Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948



Fund for Starving Children Still Open for Contributions ' Contributions totalling $104.65 were received from --wo parishes and two individuals by the Southern Cross Relief Fund for Starving Children during the past week, bringing the total received to date to $30,643.01. The fund will remain open asl-'------------ long as there are contributions. It A complete list of the fund's IS not too late to make your dona- receipts during the week Col- tion. , lows: PreYlou.s donations , . ,130.53836 1 t:i~t~?tt~f~i:t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.... !~

THE QUESTION: Should San Dier o .have a municipal band?

Bis ~xcclle!9CY, Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of San Diego Diocese: "A San Diego Municipal Band would be a forward mark. It would spell progress !or our city. There arc so ·many good t~~idy~~~r:ceba~n~~:t~ \\i~ul:af~; Park m connection with the organ concerts. These ~o;lc~h~ ~:rl~;,n~~e famous through-


bnngmg pleasure to countless ~ thousands o( toui1sts and our own people. A band of 50 p1cccs-pattc1 ncd after the great municipal band al Long Beach-would furnish all-the- ycar employment for union ~;~~de~:d:· o(ss: D1:::~nd 0 ~ 1 bcttc1 place m which to hve" Daniel J. Redmond, accountant 4104 Couts Street: "J'm a. brass band enlhusia;t, although 1 ncvc! played m a band, as our young son does. l su1e would vote for a small levy in taxes to support a municipal band the. year 'round. My, :k~ 1 ~\ ~h~1f:r"~~aJ



War Veterans, indicative of high - omce tn pmented to Hi• Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, Monday, Add"t" July 29. by Pad,e Junipe,o Sma the o,ganlzatton, WU R 1 · . e ieJ

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Eighteen contributions totalling $311.40 were received during the past week by the Southern Cross Re1ief Fund for Starving Children to bring the total received to date to

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' what a bl~mg the_ Bonham boys' band has bC<'n to San Diego affairs! Looking back at civic i:~nh 1 !in wy~c:n:~e 1 ~-~g~~a:e ~f;it ~vha:r:~~i 1 3! 1 ~hc1!~ ~elves proud,. and make San Diego throw out its chest. This band has never received a cent of pay for the hundreds of civic affairs it has t;i~da~ 0 J' P~o~h!l'sm~~;ia~~ get a municipal the salary they deserve."


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The ofticcrs and members of $30,317.20. Padre Junlpero Serra Post No. The contributions, inc I u din gl not yet past. Further donations in five memorial gift3, a thanksglv- will be welcome, and, like the !view of Your Excellency'a interest ing for a favor received, parish earlier receipts, will be forwarded 1 and patronage voted to tender and Individual donations. His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, 1 Your Excellency the gold badge of a continuing interest in this coun- 1 for purchase of food to be dis- the Order. try In the plight of starving chU- tributed by Catholic agencies lo This badge, while simple in de- dren in other, I~ fortunate, na- starving children throughout the sign, typifies, we believe, the pur- lions. world. poses for which we are formed. Although the fund ha.a passed Contributions received during The gold color is reserved for use the thirty thousand dollar mark the week were as follows: by high ranking officer! of this Previous donations . . . ..... , ,.... ,. , .. ... ,130,005.80 organization. In view of the fact 1n Memory or Ellen Bogue 60.'>0 that Your Excellency is the high- In Mcmors of Peter Bogue ..........• , . . . . 50.00 est ranking officer of the Catholic ~~~~~r~'h~:~-h~&~~~t'I\Ch':::::::::::·· g~:88 ~:l~rl~;t!:~:st~"bt!spp°r:,op:~:~~-we v~~~:~;~~1:!c~xe5" . ~tgg "' In Memory or Mrs. Mary Re&e Marco La Colla . . . . . 20.00 Accept, Excellency, again the In Memor ot M:rti.. B<-rnard L. Majewski, Chicago, Ill. . continued assurance of the Joyal ..... . 8Ut1Cr.' Po\lii(i~. Oi. ' ..' .' ...•. support and deep personal devo- Heart of Mary ·········••·•··• 782, Catholic War Veterans, pt remains open, for the ~i;

W. H. Johnson, advertisinr solicitor for Southern Cross La ltlesa: "A tax levy to supPorl a municipal band would be so S!llall that it would not be no- ticed on the tax bill and just think of the enjoyment daily concc1·Ls would' brin_tt to tourists and othc1• citizens! I have h<'ard it said tkat tourists were attracted to Long Beach because of ils municipal band. We lrnvr the fine Balboa Park, Cultut·cd musical people and most everybody enjoys a good band. The tax levy in mills would be so small the average taxpayer would not notice it. San Diego

lags behind in not having a band that is sup- ported by the taxpayers." L. L. Hannah, ~fission Beach: ''There should a band concert every day in San Diego or Mission Beach. We've had a great boys' band for many years and services have been given free or charge. Now why not have a City band and .perhaps many of these youngsters could qualify and become m~mbers. All this municipal band thought needs 1s for some civic-mindc-d f!roup to ~ct back or it and present to the public the benefits th~t.would come to San Diego. Sure I'm for a municipal band." A. H. Anderson. l\lanarer Gilman Gist Jn- surance Agency, 2345 Bancroft Street: "Daih·

10.00 10.00 10.00 ,oo ,.oo 3.CO

lion of the officers, trusteea and members ot Padre J unlpero Serra art . Bar$Chaw .......... ...... , .... . .. Post No. 782 of the Catholic War t~rsT~1i!::r:f~~g'ro~t·F!~~~1~~~~ ,' ·····• Vclerana. Mrs. Celeste T. Hayden . •. St. Mary·s Church, Escondido . ' (Signed): David L. Anderson Tommy Timberman ....... .. , Adjutant TOTAL ............... ,

. .... . _. . .. ...,

2.01) 2 !ll 1.59




~l~~o. !~!;al~~ ,\ould make htflc difference m the total: some a few cent d th~ la~·ger taxpaye1·s only a few dollars a year. We will bes back mto ~he tourist businc~s soon and daily band concerts' 1ik~ lhf"y ha':e m D~nvcr and olh~r cities our size would be wonderful " .. Todays question was tubm,tt<"d b11 Cha.rlotte Eigenmaim, 111 Rob- inson Strt'<'l. TIie Journal pays $1 for each question used. ~s to. thcc 0 i~~~~\du:r~d!t~('o:

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