sions, among wliich, however, the dramalic performances were lo acl an subordinale part. The ground floor was thereforc arranged as a hazar, refreshmenl-rooms, dressing-rooms &c.; Ihe pergola, on Ihe firsl floor, was laid out as a winter garden, and tho two spacious saloons were appropriated partly for concerts and mas- querades, partly, when opportunily oflercd, lo dramalic and similar performances. But Ihcsc arrangements proved to fall short of; the establishment was deeply involved, and, afler the lapse of one year, it was on the point of failing. Having been placcd under administra­ tion, the establishment escaped entire ruin by the performances of a provincial company of players under the direclion of Mr. Lange. Thesc proved so allractivc that the manage­ ment were cnablcd to pay otT a part of the deht and lo allow good intcrest on the sliarc- holders. But in 1854 Mr. Lange disagreed with the managenenl, and the consequence was that he left Casino and establishcd the «Folketheatre». The competilion wliich licreby arose had hut a had influence on the affairs of«Casino. At present tho theatre is under the management of Mr. Rasmussen, to wliom it is hired out hy^llic sliareholders on rat)ier moderate terms,

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