sccrct rulcs and regulations have a masonic londency. Partly by voluntary contributions and parlly by founds of ils own this society of ladies and gentlemen has been ahlc to ereel a building on Citatelsveien worlhy of and most appropriale to its noble and blessed pur­ pose. lt is designed by Professor Meldahl, is of red brickword in the round-areh style, has a front of 160 feet, and arranged so tbal tho boys and the giris have seperate wings of the building for tlieir dwelling and instruction. The Institution contains sixty children, from 10 to 12 ycars of age. Instruction and maintenance is free for those whose parents cannot alTord to pay for them. The As yl um for the bl i nd, wliich up to 1858 was connected with the I ns t i t ut i on for Blind, is in Kjædens Gaard in lille Jlellig- geistræde. A number of blind men and women have hero free lodgings, food and clothing. The S o c i e t y for pr omo ti ng i nde p e n ­ de n t I ndu s t r y a mo n g the Bl i nd wa s founded in January 1862 and has for its ob- ject lo provide those of the blind that are inelined lo Avork Avith a proper occupation. The ereelion of a building is intended, in which the blind should Avork in concert, and a shop Avill soon bo eslablishcd in which tlieir Avorks Avill bc exposed for sale.

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