Alcala Yearbook 1995
OLD TRADITIONS DIE HARD community without ,1 tr,1di– tion \Vouki lw like ,rn indi– vidu,1I without memory . And like memory in ,111 indi– vidual, tr,1dition hdps,1 com– munity to grow ,ind ,1ssimi– l.lte new experience in tl \N,lY which presen'L'S it's fund,1ment,1I intl'grity .ind idl'ntity." - Thom,1s I'. R,1ish , SJ
In the fin ,1I bdon' Presicknt Hughes· rdirL:nwnt ,ind the install– ment of ,l Ill'\\' presidL•nt, the whole USO community is forced to t,1ke ,1 close look ,it both it's tr,1ditions .ind it's futurL'. Likl' I'. R,rnsh s,1vs, tlwre ,ire ,1lw,1vs those tr,1di – tit;ns th,1t won't die-,rnd th,1t USD will hold de,u in it's lw,irt hirc\-er. The lmm,icul,1t,1, tlw crest, ,rnd till' st,1nd,1rdsof ,ic.idemicexcl'lkncc ,ire some of thL'SL' tr,1ditions . E\'en thoug h USD is on tlw brink of m,rny ch,rnges, tlwse ,ind many other tr,1 - ditions \Viii be tlw found,1tion which till' school will grow from . Wh,1t – e\'er ch,rnges tlw futun' m,1y hold , USD is biL'SSL'd with students, f,ic– ulty, ,ind st,1ff possL'Ssing till' wis– dom ,rnd initi.iti\'e to k,1d tlwschool to ,rn even higher level of L;xcelknce in tlw upcoming yec1rs. As we look the futun' promises many ch,rnges, yet no m.ittl'r wh,1t h,1p– pens our found,1tions will remain strong because - Old Tr,1ditions Die H,ud .
Left: P rhaps the most r cognizable symbol on campus, th e Imma culata repr e– s n ts th traditi ons of almost a quarter of a century of history at USO.
A members po e with Sister Lorch at the gra nd opening of Tradition , where the vi ion of the Crill 's renova ti on became a rea lity th rough many hours of hard work.
Th USO crest stands as a permanent reminder of tradition at USO to bo th res id ents and visitors.
Right: Dr. Hughes in 1986 Below: Dr. Hughes and his wife Majorie d ine with USO tudents a t the annual Family Weekend tailga te dinner.
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Above: Dr. Hughe poses with his w ife Marjorie and their four children on his first day as president in 1971. Right: Dr.Hughes with Bishop Leo Maheron the day of his installment.
All photos cou rtesy of the Uni versi ty of San Diego Archives.
Left: Dr. Hughes addresses parents in Shiley Theatre at the Parents Day Orienta– tion in 1982.
Below: Dr. Hughes describes the master plan for the Univeristy from 1985-1995. Most of these visions have already be– come a reality.
24 Years of Jrad/iion PRESIDENT HUGHES
e knew there was great po– tential here, but it has sur– passed my expectations in regard to where we stand today as a private institu– tion. Whatmakesitthemost
Report ranked USO as fourth overall among western regional liberal arts universities. In addition, they ranked USO ninth in aca– demic reputation among the top 60 regional campuses nationwide. No individual isasdeservingofthecredit for the Univeristy'sacademicintegrity, com– mitment to traditional values, and the close– knit community we take pride in today than our president Dr. Author Hughes'. Twenty-four years after Dr. Hughes in– stallment, the University has surpassed all expectations in becoming the prestigious institution that began as merely a vision in 1971. As he hands over the reins to a new president, Dr. Hughes' contributions to the growth and development of USO will for– ever be embedded in the foundations which support this prestigious university. The future is sure to bring many changes as well as the continuation ofUSD's high aca– demic standards, however the traditions Dr. Hughes has made a fundamental part of USO will never die.
fulfilling is that while it's easy to relate the growth in terms of budget and enrollment and faculty and buildings on campus, that growth has occurred along with a simulta– neous growth in the quality of the institu– tion." - Dr. Author Hughes In 1971, Dr. Author Hughes took over the reigns of a fledgling university, created through the merger of the San Diego College for Women, the College for Men, and the School of Law. From it's birth, USO was the object of high expectations. However it has surpassed even the visions created almost a quarter of a century ago as that potential became a real– ity. USO has earned a solid reputation as an outstanding private institution in Southern California. In 1990 U.S. News and World
Above: Dr. Hughes and his wife Marjorie dance the night away. During his term as president they were honored as Outstand– ing qtizens by Catholic Community Ser– vice m 1986 and are a Knight and Lady of the Holy Sepulchre.
NOT THE SAME OLD THING g In English cbss thl' profos– sor ,1lw,1Vs s,1id th,1t the opening p.u,1gr,1ph is to tl'II tlw rl',1lkr where you have nmw from ,rnd to givl',1 hint of wlwre you plan to go vvith
yZnir papl'r. This idl',l also ,1pplies to thl' opl'ning of this yl'.irbook. With ,1 look at thl' long standing traditions of 0-\\'l'l'k ,rnd tlw city of San Diego itsl' lf, Wl' Sl'l' soml' of thl' history and background of USD. Thl'se.iresome of tlw things th,1t rl'presl'nt the pres– tigious found,1tion th,1t USO h;1s built up through thl' ymrs. Still, ,1s we see the compktl' makl'O\"l'r of thl' Crilll' into Tr,1ditions, Wl' ,Hl' givl'n that hint of 1w,,· ch,rngl's that arl' st,uting to h,1ppL'n. In thl' upcoming Vt.'ars USD will go through thl'se changes th,1t will continul' to take it to new and highl'r st,rndards of excl'lknce. By using thl' foundation and tra– ditions th,1t h,we bl'L'n established, USD c,rn usl' what it already knows to grow up ,1nd bl'come e\'L'n stron– gl'r.
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Left: USD tudent smil e during ha lf– time, hoping the ni ght will end in victory.
Thewomen of Gamma Phi Beta come together to enjoy a rela xing afternoon at the
Julie Baumgarten and Kristen Hy le enjoy the Homecoming game with fri ends, despite the dreary wea ther.
Homecoming foo tball ga me.
Right: Freshmen take a break from shop– ping at the Alcala Bazaar to smile for a picture. Below: Freshmen enjoyed a Hawaiian din– ner and luau by the pool, while being entertained by authentic Polynesian danc– ers.
Above: Andy Kerr and Jay Parks ea t a good meal in preparation for their hula dancing dubut. Right: These guys show off their water balloons before breaking them in the wa– ter balloon to s.
