Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
Bishop Cal~s for Resignations of Members of City School Board SD Prelate Praises Challenges Board, Exposing Weakness Of I ts Stand on Released Time Program Four members of the San Diego Board ef Education, ,vho had voted against continuation of the "released time" program in the San Diego city schools, were asked to resign M J P B d . . Sgr.
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by His Excellency the Most R~verend Bishop of San Diego I m an open letter. "Self- M MM h Exposing the weakness of their
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effacing humility, patience, i loyalty and apostolic zeal" A dd H war e w:re among e qua 1 ies a - tr1buted to the Rt. Rev. Msgr. B p p• James P. Brady, V.G., P .A ., pas- y ope IUS tor of St. Mary's church here, by F'or outstanding th l ·t· t
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Bishop asked the board members to resign "to serve the best inter- ests of this community." Calling their vote against the released time program "another victory for as the atheistic Kremlin and its bru-
His Excellency, the Most Rev. credit manager of Mercy Hospi- tal Communist doctrine, which Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Bishop of tal during the past 22 years Mrs. rates the child as a mere creature San Diego, in his sermon on the Marie Barrett McMahon was pre- of the state," the prelate blamed occasion of the Solemn Pontifical sented the cross "pro ecclesiae et the board's action on "shallow Mass celebrated by Monsignor pontifice" Sunday afternoon, May thinking and unbelief," and called Brady to mark his Golden Sacer- 18, in St. Joseph's cathedral. their arguments "puerile-sheer dotal Jubilee. The papal cross was presented nonsense-offensive to intelligent The Mass was celebrated Wed- to Mrs. McMahon by her son, the people." nesday morning, May 21, at St. Rev. Robert E. McMahon, S.J., -------------- Mary's church, with the Most Rev. who celebrated the Mass at which Full text of the Most Rever- Charles H. LeB!ond, D.D., Bishop His Excellency, the Most Reverend end Bishop's open letter to the of St. Joseph, presiding. Bishop, presided and delivered the school board will be found else- where on this page. "He it was who inspired my vo- sermon. cation," the San Diego prelate Mrs. McMahon and the episcopal "Your decision, which totally stated, referring to the jubilarian, party were preceded by a Marine who, as Apostolic Administrator color guard Cathedral Girls' High ignores th e advice of experts in of the Diocese of St. Joseph had School men~bers of the Legions of moral training, bo th c3:tholic and once been his Ordinary. The Most the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and ProteS t ant, flagrantly violates the . . t d t th t Mary, an honor guard of Mercy principles of our American way of Reverend B1~hop porn e ou a life," His Excellency charged. "from childhood, in fact from the nurses, special escorts Sir Nich- first day of Monsignor Brady's olas and Lady Helen Martin, ordination, I have derived unceas- and Mrs. McMahon's granddaugh- ing encouragement out of his self- ter, Miss Marie Louise McMa- effacing humility, patience, Joy- hon, who served as maid of alty and apostolic zeal." (Continued on Page 3) Former Acolytes Assist Assisting at the Mass were the --1 Rev. Charles S. Nowland, the Rev. Protests on the board's action in killing the released time program have been received from many fair-minded individuals, ,both Cath- olic and non-Catholic. Some have suggested recall of the school board members, but others have expressed the opinion that they will see the advantage their resig- nations will offer the community. Augustine F. McNeill, the Rev.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. P. Brady, V. G., . P. A.
Robert Ready, 0.S.B., the Rev. ' Donald S. Miller, the Rev. Vincent Barsch, O.S.B., and the Rev. Aloy- (Cohtinued on Page 2)
Many of the protests have stressed the necessity of religious training in the school, and have expressed deep regret that the program is being terminated in San Diego schools despite the fact that surrounding communities, such as San Bernardino, Riverside, Los Angeles, Coronado, and many large cities throughout the nation have found the released time pro- gram successful.
It has been noted that this was the first time in the history of School Board Stand Challenged {Continued from Page 1) San Diego that both Catholic legal advice is needed, it is cus- tomary to consult a lawyer, ai1d it was expected that in ·this mat- ter the school board would show and some respect for the opinion of that these men, who realize the priests and ministers, who are ex- . necessity of proper education for perts on the question of essentials t youth', had agreed upon the worth in the education of young people. I , of the program. Noting that in Los Angeles, ; At least one expert on the mat- when a Jewish rabbi had objected ter has pointed out that when to the released time program he · medical advice is needed, it is cus- had been overruled, many non- tomary to consult a doctor, when Catholics as well as Catholics still hold hope that more enlightened personnel on the school board priests and Protestant ministers · had cooperated for the general ·t 1 Vl:'elfare of the commum Y, I
would approve the released time program for the San Diego city schools.
Mrs. Marie Barrett McMahon is shown above receiving from His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop the papal decree announc- ing that sl1e 'had been awarded the cross "Pro Ecclesi~ et Pon- tifice" for her distinguished services at Mercy Hospital. Mrs. McMahon's son, the Rev. Robert E. McMahon, S.J., who pinned the medal on 'his mother, is shown in the background. (Cali- fornia Photo Service.)
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