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Cooper (2011) states that psychological

autopsies have four main purposes for their uti-

lization and are as follows… (A) determine the

mode of an equivocal death (B) to discover why

the death in question happened at a particular

time and date (C) discovery of the motivational

factors of the death and (D) therapeutic purpos-

es for helping the survivors of the deceased to

come to terms with the tragedy. It is the intent

of the PA and those conducting it to determine

the manner of death to as high a degree of cer-

tainty as possible, therefore, a working knowl-

edge of statistical databases is important.

It is pertinent to speak of the victim due

to their being the focal point of the technique

in question. The lives of any individual can be

thought of as a story and the same can be said of

an individual’s death. Information about the vic-

tim is an invaluable source to investigators as well

as to those performing a PA, therefore, a profile

of the victim must be constructed. Victim infor-

mation speaks volumes and is critical to criminal

investigations. Another purpose for a PA, in ad-

dition to those already mentioned, is that of a

PA having the ability to establish the relationship

between offender and victim in cases where an

equivocal death can be deemed as suspicious in

nature and due to criminal actions. The impor-

tance of information about the victim cannot be

stressed enough and it can be said that “to know

the offender, you must know the victim.” No

individual “asks” to be a victim, however, many

contribute to their plight during their life course.

Investigators should perform an “Exposure Anal-

ysis” when looking at deaths that are suspicious in

nature. Vecchi is in agreement with Turvey (2008)

in that exposure analysis can be thought of as “ex-

posure vs. blame” as it relates to the relationship

of a victim to their lifestyle and environment, and

of an offender to that victim.

An individual can become a victim due to two

types of exposure… lifestyle and situational. The

two aforementioned terms are defined by


& Petherick

(2009) and are as follows… lifestyle

exposure holds that some people are more prone to

being victimized due to their behavior, habits, or

customs which exposes them to a greater amount of

contact with crime and criminals (i.e. prostitutes,

narcotics users). Situational exposure is the amount

of one’s exposure to harmful elements experienced

by the victim that results from their environment

and personal traits at the time of their victimization

(i.e. “being in the wrong place at the wrong time”

such as tourists in a foreign country).

sis of the victim’s life and can be thought of as

a technique which “looks through the victim’s

eyes” in order to ascertain as to why they died

and to see the world from the victim’s perspec-

tive. It must be stated here that the terms “vic-

tim”, “deceased”, and “decedent” will be used in-

terchangeably throughout this writing in order to

avoid any confusion from arising in their usage.

Turvey (2008) states that the origins of

psychological autopsies can be traced back to the

1950’s when the Los Angeles medical examiner

consulted with the LA Suicide Prevention Cen-

ter for further classification of equivocal deaths,

but it was

E.S. Shneidman

who first coined the

term “psychological autopsy” in order to refer to

the procedure that was initially designed to assist

medical examiners in classifying deaths that ap-

peared to be ambiguous, uncertain, or equivocal

as it pertained to the manner of death.

The PA technique/process consists of two


“Suicide Psychological Autopsies” (SPA)


“Equivocal Death Psychological Autop-

sies” (EDPA)

. An SPA is a clinical approach

which is performed when the manner of death

is unequivocally a suicide based on the presence

of self-inflicted injury evidence and explicit/

implicit intent to die. Tasu (2008) defines and

EDPA as “A form of death investigation that

must analyze alternative manners of death in at-

tempting to provide new information concern-

ing the circumstances surrounding an equivocal

death which can then be investigated further by

investigators. He also provides an example of

a death applicable to an EDPA being that of a

homicide made to appear as a suicide through

crime scene staging. It should be noted that the

most common form of equivocal deaths which

are examined in the United States are those sus-

pected to be of a suicidal nature but are not for


(See “Psychological Autopsies”)


The question may arise as to who performs

a PA. Psychological autopsies can be thought

of as a form of mental health assessment but in

this particular scenario, the assessment is done

without the active participation of the individual

in question. Tasu (2008) explains that psycholo-

gists or psychiatrists who have training and/or

experience in death investigations and forensic

pathology typically perform the PA.

Diana Mc-


(2011) states that in order for one to per-

form a PA, expertise is required in suicidology,

personality theory, and high risk behavior as well

as some familiarity with crime scene evidence.

Whether a victim’s exposure is due to their

lifestyle or is situational in nature, an analysis

of these concepts is very much prudent when

conducting a PA in order to ascertain as to how

this contributed to an individual’s victimiza-

tion in that either form of exposure allows an

offender to gain knowledge of their victim and

also assists them in seeking out the appropri-

ate opportunity also. Exposure analysis during

the course of a PA can give investigators insight

into the mindset of an offender.

Psychological Autopsy: Methodologies

The utilization of a PA can be thought

of as a process of “taking a person’s life apart”

and due to this fact, it is an exhaustive and

painstaking endeavor. In fact,

James Knoll

(2008) reveals that it has been estimated

that a PA can take as long as 20-50 hours

to be completed. The material and informa-

tion needed to perform this process can be

voluminous, and is held that the greater the

amount of relevant information pertaining to

the victim that can be reviewed and analyzed,

the more accurate the conclusions formed by

investigators will be upon its completion in

determining the manner of a victim’s death.

The material and information required for

the completion of a PA falls into two catego-

ries: human and documentary. This article

will delve into both categories summarily but

it should be noted that due to the enormity

of material required for the procedure in

question, there is neither the time or space

in this to expound upon all of the elements

required but for a more comprehensive list

of relevant materials required, the reader can

refer to the table provided in

“Forensic Tech-

niques in Crime Scene Investigation- the Psy-

chological Autopsy”


Bogdan Tasu


The forms of documentary information

required during a PA will include the review

and analysis of the following… histories of

the victim which will entail financial history,

legal history of the decedent (including crim-

inal), residential history (this should include

a reference as to the stability of the individual

in matters of as to if they had the tendency

to relocate frequently), employment history

(this should allude to any difficulties the indi-

vidual may have had while employed as well

as if they had the tendency to change jobs


Psychological Autopsies

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