Or1"enlal10n Weeb Tv\TO - v\THEELIN'
new place and assimila te stud n ts into the USD community. For many tud ents this was their first experience with USD's traditions. During this week fres hmen became acquainted with longs tanding trad iti ons. They met friends and teachers who will tay w ith th m through th ir years a t USD and be– yond. 0-Week p rovid ed students with a chance to become acquainted with USD, the Sa n Di go a rea, and other student .
rienta ti on Week is a USD tradition going back many years. Every fa ll incoming fre hmen are welcomed into the USD community
tram, and c okies and lemonade. Although 0 -Week is fill ed with time– honored traditions, ach student's experi– ences are d ifferen t and everyone gains something unique, whether it bean wly found friend , an ex tra-curri cular ac tivity to become involved with, a feeling of be– longing to th USO community, or m rely having survived their firs t week at col– lege.
with a week packed fu ll of Squa re Danc- ing, Field Day, a Hawaiia n Luau, the Alca la Bazaar, a boa t cruise of San Diego Harbor, Ca ino ight, and the Annual Sand Castle buildi ng con tes t. This fu n
filled week is intend ed to ease the transi-
tion from th comforts of home toa strange
Students are introduced to the library, the
Le ft: Bria n Pozzi and his 0-Week group how their spirit in competition to get in line firs t for th BBQ on Field Day.
Above: 0-Team lead ers, Michelle Shipp, Jodi Dawson, Tom Cosgrove (Associa te D an), Sasha Peek, icole Me ineo, and Jenn Hollar prove tha t they can have just as mu ch fun as the fre hmen .
Conveniently located near the campus. Presidio provide a place for man student organizati n to ponsor car washe
Som USD students choose to ventur south of the border for a night of dancing and fun in T.J.
lr,p 1 .~ Ii Ii Ii ~ I I i i ■
Nico's is always ready when USD students get a case of the midnight munchies
Below: When the parties are over the fun is just beginning at the Pennant and Beachcomber as upperclassmen con– grega te there.
Left: One of the most popular ways to spend your cash plus– YPD delivers piping hot pizza to your door.
o some it is known as "America's Finest City," to others it is their home away from home, and to still others it is their native city. Whatever the case may be San Diego offers something for every–
one. For the outdoors person, San Diego provides both the climate and surroundings tha t allow any number of possibilities. Sports fans are sure to find a favorite in one of San Diego's profes ional teams. Balboa Park, the Old Globe Theater, the Zoo, and the San Diego Opera provide numerous cul tural opportuniti s. However aside from the big city life and tourist a ttractions, student from USD have found hospi– tality in local businesses and restaurants. Whether it be grabbing a midnight snack at Nico's, ordering pizza on your cash plus, or going south of the border for a n evening on Revolution, USD stundents have made their place in San Di go. They have found local hangouts they can call home.
Mission beach offers s tudents year round fun rollerblading, sunbathing, surfing, or a relaxing hideway.
Left: Greg Johnson shows hi true Torero spirit, by wearing various types of USO apparrel to the Homecoming game.
Below: To how their support for the USO foot– ball team, alumni and students fill the tadium and cheer the team to victory.
:Jlomecomin 1994
Ithough the weather may have been dark and gloomy, the Home– coming spirit was in the air and the festivities continued. Many alumni came back to support their alma mater and once again cheer on the football team. Excitement generated throughout the stands that were specked with blue and white as the crowd waved pompom and banner to rally the team to victory. The
cheerleaders shouted cheers vibrating the stands and pumping up the fans. The Homecoming court shimmered with elegance as USO crowned a new royal court, which had been selected by their peers. It wa impo ible to escape the excitement in the air. The Toreros were pumped and hungry for a victory. Their desire to win showed in their playing as the Torero's silenced the Evansville Purple Aces with a 28-16 victory.
Number 21 plans his
trategy to ploV\
through two Evansville players
Left: 1994 Homecoming King and Queen Noli Zosa and Gina Petelin were crowned at the game. Below: Just like in the game, the USO football team shows th y are a united force to be dealt with.
Vince Moi o growls at the competition.
1994 Homecoming Court - (Left to Right) Ray Tan, Lucas Haan, Steve Shipley, Matt Hill, Alex Villalobos, oli Zosa, Gina Petelin, Grace akpawan, Jenn McCann, icole Messineo, Michelle Cox, and Chri tina Dominguez.
Right: This years winners of the Deans Tro– phy were Alpha Delta Pi and Phi Kappa Theta. Below: Choral Scholars seranade the crowd.
The USD Torero, one of the football team's
Parents and students alike thoroughly enjoyed the game.
greatest fans.
Left: The crowd jumps to their feet as the Torero run th ball through the endzone.
While listening to the National Anthem, the cheerleader anticipate the opening kick off.
U D tudents as excited to get their picture taken as they are about the football game.
Right: The sports memorabilia case dis– plays USD's sports victories over the past 24 years. Below: Professor Terry Whitcomb care– fully arranges the O-Week display in Tra– ditions.
Above: Traditions is packed full of stu– dents eager to take a look at the new display cases. Rig11t: Students take a break from their work while creating Traditions to smile proudly at the worl< they accomplished.
"The Grill needed a persoriality, and USO need~d a place to celebrate traditions." - Tom Cos rove, Associate Dean
On October 11, 1994 the Grille was re– opened with a minor face lift. As it's name suggests, the new dining area "Traditions" celebrates just that- the traditions of USD. According to Terry Whitcomb who engi– neered the changes, "We thought about unique traditions...continuing traditions that are unique to USD.'' When the doors were opened at Traditions, students were met by new colors, banners, new furni– ture, and displays of USD memorabilia celebrating the traditions andhistory of USD. Left: Tom Cosgrove, Susan Payment, and Terry Whitcomb smile proudly in front of Traditions on its grand opening as their vision became transformed into a reality.
Sophomore Senators Dan Sengenberger and Eric Carroll prepare the USD banner to be hung on the wall of Traditions.
Dan Sengenberger and Dr. Terry Whitcomb evaluate the length of the ban– ners hanging in Traditions.
-------af oaJeen TRICK OR TREAT
Right: Dr Love and his entourage.
Above: USD gardener shows his friend the unique shaping of the bushes on cam– pus. Right: Peace is in the air as characters from all periods of history bond while waiting for the bus.
Left: Chicken Boy and Crazy Spoonhead Boy... Go figure!!! Below: Catwoman meets The Crow at Phi Kappa Theta's Club Dead.
Above: Big city meets small town .
