Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

IEGO=~u--N"l~OUN-, TH-U"ll'5~o==""olNING,


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800 Hear Mass Celebrated for A. V. Mayrhofer '[ OL rtpe~, ... •hirle ,.pee him; r~ ti. rat bl ,..,. 1'hn. won!J lrun the &oma..'1 Calhcllc Ku. of the Dead were prr,r.oul'ltcd ,,mrdl,y at • Sole· .n H•lh lwl ot ft.l'llutan C<:'lrM!i Pon- hhct for Albert VLnccont MA)'TI'lof • &I, San D1c1n·, f•nt P•pal Knlcht and Jon,tlmc, l:ivtc ind buslne.a ludtr. At on, ,:,f tb• Jarnrt funeral, i.n !<)Cal Catholk hiat.ory, mc,re than aoo ~non• paid t1n11J tribute &o ?air ~byrh r,r dwina: tht JOW,nn cf'rnnorun 1n St.. Jobeph'1 Calht• ·~, POUCt I'.\ E~CORT Thc IWlffll prottslion. 1pprozl- m1tely I blOC'kJ Iona-........ escortt'd by IS motorcyelt patrolmen from I the Ran D!e10 Pnhc, De-partl'l'ltnt , ~,.!! H~~1., ;t~,~11~,;;mo~ttg~ I Ct1y·1 ploneen are burl~- 'nit hu,::e stone croq mut,nr tbc 1rave of Father AntOTllo D Ubad1, wbo built the hnt Si. Jowph"• Cathedral heN, i11 Mt"'"ffD tha1 tomb and tbe )tay,-hofu !arrulJ' plot, Prlfft, trom the four DHntrltS I ol the S.n DIHO Dioct~ partid- t'~ l~~n:."::;;:~ti~~ :~: I ~!~ou:ndd"~~~:;nd!~~~ i f~mitr bualntts U10c:Jatt1 of 1he d-aatd 11'o were J)fe-enl n RST TO BE UO:-iORED


HILDRE~ i-,l"G The Childun·1 Choir Clf St ~•.~:v~~hr':\:r.;~ll~hn~ tttor. 1poke a rew word• of :,mpa.thy to lhe family. At the unt of lhe deceued. there w.. euloa,. Moel Rt'V. rrand1 Buddy, o.. BisbOp or the Diocew. pre- ded •t the hlah altar and. at lht l~ or the MUI. the Bishop. with pproximaltly 35 prif"~ti,. ll'acortNI e tHket to the \'t'$libule. The~, fter pro1rtuing through a doublt column formed by the hMor ,ru•rd. u~~ii:;te!:r,,:\.: 1 ~:; l,,'.!i:~ nn, or lvl blesstnc of tht bodJ' ·ith holy water and inetnM. RG:\SJZ.,\ TIOSS A ID Tht honor ,ruard wu made up or l'mbera of lht Third of SL 1:,~1~.~a~u~i::!n~f I~: htute. and Native Son$ and Nitilvc aw.:htl"n of the Golden Weal, In -h!ch Mr. Mayrhofer formerly wu 11\'t, om«ra of the Mus were Rt,· ,. Mitl'lad O'Shea. pastor of St i.rnothy•• P.rish. Los An11:tltt, leaton of the Mus: Rev. Fr. .Mat- ~~:-°'R~,~! ~ro~ie~ n1rls. ff(Tf:lary to the Bi"'op, d J•mr:i Ludwtr, amst&nt at the 1hedr1ll. maJteri of ceremonies. HAPLAINS ASSIST Chaplain• t,) Bishop Buddy were ev. Fn. Malaehy o·suthan. of ational City, and Jasepb V. Clark• . of La Jolla. Abo at the altar h:rinlt' the M.a• 9,•ere RL Rrvs.. ...ant·• C. Ott and Laurence FOT• 'flllal. ud Ver1 Rev. Franklin ~d At the eemttuy, )tsgr. Htp:ty leM/ld. the cravt and conducted , final ob~tq1,1e~. assi~ted by ather Dill.,n. Thf' plot, where Mr.

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