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Products and industry news

April 2017

MechChem Africa



Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) can

pose serious health hazards if inhaled by

those working in harsh environments.

MSAAfrica’s Altair 5Xhas been improved

to includeXCell Sensor technology, which

plays an important role in ascertaining

safety and, significantly, reducing expo-

sure risks.

MSA Africa respiratory and fire hel-

mets product manager Suraksha Mohun

says that the Altair 5X has a fast sensor

response, 15 seconds faster than a stan-

dard sensor. “XCell Sensor technology,

which enables faster response and span

calibration times. This multigas detector

is capable of detecting emissions of six

different gases at a time; CO, H


S, O


, SO





, NH


and more.”

It boastsMotionAlert and InstantAlert,

whichareadditional safety alarms.Mohun

adds that theAltair 5X is agency approved


sensor will last for at least four years and

can survivemultiple incidental drops of up

to3.0monto concrete. Our customerswill

also continue to benefit from the fast sen-

sor response of MSA XCell combustible,

toxic and oxygen sensors currently used

in the Altair 5X.”

XCell sensor technology brings improved gas detection

A Photo Ionisation Detector (PID)

can be added to the compact instrument,

which can be worn all day unlike most

PIDs. It includes Bluetooth wireless

technology that can be usedwithAndroid

devices and the MSA app to wirelessly

manage instrument data and setup. “It has


savings for thousands of satisfied custom-

ers worldwide,” Mohun continues.

VOC detection can now be fully inte-

grated into customer instrument fleets us-

ing theGALAXYGX2 Test Stand andMSA

Link Pro Fleet Management

software infrastructure,

enabling data access and

control of the Altair Gas

Detector. It has an 18 lan-

guage capability and comes

complete with sensors and

a rechargeable battery with

13 hour capacity. What’s

more there is a two-year

warranty on NH


and Cl


XCell sensors.

Enabling utilities and the solar industry

At Power and Electricity Worlds Africa

(PEWA), Eaton, showcased a selection of

generation, transmission and distribution so-

lutions for power utilities and solar solutions.

“Energy is the largest source of growth

in Africa and we see the biggest potential in

renewable energy as costs are decreasing,”

explained Seydou Kane of Eaton Africa.

Products ondisplay included: Power Xpert



, Eaton’s IEC-compliant lowvoltagepower

distribution systemfor up to5500A. The sys-

tem provides reliable power distribution and

motor control functionality for all commercial

and industrial applications.

In addition, Eaton featured the Power

Xpert UX, an innovation in its Unitole family

of field-proven vacuum circuit breakers. This

air insulated, withdrawable, medium voltage

switchgear now leads the industry in safety,

reliability, performance and sustainability.

Further products ondisplaywere theXiria

EModular Switchgear for safe smart grid ap-

plications of up to 24 kV.