Left: This year's Halloween was characterized by all kinds of costumes. A good theme for the weekend would have been "Ex pect the Unexpected."
radition is a word most will be more than familiar with when we are handed our di– plomas and enter the "real world" of adulthood-from a life ofrelative freedom living off of Mom and Dad, to an
entirely different one filled with adult obligations and the responsi– bility of making our own living. College is an experiencewe will look back upon fondly as a time of fun - "The best days of our lives." It's a time of parties, friends, first apart– ments, cramming for tests, and through it all learning lessons and responsibility an·d acquiring knowl– edge to prepare us for our lives be– yond USO. From the day we entered USO as frightened and excited freshmen, to the day we leave, the memories we made and shared will never be for– gotten. Whenwe look back in twenty years to what once was, memories will be all that's left of the times we shared, but our traditions will for– ever be embedded in the framework of USO, as we came, made our mark at USO, and now are ready to move on to place our mark on the rest of the world. Our senior year was in part spent fulfilling our academic careers, but mostly riding out the crest of the wave of our college experience, fi– nally breaking upon the shore with the sound of "Pomp and Circum– stance."
Left: Everyone is enthusias– tic for the senior class pic– ture. John Atienza, Mildred Medina, Bernard Casillan, Carla Zarbo, Marie Bermudez, Grace Nakpawan, Perla Sonico, Renelynne Porciuncula, Lynn Domingo, Rose Marie Albano, and Art Bascos grin in the name of senior spirit.
Christina Theiss, Stephanie Beckord, Ashley Thomas, Janine Maraven, and Tara Steinly - Friends Forever!
Seniors Ken Simeon and Brian Walsh are USD's latest promoters of the Hair Club for Men. They are trying the new folicle stimulation tehnique.
7Jeborah7/comb Communications
':hf/any 7/cfdy ()cea n Studies
alah'e 7/braham Marine Biology
J{yna7lbef International Relations
'7Jarba.ra 7//fano Communi ations / Sociology Chemistry
7Jarctj 7/qalep Soc101ogy
7odcf7/ncfrews Biology
C indy 7/mferson Biology
Yue/le 7/naya Psychology/ Studio Art
'J?aefynn 7/fua.rado Diversified Liberal Arts
Beanne 'Jillianese Psychology 7Tsle International Relations
Xanc_y'Jlsb Marine Science/Biology
'J/.r/em,o 7Ja cos Communications
:Kevin 2Jarrel/ Accounting
Diana JJarba Business Administration
V i uian 7Tl!tsba English
?a!ricia 2Jenson Diversifed Liberal Ars
'Jl.rlene :lJenediclo History
0/epbanie :lJecko.rd Communications
'J/mlj :lJeck Biology
O/;uer 2Jern/2ardl Anthropology
0 /izabelh 7Jfum Diversified Libera l Arts
JJrarie 7JermudeL Psychology
7Jina 'JJirch Speech Communications
f/ennfer '71oaxfen Business
'?wje 'JJornboldl Business
9annon 2Jo_yd Spanish
Y<_yan '71racb Busines Administration
'JJrian 23rael International Relations
JCarin '71rdensei£ Communications
71/ison 23ra_y Chemistry/ Marine Science
7'inolb_y 7.Jra_y Psychology
Vicki 23n e,iza
J/ennjer 7.Jnllai.11 Business Administration
JC·is/i.11 23rooluns
JDmbe.1.ft; 'lJrewer Business Admin_istration
Commun ications
JloseJ.)b 23rosnan Marketing
7/mJ/ 23rown Psychology
Seniors show how they support each other.
;Jene/le 2Jrown English
JCys(y_nn 2Jrumbau.9h Commumca t10ns
'7/cfricm 'i3u6b Music
Jl.rislen Ga/J;oon Communications
'J/(/chefk Ca.sleffano Communications
%ay.9'.ie CasJfas Accounting
J/ejf ·e_y G£ambeI✓ain Tnterm1tional Relations
Jfrfwy Gaile!! B1ology
:Ji(orris C£auez Political Science
Ga.se_y C£arpio Communications
:lane Clinslensen Business Administration
'7/nnie Choi Business
9eoffi·e_y G£em Computer Science
Candace G£esebro Spa1tish
Stephanie Accounfing
Y!CchalCohen International Relations
'13rian Clune Psychology
'Jrina G£risliansen Communications
Bisa Cor;7ard Diversified Liberal Arts
Cbrislirza Corzralh Marine Science
f/oanna Co/acfa Business Administration
;/enn_y Colin Psychology
/lason Corsello Business Administration
/lenn{&r Cosqroue Philo ophy
!/osepb Gos/a Busmess
Courlney Co., Communications/Spanish
//ocfy Cree Diversified Liberal Arts
;Jennifer Crane ommunications
G£·islina Crowfe Communications
ViclorGntL Social Studies/l [istory
CJJ;acf GLerm'd Business Administration
J(imberft; Curio Engl ish
Vicbi!y Business
0asila l)abbs Diversified Liberal Arts
2l(aflhew 'Oe7frme:; Accounti ng
G£rislian i)auison Physics
J{alhy 'l>ajlari Sociology
Yoemi f)e 73ocfa Chemistry
Valene cfe/a 'Pena Business Administration
7anzara l)enby Diversified Liberal Arts
7?usllj Oehorn Political Science
9cu'1/ rOennison Psychology
Seniors gather in anxious anticipation of the traditional senior class picture.
?a!nch l)epriesl
¾arisa 7>eVincenlis Business
C/4-is Dis!Jman Jnterm1tional Relations
'71m1/ Den/on 13iology
lacy 7.Jou!lfas Political Science
lep/Janie Drafo Accounting
/lessica 'l>rapbin Communications
fl_ynn bomin!Jo Accounting
7.Jicloria l)r_ycfen English
bana l>ubas Diversified Liberal Arts
'!)omini7ue Ducline Communications
Grin i)uj/j Accounting
:::nne 0 /,asen Communications
Yl(arlj 0 //inylon Psychology
r5lfluia Ccbeuen:·,a Diversified Liberal Arts
9ize/Gbrahimof/ Busines
J{ef /j 0.ruin Business
7Jamelle Cllo!I Communications
Yl(a/l Gn_yecfi Commun ications
G£rislina Gmbury Accou nting
7/n!l_efe :Jar.ref/ Economics
!Jl(aria Gsleue Business Administration
lJesiree Guerls English
)lu/,e/a Gspt!ia Accounting Ye.rnanc/4u Communications
Dave Romero and Matt LaBelle pause to flash their pearly whites - or is it really just an excu e to be late to class?
