Rear Commodores Comments…
Our boats are getting laid up and the club is ready for another winter.
Readying the club for the winter does not happen on its own so I would like to thank all
the members that came out to make this happen.
Congratulations are in order for the 2018 Rear Commodore, Bill Calihan and his lady
Terri. Also, to the new and returning 2018 board members: Tom Altobelli, Darryl
Campbell, Ron Draper and Debbie Siwek. I am looking forward to working together!
I wish the NCYC snowbird’s a warm winter in the South, and for the rest of us staying in
the North, we have the bowling league to look forward to. Please reach out to Jill
Romatz if you are interested in bowling, or come out and socialize while the pins get
knocked down. The league bowls at Alley 59 (corner of Hall and Groesbeck/North
Avenue) on November 11th, December 9th, January 13th, February 10th, March 3rd,
April 14th, always at 2:00PM.
Thanksgiving is fast approaching and what a wonderful time to reflect on the gifts that
we have been given, most importantly the family we have. I hope everyone gets to stop
and have a few moments with his or her loved ones and enjoy a delicious meal.
In the name of thanks, I would like to thank Commodore Pat and his lady Nancy for an
excellent 2017 season at the North Channel Yacht Club. You can rest now!
I am also looking forward to 2018 with VC Randy and his lady Linda at the helm.
Marie & I wish you a wonderful and safe Holiday Season.
RC/ Ian Blackburn