Pioneers open their campaign tomorrow night against the University of Mexico. Chapman, a 5-9, J70-pouncl- reason, thesr boys seem to er who won aU-state h i g h think all thev need to do is school honors m Kansas, has . • played two · seasons w j t h thrown theu- helmc1 on the Arkansas City J. C' and two field and the job ls done." more with the San Diego Nav- Veterans Bob Keyes, a 185- al Training Center. pound halfback, and Avalon "Chapman is a good passer Wright. a 190-pound fuUbacl , but Duane O'Connor. o u r also will open in the starting other signal caller, should see unit along with rookie To m •plenty of servke, too," coach Gates. a 195-pound halfback Bob Mccutcheon re led ye • iho played with the Hawaiian terday. Marines last .·eason. "Actually, O'Connor h1-1s a Starting l in e a signments sore arm," NrcCutcheon acid hl'cn i~su.,a lo cnct · C, ed. G Walke1 and Ray oast, '"My chief roncern at the at'kles Riek No, ack ,. n d moment. " the co a ch ad. Cl ai-Jie Franklin, llardq John milted, "is complacency and Mulligan and Bill Patten and overconfidence. For some ce nter Jack Garofono.

he 1938 college football season presen nd schedule beginning Friday and The San Diego Unlo 's gridiron task force moves into action at the same tine to ofter staff coverage of six games in three days. ~orts editor Jack Murphy will help inaugurate the ~ea n by reporting the season debuts of USC and UCLA whe the Trojans host Oregon State Friday night and t e Bruins entertain Pittsburgh Saturday afternoon in ~s Angeles' Memorial Coliseum. Howard Hagen will follow San Diego Slate's Aztecs 'to nla Barbara for their season opener Saturday night d then will report the Los Angeles Rams' exhibition tilt tU the Pittsburgh SteelPrs Sunday in Los Angele the local scene Johnny McDonald will describe the !'national tla\or and action oI the Saturday night i:-~me in Balboa Stadium between the University of San Diego and the University of M('xico. undav .McOonald will be on hand to report the Marine Corps 0 Recru1 De- pot"s home inaugural ag.tinst the Eagle Rock Athletic Club. its first full wee


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