J(a/.hr_yn J;fz.7e.rafd So iology
7Jeli a Yinnie Biology
Xalafee Youfadi Business Economic
'Jer esa :Jforidi Business Administration
7/fma 7/ores Business Administration
Oco/1 Joole Business Administra tion
~cEael :Jrir:lolfs Communications
:Jonelf9al.r£ Accounting
CrislineYarcia Business
9uacfaful?e Yarcia Political Science
Baura 9arcia Biology
Yl(anbef9arcia Accounting
Zarefa9arcia International Relations
;/acruetne 9arner Busines Administration
J(a/Ey 9/aser Business Administration
JJracf 9,bbs Communications
//orye 9eremia Electrical Engineering
73rencfa 9oc/fi·ey Psychology
:JCaren 9ordon English/Political Science
Buc_y 9onzafez English/Political Science
Buc_y 9onzafes English
:;;a.nnon 9oss Sociology
Biza 9ou_
7/nn ']J(arie 9os/in_
r5£,jf e_y 9uerrero Business Administration
/J<1uier 9uerrero
coll 9ronek History /Potitical Science
J/osepb 9reco Business Administration
c'5!e/fanie 9u /lo Diversified Liberal Arts
Griha Jfa,iies Psychology
:Raymond9uidi Business
'lJouq/as Jfarde.r J/r·. Electrical Engineering
7/manda JIarrison Business Management
9req J f ar.£/ess Pofi ti cal Science
Delena Jlanson
2Jrendan Jfayes Accounting
0 /izabe/£J fawlborne Anthropology
!Jl(a/lbew Jfashilj'S Economics
C/izabel/ Psychology
Bourcfes Jlernamfez Biology
JJ(;n akshi Jfemlani International Relations
J(e fft; J feap C:f1em1stry
aomi J fa ze/ion Communica tons
J{a!y J fe_ycfon
'andra J fer olc/ English/ Phi losop hy
Yl(a/l.bew J[J f Communica tions
'7/nn emar ie J[J / Di versified Libera l Arts
Commumca tions
Jfo ffy J ftinm elberJ'.er Diven,ified Liberal Art
Bill Heman,JeffJones, Hilary Reynolds, TerraWaters, Kim Brewer, Liz Blum, and Ann Maulhardt... Teamwork is the name of the game. These seniors work together as a class to make a huge 95 on the football field.
lvJ/)am Jfoman Business Administration
Yfficbeffe Jfofness Finance
'l>ebora.hJfoman Diversified Liberal Arts
Cecilia Jfo.lm7ws I Business Administration
7/my Jfu
Ye/,cia Jfunl Politica I Science
!JJ(a.rkJfuarle Business Management
!JJ{'i£a .9/oli Chemistry/Marine Science
7-Jal goefe Communications
!JJ(ic.haefJfunlinylon Business
!ll(e/issa ,
Carrie f/oflnson Business Administration
:Pa/rich/lames Communications
J r:ya J/ensen Business
Jle/jre_y f/ones Business
Obeifa f/o£nson Communications
']J(ac f/o£ison Communications
Jlarissa I/ones Political Science
7/yaho J(amo Art History
:/uf/e JCams Psychology
:Penny JCaf01y-iros Engli h
Grnesl :Joyner Communications
c5. J(eefl/ J(efman Diversifiea Liberal Arts
']l(ariaJ(asso/is Business Administrntion
JCen J(awac./Ji Business Finance
JCm£erll/ JCeay£ Eng1ish
;/emzi/__~I' Jcfaas Mass Media Communications
:/ocefyn Jclau6er Business Economics
'.7?osa JCin Biology
7Jree:Jlirby Political Science
Baune JCouac./J Commw1ications
Gourlney JCoffen Mass Media Communications
;Jarrell JColroLo Business Administration
Y](ofly J(ut;kenrfafl Diversified Liberal Arts
%al/hew Ba 2Je/fe Sociology
7/mla Balani Interna tional Relations
7JauidBee Philosophy
;Jennifer Bee Chemistry
c5£a//a Beu.ra Ocean Srudies
Casey Bamye.r Psychology
Jlealberft; Bewis Engnsh
0/epbanie Bewis Marine Science
7Jabne B Art History
:/aso.n Bi!lon Business
\tiembers of the senior class enjoy each others company in the sun while waiting to take their senior picture.
f/ennife.r B ,iwle Business Administration
9ib.ran Boc.kndye Business
:loon B im Business Administration
/lenml~.r Bo/flus Education
C£.rislopbe.r Boso_ya His.eanic Studies
J.rederic B udrJJ/j Business Economics
0e/£ Business
:Jennifer Bowy Political Science
'J/(ayyy bukman/aya Finance
7cbiu by Business Admmistration
7Jarbara b_ynch Anthropology
J imolh_y By_ncb Communications
baurie Jlrayouern Psychology
i)auidJl(a!I.ruder Business/Math
'X)cofas Wafcfonado Philosophy/ Religious Studies
JC-rs/en Walericb Diversified Liberal Arts
l)e/ia Ji(androne Business Administration
;/an,ize Warauer Psychology
Bauren 'Jl(ar chanl Communica tions
Jfealher J/(arqells Diversified Liberal Arts
.~· • .
. _
:;I ~ • ··~: . ':
... ~ .• .
. .
Carolina Yl(arfin Diversified LiberalArts
Ylricbeffe Yl(a.rool English
'71/lrson Yl(arlin Business Economics
Vicloria Yl(arino Diversified Libernl Arts
:Jl(on,ca Yl(arlineL Bilingual Ed/Div Liberal Arts
Obannon Yl(ason Psychology/ Sociology
'Jberesa Yl(arlin Business
Xessie Yl(arlin Accounting
J(effy Yl(asler on History
'7/nn Yl(aulllarcfl Math / Religion
!Rober! YKasse_y Accounting
'Jimolby Yl(afb_y Political Science
7.Janief:Jl(c:7/cfam Interdisciplinary Humanities
YKark !JJ(atJnarcf Engli :1'1
I/enmfer %cCann Psychology :Jl(c:7/nany Psychology
0/Jawn :Jl(ce;acbenJ Business Administration
Casey :Jl(cCann Business
Baura !JJ(clennan International Relations
:7/my !JJ(c!Jl(don Business
Friends Forever - Long after their days at USD are over, these bonds will remain strong.
