Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948


Prone before the altar as Litany is sung to ask the Deity to make them worthy to be received Into the order of priesthood, these four seminarians take vows at St. Joseph's Cathedral. At r I g ht, Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D.D., Bishop of the San Diego Diocese, prays with his priests. The new priests are, left to right, Rev. Frs. John C. Desmond, Modesto Capetllle, Michael Nolan and Earl Smith.

Bishop Buddy Ordains Four To Priesthood at St. Joseph 1 s Four young m e n yesterday then will pronounce her name and pledged life-long service and self- give her the special blessings o abnegation in the priesthood of the the church. Thenceforth, she wil Catholic Church a& they received be known as Sister Alana of th the Sacrament of Holy Orders at Heart of Jesus. the h_ands of Most R~v. Charles SAN DIEGO MAN AWAITS Franc1~ Budd;y, D.D., Bishop of the ORDINATION JUNE u San Diego Diocese. . More than 1000 persons witnessed R_ev. Patrick R_ussell Sbaules, a the ancient 2-hour ceremony in St. native of San Diego, will be or- Joseph's Cathedral. The new dained a priest in the Society of priests, all of whom completed their Jesl.15, June 12, i_n St. Mary's Cathe- studies for ordination at Immacu. ,dral, San,Franc1sco. late Heart Seminary, El Cajon, are He will celebrate his first Solemn Rev. Frs. Earl Smith. 27: Modesto Mass at St. Rita's Church, 5124 Capetillo, 35; Michael Nolan, 23, Churchward St., June 20, with Rev. and John C. Desmond, 25. Fr. Joseph Hill, pastor, as assistant Bishop Buddy celebrated the priest. Mass, which was inter:upt_ed at the I Father Shaules. the son of Mrs. sequence for the ordmatlon cere- William A. Shaules attended Our I mony, At this point each candi•, Lady of the Angels Parochial da~e was called to the order of School, St. Augustine High School, priesthood. As .they appro:l:ched. and Los Angeles Junior Seminary. the altar, the B1~hop admomshed He entered the Society of Jesus in them on the gravity of the orders Los Gatos, Sept. 7, 1935. and taught they were t~ take and told them at Loyola Univer!'i.ty Los Angeles of _the virtues and.ideals that should from 1942 to 194"s_ 'He was bor~ shme forth in their lives. June 27 1914 The candidates prostrated them- ' ·

selves on the floor of the sanctuary in the ancient posture of penitential I supplication while the solemn Litany of the Saints was sung. After a triple blessing, the dea• cons arose and were made priests by the Apostolic ceremony. The new priests joined in con- celebration of the Mass with Bishop Buddy, The brown tunic and scapular and the white mantle of the Dis- calced Carmelite Nuns will be giv- en to Miss Ruth Sloan, of Denver, after a Solemn High Mass Coram Pontifice at.9:30 this morning, when she is mvested as a Sister. Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy. D.D., Bishop of the San Diego Diocese, will preside at the Mass and the -:resentation in the Carmelite Mon- ,stery on Ha,~ley Blvd. During the Mass, Miss Sloan will kneel at the grating separating the Nuns' Choir from the public chap- el. She will wear the wedding dress and veil of her sister, Mrs. Alice Zetelmair, and will carry the flow. er-trimmed candle of the Carmelite Order. At the close of the Mass, the Bishop will question Miss Sloan. She then will leave the chapel to lay aside the bridal white for the heavy wool and sandals of the Dis- calced Carmelite Nuns and return to the grating to receive the scapu- lar, cincture and mantle. The novice will offer herself to a life of prayer and penance for the world during the chanting of DENVER GffiL TO RECEIVE I CA..R.~IELITE ROBES HERE

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