Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

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Ramona to Have Resident Pastor; To Build Church Julian to Be Mission The Rev. Andrew W. Han- ley, formerly assistant at Holy Rosary church in San Bernardino, was appointed during the past week to or- ganize a new parish at Ramona, California, some 40 miles north- east of San Diego. Father Hanley found an en- thusiastic people to welcome his arrival. For the past six months His Excellency, the Most Rever- end Bishop, has held conferences with groups of Catholics in and near Ramonia relative to estab- lishing a Catholic center there. The Woman's Club (non-sectar- ian) of Ramona generously offer- ed their club rooms until a church edifice could be built. Different parcels of land have been considered and the Catholics of this thriving community have already shown a spirit of coopera- tion. Pending the appointment of their pastor to thoroug-.c1Iy investi- gate the most suitable location, no ground has as yet been selected for the compound. Father Hanley will acquire a residence in Ramona and imme- diately start the construction of a church. Heretofore the Franciscan Fathers in charge of the Indian missions have offered Mass in Ra- mona on Sundays and have organ- ized a convert class there. A commission of neighboring pastors has been formed to de- I termine boundary lines for the new parish, which will enjoy a wide area of several hundred square miles. Ramona has grown \ The Rev. Andrew William Han- ;ey, a native of County Roscom- mon, Ireland, was born on Febru- lry 1, 1914. H:e is an American itizen, having been naturalized rough his father. The newly-ap- ointed pastor made his elemen- ry studies at St. John's Mon- ry school in Baila Ghaderreen. e completed academic and col- giate courses at St. Mathy's in e same city, later attending St. bhn's seminary in Waterford t here he was ordained a priest on ne 16, 1940. Father Hanley ent two years as assistant at ~e Sacred Heart church in Cor- 1ado after which he was trans- 1rred to Holy Rosary church in :i.n Bernardino where he has irved since September 30, 1942. Rev. A. W. Hanley to Form New Parish; 1 considerably in late years and bids fair to be an important suburban parish within the next d~cade. Ordained in 1940

_________ ,.1-r·1 Messages Congratulating Bishop on \ Installation Anniversary Still Arriving (Continued from Page 1) . lency's tenth anniversary as Bish- members of the Father Serra club op of San Diego Diocese, I wish to offered attendance ~t 200 Masses, offer my personal congratulations. 100 Holy Communions, 100 ros- "I know, both from observation , aries, and 50 Holy Hours. and from the District Chaplain, Chalice Presented that you have always been most A gold chalice was presented to generous in aiding the spiritual , His Excellency by Mr. Edward A. ministry of the Chaplains in this McFadden, prominent Catholic area, and the termination of hos- layman of San Francisco, who at- tilities has not lessened your great tended the anniversary ceremonies interest in the men of the naval in person and was introduced at service. such active interest the luncheon. The chalice was through the years on the part of made under the personal supervi- all religious leaders will go far to- sion of the donor, who gave it in ward maintaining a Navy of the memory of his devoted parents, highest standard. William and Mary McFadden. "Permit me, then, to join your Of Roman style, this sacred ves- many friends in sending this sin- sel is a precious work of art. Sur- cere greeting and letter of appre- mounting the elegant plain base ciation."



Shown above are some of the many members of the clergy and the laity who attended the luncheon held at the El Cortez hotel in honor of the Most Reverend Bishop. At the luncheon tributes were paid to the San Diego prelate by representatives of the clergy, the sisters, the children, and the laity of the diocese, and messages of congratulations from widely-scattered points were read. At right, the Most Reverend Bishop is shown imparting his bene• diction at the Mass the anniversary of his installation. The Mass, which was s-ang by the Franciscan seminary choir from San Luis Rey monastery, was attended by more than 160 priests and more than 800 religious, as well as large numbers of lay men and women. -:------~=======------- - -

surface, an engravure traces the coat of arms of the Most Rever- end Bishop. Of general interest among the many messages of congratulations received by the Most Reverend Bishop are the following: Cabrillo Council, Knights of Col- umbus, sent His Excellency this message: RESOLUTION Adopted by Knights of Columbus, Cabrillo Colll!.cil No. 2891 At a regular meeting of Knights of Columbus, Cabrillo Council No. 2891, held on January 17, 1947, the following resolution was adopted: "RESOLVED, That February 5, 1947, marks the tenth anniversary of the elevation of His Excellency,

Temple Beth Israel \ Signed by Rabbi Morton J. Cohn and Mr. Nathan F. Baranov, presi- dent of Temple Beth Israel, the I following telegram was received by the Most Reverend Bishop: "The Members of Temple Beth Israel offer warm congratulations on the tenth anniversary of your installation. Your consecrated leadership has elevated the relig- ious life of our entire community and made for brotherhood among men of all creeds. May you be spared for many more years of de- voted service to the glory of God and the welfare of humanity."