:Jo/in :Jl(ecfak Bw,iness Administration
Yl(JcfreclJ/(ecfina Psychology
Jc elfy Jl(c:P/iee Economics
C hLabel/J 7!rcXamara Marine Science
Ofella Jl(effos Political Science
;/ejfery_ Jffelemecl Business
C/irislopiler :JJrendoLa Communications
/Jo/in Jlrichefs History
23raclley 21Cfler
Jfealiler 7/0/ler Interdisciplinary Humanities
/Jris 21C/;jfe Bw,iness Economics
JC'ef(y YlCnan Diversified Liberal Arts
:Jason !JIC·rabJe Biology
V1ncenl !Jl(oiso Political Science
'lJan /el%nl_Jomery Accounting
'lJonaf c/ !Jl(or!lan Political Science
C£.ris !Jl(oo,e Psychology
f/ufie !Jl(oo,e English
W1f.ham %r!lan English
Y3omue !Jl(o.r,is Communications
B aura !Jl(o,ns
C£e.rl//!Jl(o.r.ris P'sychology
Gric !Jl{orfon Mathematics
B,sa ']J(uckfey International Relations
7Jiint!rios %ou!Loun 's Business Economics
:J(JJi.l'slen 'JlTosen Accounting
Vic!oria %osla/o Accounting
']J(,c/Je/fe Y/(usanle
:?e!e.l' ']J(,_JLL_Y Business Administra tion
%omha Xac;y Psychology
Jfeal/Je.1' Xe/son Communications
SloJJn J 'a.pier Business Administration
23nan XaLareno Political Science
7ffia~9race Xa.fpawan Psychology
7f meh a r),{e(IJ/On Business Adm inistration
0/ephani e X'efson Communications
'JC;s/in Xewman Anth ropology
Oana 'Yelluno Chemistry
73nan Xo£es Business Ad ministration
Dana O 'Jfa_yre Business Ad mirnstra ti on
J(euin CJ'Y
7larin 01_ala Business Admini stration
Gres/a Olson Communica tions
,,C/o epbOn_Jsiapco Business
<:SJ;1rley Or;JJ!la Accounting
']J(a.rcos Or o.Leo Accounting/ Philosophy
71/,son JJabniollo
.'JCeuin Yapp Political Science
Cmilie JJacalle Psychology/ EnglishLit.
C£n s 'JJarla Ocean Studies/Poli tical Science
C ,feen :Peaper Diversified Liberal Arts
0/Jannon ?arson Diversified Liberal Arts
:JJarbara ?arsfe_y Accoun ting
'l>ebora.h :Pearn Educa tion
Eric Morton, Matt LaBelle,Dave Romero, Jake Slania, Lynn Randall, Laura Simons, and Alison Martin.
Jl(oruca ']Jech·osa Business Administration
7?e6'ecca Yerry History
9ina ?eie/in Humanities
JC ·islin ?e!erson Music Composition
'JJrell Yo/Id
LJau.ri JJJ;e/an Sociology
'lffrc:belle ']Jefkewch Marine Science
f/effrel/ 'Aller s(o-d1em1stry
73nan 'JJozzi Economics
7/fhson ?orreco Psychology
7?ene/,;nne ?orciuncufa Business Administration
Jfo/f{J 'A·ohas£a Marine Science
7/mr; 'iyfe 81ology
Yl(aripaz 'i
'7/manda 2uanlz Theological & Religious Studies
Ghacl'?u!nam Accounting
'7?obed '.i?ay Business Admimstration
JKallbew 7
£ynn 'i
"Pe11nifer ??e'!I/J/~ Business Admimstration
JC'mberfy 'J
'}J(arisof??e_yes Accounting
'}J(icbel/e J?e_yes Chemistry
Gy11lbia 'i
Lauri, Kryslyn Brumbaugh, Melissa Jette, and Lisa Rouse.
J/Ja.ry 'J?eyMfds Diversified Liberal Arts
'Jlrarl J?oferls Computer Science
/511sana .'J?oclri!JueL Sociology
hocus 'J?omano Accounting
7.Jauirf7?omer o International Relations
Jfealher 7?un uofcf English
Lnsa '.Rouse Art History
71hson J?owan Politica l Science
JLalherine .'l?yan Psychology
Carline c5a6fan Economics
Dani el c_)a fmon Bu ine s Fi nance
7/lia c5akai Communications
7/dria c5androni Conununications
Yi(/ciJe/fe c5arla,i1 Politica l Science
7racy c5anlucci Diversified Liberal Arts
c5JJeJa c5cala Humanities
JCw-lis c5c1Jleimi1yer Business Economics
7oddc)c/Joonde,woerd Ilistory
C ,imamon c5coll Psychology
7Jawn c5£e6esla P1,ychology
c5on/a c5JJajfer Psychology / Biology
JCmnelb d ,ineon Psychology
Jl(a/lbew 0;inon Business
0/ep_ben 0hiple_y Psychology
/lerem_y 0 iluer lnternat10nal Relations
Baura 0 imons Accounting
::7awi1 01inpson Business Administration
f/essica 01i1doni Communica tions
C/4 ·is 0.kibba Business
7fcfam0mtlb Political Science
Yl(ef)ssa 0mtlb International Relations
;Jacobc5/ania Economics
J{a//;enne 0 11i/fn English
., . • ·; . ' :J • • ,",~ .~ .~~ ,·,,:-
?ecu.fa rSomco International Relations
7/nnie c)/al/Jah/.s Diversified Liberal Arts
9 race
7ara 0/e,izfe Business Admi nistra tion
'.7?ose 0/einbery Communica tions
9eraf/'/n 0/ehft; Diversified Liberal Arts
Jlwize 0/alhakis Business Ad ministration
2l(ary 0/uarl International Relations
:Jason 0/euernagef Business Administration
J l euin 0/enzef Accounting
'l>eborab 0/enberq Diversified Libera l Aris
.::::,,/t7a Owyeon Business Administration
'73en/arnin c.'iumner Art
>Ccole 0uder Communica tions
71!Jenc(y 'ubolicb Psychology/ Sociology
'Jaralyn 'Janner Bilingual Education
0a.ra 'Jan!leman Communications
/Julie '!Juc/Ji BusiJ1ess Admini tration
Jl(a/lbew 'J/10mas
7fs£fe_y 'JJJornas International Relations
CJJns//rw 'Jlleiss Business Administration
/lenmj~r 'Jeli Soc10logy
, , iile Wakim show they are
Steve Shipley, Doug Barry, am good friends on and off the field
J(tinberfy 7'bbel/s Communica tions
7J½l/iam J !Jompson Marine Science
'J/(ary 7/nn 7'/os Art
7/imee 7'beri Psychology
Ji{;"c:bae/ JJ·cui Business Administration
JCinbe.r/r; 7omaseffo Psychology
7JauicfJoeii/rap Philosophy
/Jenise JJinmermans Politica l Science
'Jranq 'Jraii Mathematics-'/Communications
Curlis 'Jreadweff Busine Administration
Oanb'Jran Business Ad mini tration
C£arfolle 7sai Management
J/eal/Jer Qlnderwood Communications
J(a/iJ/een Va_yl Business Administration
f/enn{er Da/deL Diversified Libera l Arts
7/bijaJValencia Psychology
/le//V'J.l' nyco Sociology
Connie Van JOr.£ Diversified Liberal Arts
Y Jfia Verqiho Diversified Liberal Arts
:7/melia Vidljanli Busines Admin./Mathematics
Gmi/e Waktin Chemistry
'JJau/ViflamJ Business Administration
:Jam;a Voracha.k Busi'.ness/Psychology
c'5uzanne waclles!ler Comm1m1cat1ons
C£ris w£Iie Business Administration
:Jo£n Walson Biology
:Jerra Wafers Diversified Liberal Arts
JC'mber/_y Warren Communications
JCrislen Wiley Accounting
CaJ·oline w ,eCe English
Sute Wb,le Accounting
:Jeresa Wbdin:J Business Administration
G£-isline 7PJJfts Diversified Libera l Arts
CamJ/e lPJoerlb'we,ii Economics
c5usanne lPJ~i751jiefd Econom.JCs
bah-Ina ?cJ,//iams Business
J{aren 3}onl L Mathematics
J-fafe Yahl(apour Econorrfics
7/w·on Wnjhl Business
C,y_slafWransler Ocean Studies
of)Zo ·a Political Science
'Jl(aureen Zelfmeis/ Chemistry
Carla Zarbo Biology
'Jl(a/lbew Younq ommun ications-'
ass o 1995.
