October 2016
www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.auSpeak Out
Members of the Speech Pathology 2030 Steering Committee are SPA Staff Representative Trish Johnson, CEO Gail Mulcair, SPA Staff
Representative Michael Kerrisk, Gretchen Young from Young Futures, SPA Director Chyrisse Heine, Project Lead Christine Lyons, SPA Director
Robyn Stephen and SPA National President Gaenor Dixon with (centre) Federal Disability Discrimination Commissioner Alastair McEwin.
The final report
of the Speech Pathology 2030
project has now been formally launched. On 11 August
at a ceremony at the National Gallery of Victoria, Alastair
McEwin, the new Federal Disability Discrimination
Commissioner, as keynote speaker, officially launched
the report and outlined the important role speech
pathologists will continue to have well into the future.
In responding to commissioner McEwin, I outlined in
my speech how the launch of this report, while marking
the end of the Speech Pathology 2030 project, is the
beginning of a new journey of discovery, a journey to
2030 and beyond.
At the beginning of the Speech Pathology 2030 project
I spoke about how we were going through a process
to develop something similar to an Aboriginal star
map, a series of waypoints that would guide us to our
destination. The future, 2030, is such a waypoint! A
point where we will again reflect on where we have
come from and where we are heading; and a point
where we must ensure that the profession is future-
ready for the world beyond 2030.
Throughout the project, everyone involved has also
been identifying waypoints. Those vital markers will point
the way forward to and beyond 2030. Thanks must
go to everyone who has participated in this landmark
project – the clients, the “thought leaders”, the key
stakeholders, and over 1000 speech pathologists.
If you were unable to attend the launch or view it live on
the Internet, you can still watch it on the Association’s
YouTube channel. An electronic version of the Speech
Pathology 2030 project report is available from the
Association’s website, while a hard copy of the report is
available by contacting the Association.
On 15 October, the Association’s Board of Directors, its
chief executive officer, senior managers, Branch chairs
and other key stakeholders, will meet to commence the
process of drawing up the organisation’s new strategic
plan for 2017–2020. The Speech Pathology 2030
project report is the bedrock on which this strategic
plan will be based. It is also the roadmap that will point
in the right direction for the journey ahead. As I said at
the launch, “let’s get started because the future waits for
SpeechPathology 2030 -making futureshappen
making futures happen
A landmarkproject for theprofession
Speech Pathology 2030
Towards 2030 and beyond
Gaenor Dixon
National President