9.7.2014 SPSFAM Meeting Book - page 50

Motion made by Harnly to approve the meeting minutes from August 23, 2013. Second by Mindak.
16 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstain. The motion passed.
3. Past Activities
a. Antioxidants
Szpylka, Chair of the Antioxidants Working Group, gave a presentation on activities of the Antioxidant
Working Group’s recent activities, including finalization of the
Guideline for in Vitro Antioxidant Activity
Measurement Methods
Sullivan commended the working group for its efforts which has resulted in
three (3) methods for measuring antioxidant activity and suggested deferring the discussion on the future
of the working group until the advisory panel agrees on its future priorities and there were no objections.
b. Heavy Metals
Smith of the Heavy Metals Working Group and Expert Review Panel gave an update on SPSFAM Heavy
Metals activities. Six methods have been reviewed. Two method authors were asked to submit additional
data before the methods can be granted First Action Status. Once that data is received the ERP will
reconvene to consider the methods. Konings noted that AOAC 2013.06 was being considered for
modification in order to meet the SMPR; however the author has retired so there will be no further work
on this method.
4. Food Safety: A New Direction
a. Presentation: Task Force on Prioritization of Business Opportunities
Konings gave a presentation
explaining that a task force had been established to help guide the AOAC
Board of Directors on new business opportunities. The top three areas identified were dietary
supplements, produce, and food safety. It was determined that the SPSFAM should focus on Food Safety.
AOAC has engaged with the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) to help identify priority analytical
challenges currently faced by the food industry. Konings added that all stakeholders will be given the
opportunity to suggest new names for the Stakeholder Panel.
b. Presentation: AOAC Background and Standards Development
Sullivan gave a presentation
which had previously been provided to the GFSI. The presentation reviewed
AOAC history, organizational affiliates, major standards development projects and a proposed list of
analytical challenges related to food safety. Sullivan explained that GFSI representatives suggested that
food fraud and adulteration is one of the major priorities and that they want to get involved as soon as
this panel can develop a focus on food safety.
Discussion on the shift in direction followed. Konings clarified that the specific areas of focus will be
determined by both this stakeholder panel as well as the SPSFAM Advisory Panel.
5. Priorities for Food Safety
Appendix A,
Antioxidant Activity Working Group
Appendix B,
Task Force on Prioritization of Business Opportunities
Appendix C,
AOAC Background and Standards Development
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