_..________---1.--..Jl~'L~o~ve What You Do For Me CONTINUING THE TRADITION . - - .
ur junior year is filled with old traditions that we have enjoyed at USO, as well as the quest to make our own traditions and leave ourmark on USO.
.LON 45
No longer lower classmen, we are well acquainted with USO's rich tra– ditions. It's small community has become our home for the past sev– eral years and as any community does, it has provided us with memo– ries, knowledge, and opportunities. However, we wish to give back to the community by making our mark at USO and making sure that the class of 1996 is not forgotten in the history of USO. From football games to tram rides...we did it all. We visited the Chargers and watched them defeat the Seattle Seahawks. We studied hard, but had a lot of fun along the way. As graduation grows closer, our junior year also faces us with deci– sions about what classes to take, what to major in, whether we want to go to graduate school, or where we can find potential jobs after graduation. Wherever we may end up, the traditions and memories of this year certainly will not be forgotten.
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Left: Ali Troy, Shane Neuman, and Megan Giunta s upported their sororities during the fe tivities ofUSD's annual Greek Week.
Michelle Shipp, Brad Kirn, and Andy entertain USO students and build up the excitement for the footba ll game during a tailgate.
Alex Villalobos and Nicole Messineo represented the Junior class on USD's 19941-Iomecom~~ourt.
Raul Aguilar Rosemary Aja Jose Albano Jennifer Bailey
Salina Bambie Steven Betrisey Christine Bevilacqua Theresa Blain
Joseph Brenckle
Mark Brewer
Julia Bridi
Katie Lively cheers for Gamma Phi Beta during Greek Week. This event is only a part of the week-long festivities of competition between all sororities and fraternities on campus.
Cherin Brown Edward Burns Brian Busby Enrique Capel
Joaquin Capel David Cho Alison Clem Lynn Collins
Francesca Colombi Mark Connelly Eva Cuetara Mona Cunanan
Tamara Dahl David Davelaar Jodie Dawson Elisabeth DeCoursey
Susan Dellio Joy Deutsch Ryan Dimaria Van Dinh
Anne Dold Rona Duran
Verna Fabella Johanna Fields
Maria Fischer Ana Luisa Flores Roberto Fogelbach Tiffany Giardelli
Tanya Gonser Gabriela Gonzalez Chad Halliburton Karen Harp
Stefanie Hayes Jim Helbron
Jennifer Hendricker Christina Hernandez
Janine Highley Elizabeth Hodges Patricia Hodny Brian Holmes
Yum, yum ... Nico le Mess ineo and Kass Ma niatis are relaxing at the football tailga te, happy that it was a success.
Christine Holmes
Katia Ja1nshidipour
Jolene Jaycox
Camille Johnson Dena Johnson Annemarie Kasperick Alicia Kemmi tt
Elizabeth Khan Jennifer Knuff Deborah Kunkel Stephanie La Baez
Maryam Levi Mauro Lince Katherine Lively Michael Livingston
Karla Lopez Rosalia
Lopez-Gomez Leslie Magnotto Lisa Maresso
Brandy McCormick James McCrea Jennifer McPherson Nicole Messineo
Elaine Milligan Michelle Monzon David Mullins Natalie Nguyen
Mark Noizumi Christine O'Connell Kimberly Ocampo John Pacheco
Jamison Painter Ronnielo Pait Katy Palmen Richard Papapietro
Angela Paraiso Josh Park Jay Parks Bertha Parra
Patricia Paulicano Joe Perez Ryan Pietranton Leonardo Pimentel
Kelly Prager Elena Prandoni Michelle Pratt Deric Prescott
Roberto Reyes Steffanie Ries David Rivera Cynthia Robinson
Angelica Romero Reymundo Romero April Rouge Lisa San Martin
Jennifer Scardina Volker Schriefer
Kirsti Serafine Brigette Sheils
DeAnn Stanek Christian Storm Roy Subrata Edward Suleiman
Paul Sumagaysay Dorothy Sze Heather Teichman Sarah Thompson
Suzanne Tibor Arthur Tresierras Sarah Trudell Jaime Valdelomar
Veronica Valdivia Opaul Vorachak Djuanna West Michelle Whiton
James Williams Shane Woolsey
Juniors Kirsti Serafine, Joe Br nckle, Katie Palmen, Cherin Brown and Celleste Jacob en enjoy an afternoon at Jack MurphyStadiumastheCharg– ersdefeattheSeattleSeahawks.