BRAWLEY HOSPITAL COMMITTEE PRAISED AS PLANS DEVELOP BRAWLEY-Preceding his ad- dress to the Knights of Columbus here, the Most Reverend Bishop met with a group of citizens to form a special committee to fur• ther the erection of a hospital in or near Brawley. Reports of the committee show that lawyers have been employed to check state and federal laws governing h o s p i t a 1s. It was brought out that according to fed- eral regulations, the Valley district of more than 60,000 people is en- titled to government subsidy, es- pecially in view of the urgent needs of a completely equipped hospital, In advising the committee, the Most Reverend Bishop made it clear that he did not approve of attempting to sail under false col- ors. The hospital would be definite- ly a Catholic institution, pursuing Catholic ideals and observing mi• nutely Catholic ethics. The San Diego Ordinary mad~ it clear to the committee that the Church would have no part in a hospital unless it had complete control of its management and its ethical policy. His Excellency expressed deep satisfaction and commended the committee for their serious ef• forts and interest in the project, Plans have been laid out and the intricate problems of the under• taking are under careful research. The Most Reverend Bishop has provided for the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth to staff the hospital. This religious order also are in charge of St. Mary's hospital in Chicago. Measures have already been adopted by the lay committee for the complete financing of the in• stitution so that when the Sisters take charge they will be free from the problem of finances.

Begin Building Addition to San Ysidro Academy Construction has begun on an addition to San Ysidro academy, which is expected to bring relief for the overcrowded conditions there, according to Sister Rosa- mond, Mother Superior of the in- stitution. The several thousand dollar pro- ject, which is scheduled to be com- pleted by September, will include the building of two additional classrooms, a cafeteria and a meeting place for the Catholic Boy Scout troq,p. The new buildings will be joined with the present academy struc- ture by archways to form a quad- rangular structure. Enrolled at the academy are nearly 350 children in the first eight grades. Last year 100 child- ren were turned away because of lack of classroom facilities but with the added two rooms now as- sured, and possibilities of more next year, Sister Rosamond, Moth- er Superior, is looking forward to being able to extend the educa- tional program for ninth and tenth grade work. The academy now has a new movie projector, for use il). visual education projects, and a new elec- tric refrigerator has also been pur- chased for the cafeteria. Further progress is also being made on the practice :field for the academy football team. Grading operations have already started < and two large palm trees have < been removed from the field. I 1 ,... ____ r!-- ,. ..

Mr. Earl R. Newton, San Diego

Charles Francis Buddy, the fire marshal, wrote: episcopacy of the Diocese of San "Your Excellency: Diego. In. full recognition of this "I wish to offer you my congrat- memorable occasion and of the in- ulations on your completion of ten numerable and far reaching mer- years service as Bishop of the Dio- itorious deeds of His Excellency cese of San Diego. during this period, Knights of Col- "I consider that these have been umbus Cabrillo Council No. 2891 very successful years marked by hereby extends to His Excellency accomplishment of good for the its sincerest congratulations along community and an era of harmony · with the prayer for his continual between all religious groups in the guidance, under the Divine Light community." of Christ Our Lord, for many years to come." City Councilman Writes Mr. Ernest J. Bond, San Diego Telegram from Mr. Scott City Councilman, extended con- The following telegram was re- gratulations as follows: ceived by the Most Reverend Bish- "My dear Bishop Buddy: op from the Honorable Joseph "I wish to extend to you as both to

Scott of Los Angeles:

a Citizen and a Friend, my sin- 1

"On this t enth anniversary of cere




your deserved elevation

to the tenth Anniversary of your efforts join with the and achievements in this your Dio-

episcopacy may I

grateful members of your beloved cese. flock in extending my heartiest fe- licitations and best wishes

"No one can detract from your I for work and paramount effort-that "From the bottom of my heart do I appreciate, and I am sure San Diego must realize, your will- ing, unselfish and constructive ef- forts for the good of your City as a whole, in every way. For the past nearly seven years I have been in a position to observe that effort.

your continued success as the chief of Religious Faith. shepherd of the venerable see of

San Diego. Ad Multos Annos.''

Vice Admiral J. B. Olendorf, USN, expressed his congratula- tions to the Most Reverend Bish- op, as follows: "Your Excellency: , "On the occasion of your Excel- "I trust it may be my privilege I to so address you again upon th_e I occasion of your twentieth Anm- \ versary as Head of the San Diego Diocese."

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