0 ur sophomore year is surely uniquefromanyother. Hav– ing already put a year at USO behind us, we have grown accustomed to the USO en- vironment. When we arrived at USO in September we began the year with a running start. In con– trast to our freshman year, we al– ready knew what to expect from USO, who our roommates would be, what classes we were taking and how to balance studying and fun. We had shared memories of USO, which made the year easier and acted as a common bond pulling us together as a class. With the com– mon fears and anxieties of our fresh– man year behind us, we were more quickly and easily able to settle into our lives at USO and start to really establish ourselves here. Some found their place in sports teams, clubs, positions on AS, o·r through Campus Ministry. What– ever the case may have been, we ventured out in the USO community and made traditions for future USO students to enjoy.
Left: Greg Johnson, Gina Dornan, Kelly Kreisle, Ann-Marie Richard, Charles Brooker, Colleen Engel,AshleyAdolph, and Chris Haase- hav– ing fun at the tailgate before the Charger vs. Seahawks game on October 30, 1994.
USDstudents are bombarded by Linda Vista kids Trick-or-Treating through the Alcala Vistas on Halloween.
Lucas Hahn and Michelle Cox were selected by their peers to represent the Sophomore cla son the 1994 Homecoming Court.
Trever Acers Gerald Acuna Chris Aeria Matthew Allen Aurora Alvarado Eric Anderson Jordan Armitage Alicia Atwood Jennifer Babic Steven Baratte Leigh Barrett Dennis Bartel Alexander Beaton Peter Bennett Catherine Bernardy
Alice Bettencourt John Binney
Amy Bistline Aaron Blumenkranz
Jeremy Boyer Karen Brain
Jason Evertson gives candy to excited children from the Linda Vista area who came to the Vistas to Trick-or-Treat on Halloween .
Chris Hasse, Tina Downing, Jennifer Ross, Kenton Haleem, Jeremy Long, and Andy Hensler enjoy food and fun at Sophomore Hungry Hour at Trophy's.
James Bunker
Sandra-Karin Bustamante
Bridgette Byrd Anna Cain Lorraine Camp Jennifer Carey Eric Carroll
Carlo Catalano Koh-Hsin Chang Kenneth Chapman Anna Chimowicz Sarah Coleman Jennifer Coler James Conda Colleen Crawford Daisy Credo Sara Cutsinger Luis Daffo Kevin Darr Christine Daigle Gary DeBora Christopher Denny
Best Buddies - Craig DiAngelo and Ethan Stein at Sopho– more Hungry Hour.
Sarah DeZurik Thanhson Dinh
Lainee Docken Gina Dornan
J ebediah Dougherty Susan Downing
Neysa Ely Colleen Engel Tamara Farsadi Rachelle Ferrari Marsi Filippone
Tracy Fitzner Dan Fockler
Michael Folkman Reginald Fouche Erica Fox
Lindsay Frame Robert Francis Monica Gabaldon
Krista Gallia Sarah Ganzer
Douglas Gilbert Margie Gomez Roberto Gonzalez Joseph Gorga Noelle Granich Brett Griffin Coquita Guerra Meredith Gunthorp Michele Hainley Duncan Hardy Marny Harksen Eleanor Heiler Randy Helmann Colleen Henley Shawn Hermes Steve Herring Brian Hillins Elizabeth Holman Zachary Howe Valentin Ivanov
Holly Jarrell
Julie Jencks
LisetteSoudant shows off her proud parents at the Parent's Weekend tailga te.
Gregory Johnson Leopold Jurado Kristen Kikuchi Kevin Kellar Susan Kendall Kristina Kim Megan Kelleher Kelly Kreisle Stefanie Kring Kurt Kuckein Julie LaBelle Season Leech Agustin Lopez Theresa Lim Dyronne Luarca Neil Lugo Miranda Maison Lilian Mamou Kristin Manion Carlos Martinez
Vanessa Martires
Stephen Matus
., ~ --"~ ..__--==.J.
Roger, Chris Clemo, Jamie Maloney, Trevor Houser, Ma tt Mulka, Chris Scofi eld, Wil Darling, Mike Polenzani, Eric Carroll, and Dan Sengenberger pump up spirit with andwiches and drinks before the Charger game at Jack Murphy Stadium.
Ara Anoshi ravani shows that the residents had as much fun as the kids Trick-or-Treating on Halloween.
Michelle McCambly Andrea McNeal
Shannon Mc Sweeney Olga Mejia
Susan Meyer Gregory Mitchell
Brian Moriarty Marla Murphy Paul Niebisch Carine Nguyen John Nguyen Angela O'Malley Antonio Onorato Lorena Orozco Santa Pecoraro Jason Petrig Klaus Pfeffer Ryan Phillips Todd Plutchok Sarah Powers Mannie Putian
Terri Conn and Sean Puckett take their sea ts with their families to watch the football game on Parents Weekend.
Richard Robbins
Jamie Ross
Jennifer Ross Sonia Sanchez Andrea Salnz Kevin Schramm Daniel Sengenberger Alena Shamas Lisa Shubert Joerg Sieber Heather Simmons Katie Sirek
Tasha Soroosh Alaura Soukthavong Ethan Stein
Jessica Stenger Alison Stewart
Jennifer Stewart Jonathan Stone Matthew Strauhal
Elizabeth Tait Jenna Tarpley
Kathleen Tavenner Derek Teaney John Thomas Paige Tippin Rufus Turner Suzanne Tweedy Jeff Tysor Mieke VanWingerden Michael Viola Phong Vu Gioia Wahhab Kristen Ward Jason Way Netanya Weininger Alicia Williams Jennifer Williams Margaret Winter Herbert Wood Mark Woodbridge
Stephanie Mascott,
ikki Graves, Kate Zaia, and Sarah Skibba look on as their sisters compete
in Gr ek W ek activities.
Left: Matt Everett, Ryan Patrick, Ben Bubeck, Pete Klein, Brian Proses, Bart Middich,John Murphey, Roberto Baggio,Matt Johndrow, Brian Hearn, Jeff Jacobs, Steve Parker, and Tim Metzler are joined by Jerome O'neil (Shaq's Brother) for another fun night in Maher.
Mackenzie Nichols, Allison Marsh, Carrie Schwartze!, Aimee Winters, and Tiffany Song take a study b,eak to pose lo, a pktme. ~
Veronica Cramer, Laticia Cary, and Alina Silvestre decorate Camino Hall for Christmas.
Michelle Abarientos Francis Gerald Abaya Andrew Abdelmalek Steve Abdelmalek Jason Acevedo Cory Acomb Jessica Ahn Karen Aja Brian Albano Sharifah Albukhary Marisha Alcala Todd Alcantara Madeline Algiers Mary Grace Almandrez Kari Ambrose Janel Amos Wendy Anderson Kazuyoshi Arai Curtis-Paul Arciaga Carrie Armijo Ryan Arredondo Shannon Artmann Lindsay Ayers Salomon Baldenegro Lara Ballis Alethia Bapis Suzanne Barker Ariana Bates
Joanna Baynes Amanda Beck Jay Bednar Mark Bella Dorothy Benson Michael Bentz Ali Bergeron Amy Berguson
Jonathan Bischmann Lindsay Blanckensee Tom Blankenhorn
Kiev Blasier Sarah Boies Heather Bourne
Sheila Bowman Brendan Bracken DeAndre Bradford
Ginger Brady Jaymie Braun Erin Bromley Carrie Brooks Emily Brown Rebecca Brown Jennifer Bryn Melissa Burke G.O. Burton Katie Busenkell John Byrom Hazel Cabrales Rebecca Cague Amy Calhoun Ian Callahan
Devin Cardoza Matt Carmazzi Amber Carter Laticia Cary Mike Casagrande Alison Casteel Carlos Castellanos
Gina Ceccotti
Justin Chang
Lauren Moore, Jeannie Arrinda, Kristi Howard, Kate McKenzie, and Marina Cordova share Thanksgiving dinner in the cafe with friends.
Malov Cruz, Janel Edwards, Griselda Lopez, Erika Ga rcia, and Gloria aranno suprise their fri end Decy Pina with a special treat on her birthday.
Grace Choung Justin Ciesielski
Ciaran Clayton Liz Coats
Katharine Cogswell Megan Coker
Danielle Coleman Mark Collins Mario Contreras Kathleen Conway Tearsa Coogan
Erika Cooper Nicole Corbitt
Raymond Cordano Danielle Cordova Marina Cordova Michael Corrales Adrianna Correa Darby Cox Gerard Cox Veronica Cramer John Cromwell Erica Crook Amber Cross Lori Cross
Daniela Cruz Nancy Cullen
Cynthia Dabish Michael Damaso Jill Davenport
Nathan Dayries Kristen DePalma Michelle Deasey Nicole DeLecce Chris DelSanto Megan Deming Eric Denault Adam Dernbach Nick DeSantis Amy Dharnidharka Delia Diaz Jennifer Dickmeyer Annelyne Dimarucot Steve Doan Christina Dominguez Kendra Dose Edward Downey
Joshua DuBois Dan Dufresne Grant Dull Naomi Dull
James Dunlap Jennifer Durst Magnum Economus Karen Edgar
Eleanor Edraisa Janel Edwards
Brian Egan John Egan Steve Eilers Christine El-Hamarneh Kate Elliott Jacob Emry Erin England Christina Erkenbrack Rachel Escobosa
Bryan Espiritu Garient Evans Rebecca Evans Matthew Everett Jennifer Fagan Deana Fahy
Antoinette Farrell Darcy Farrell Kimberly Farris Julia Farsadi Revelynn Feria Mary Ferrara Molly Finnegan Andrew Firestone Corina Fischer Alexis Florea Erica Flores Olivia Flores Dorie Flynn Bridget Fogarty Charlie Foltz Martin Fontes Kaycee Fortanasce Michael Francis John Francisco Christina Frees Erin Gallagher Jacqueline Gallagher
Erika Garcia Sandy Garcia
Karen Gardner Kendall Gaspar Shaun Gasparini Sara Gelinas Michelle George Mia Giacomazzi Douglas Gilbert
Todd Girand Lori Giurbino Rachie Go Maria-Alexia Godinho Eric Goldman Suzanne Gonzalez Christine Gostanian
Roman Gratteri Christina Graves Schaffer Grimm Lenny Grossi
John Grueser Alberto Guardado Nicole Gurash Casey Haeling Aaron Halby Brett Hanley Lori Hanley Mark Hanna Kristin Hanshew Daniel Harpe Alicia Harrell Pa trick Harris Brian Harvey Justine Hasinsky Ani Hastuti Jeffrey Haug Derek Hauser Kevin Hawes Staci Hemstreet Gretchen Henning Glenda Hernandez
Stefanie Hesse Jennie Hickinbotnam Jennifer Hilts
Angie Hilpert Elizabeth Himchak Jan Hlandy
Pilar Holley Kristi Howard Robert Howard
Jennifer K llett and Jodi Weller share a fun-filled evening of studying in Founders Hall.
Chiung-Wei Hsu David Huang Princeton Huang Amy Hughes Timothy Huss Stephanie Iasiuolo Rachel Ivanic Joy Iwanaga Karl Jablinskey Erik Jacobsen Kristine Jaramillo Shawn Jensen Stephanie Joens Cynthia Johnson Jenny Jongejan Susanne Jurboe Amber Kaimer Jodi Kaminski Eric Karakis Kyle Kashiwabara Jack Jordan Amy Joyce Jennifer Kellett Timothy Kelley Jared Keo Andrew King Nancy Knapp Amy Knoten Chris Koh Jennifer Kohnen Sarah Kolar Jami Koski Rachel Kowardy Steven Kul Christina LaBonte Ramon Lagos John Lamey Nicole Lamperis Christie Lane Mahealani Lau Carrie Kirk Peter Klein
Dan Lauder Jeff Leathers Joanna Lee Mayineng Lee Janine LeFeuvre Kristi Lethert Jennifer Levey Patricia Lim Laraine Lipori Kitty Liu Anthony Lok Jason Loke Anna Lombardi Miguel Lopez Stephanie Lott Chris Lowery David Lust Frances Mackenzie Rachel Maddux Jeremiah Maestas Michael Magnano Lily Mahoni Alison Maniscalco Martha Manrique Angelina Marquez
Adam Marr
Julie Martinetto
Another great night in Camino/Founders - Jennifer Kohnen, Ali Casteel, Laurene O'Malley, Anna Parkman, and Katie Vitek show that you don't have to go out to have a good time.
Camino-Founders is alive with the spirit ofChri t– mas as residents decorate before going home for a vacation.
Deborah Marx Tanya Mason Catherine Massa
Tina May Katherine McBride Brendan McCarthy
Mark McCarty Lisa McDaniels Judy McDonald
Steve McDonald Daniel McGovern Jason McKenna Mona LcLafferty James McLean Cerissa McPartlin Beth Meisnitzer Diego Mendiola Jason Mendonsa Raquel Mendoza David Merlo James Meyer Stacy Milazzo Jennifer Millard Valerie Millard Camden Miller
Jamie Miller Kristi Miller
Lauren Minto Zachary Missler Nathan Moeder Shanell Moffatt Patty Montoy John Montoya
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