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Page Background

parameters such as thickness, size, orientation, and location.


The ratio of collagen to elastic fibers also evolves, increasing

with age, and the predominance of the former explains the

rigidity and reduction of the vibratory mucosal wave. Such

alterations, combined with loss of elastin and hyaluronic

acid, further decrease the viscosity of vocal folds and nega-

tively affect voice emission in the elderly population.


Given the complexity and interdependence of vocal fold

microstructures, one can expect them to be susceptible to

organic changes with aging. Published studies focused more

on collagen types I and III, while the rest were little investi-

gated. Thus, the goal of our study was to analyze the con-

centration of collagen types I, III, IV, and V and of elastin

in human larynx senescence by immunohistochemistry.


The research project was approved by the Ethics Committee

for Research on Human Beings of Botucatu Medical

School/UNESP, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil (reference 3861/2011).

Twenty larynges from elderly men (aged 60-90 years)

were included, as well as 10 from male adult controls (aged

30-50 years), collected at autopsy. The elderly group was

subdivided into 2 age subgroups: 60 to 75 years (n = 10)

and greater than 75 years (n = 10).

The cause of death was retrieved from the autopsy

records, and when necessary, additional information was

obtained from medical records and family. The exclusion

criteria were septicemia; prolonged intubation; systemic

infections; persistent dermatologic, autoimmune, or meta-

bolic diseases; smoking habit; and cervical trauma of any

kind or other conditions that might compromise the mucosa

of vocal folds and invalidate the immunohistochemical


Fresh larynges were incised at their posterior portion and

examined macroscopically to exclude lesions. As a standard

procedure, the middle part of the right vocal fold was dis-

sected (

Figure 1

) and immediately embedded in 10% buf-

fered formaldehyde for 24 to 48 hours. Paraffin blocks were

prepared for histological slides (hematoxylin and eosin

[H&E] stain) and immunohistochemical reactions. The left

vocal fold was used in another study.

The following antibodies were used: collagen I (Col1A1,

1:2000 dilution; Dako, Carpinteria, California), collagen III (Col

3A1, dilution 1:1000; Dako), collagen IV (Col4A, 1:40 dilution;

Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, California), collagen V

(Col 5A1, 1:100 dilution; Santa Cruz Biotechnology), and elas-

tin (1:200 dilution, Dako). The antigen preparation for immuno-

histochemical reactions of collagens I, III, and V and of elastin

was performed with 1% pepsin at pH 1.8 and incubated for 15

minutes at 60


C and then 30 minutes at 37


C. Blocking was

performed with 8% methanol and hydrogen peroxide, followed

by 3% Molico milk (Nestle´, Vevey, Switzerland). The second-

ary complex HRP EnVision (Dako) was added for 1 hour.

Diaminobenzidine was added for 5 minutes, and Harris hema-

toxylin was added for 20 seconds. For collagen IV antigenic

sites retrieval, we used a Pascal (Dako) pressure chamber for 3

minutes in the pretreatment solution Trilogy (Cell Marque,

Rocklin, California). Following the protocol recommended by

our laboratory, the positive control used for collagen I, III, and

V and elastin was a fragment of kidney and, for negative control

of these same antibodies, only buffered saline, replacing the pri-

mary antibody in a series of sections each sampling.

Protein Expression Analysis

Reading of histological slides was performed by 3 authors,

blindly and randomly. The slides were evaluated at random,

without knowledge of the groups and the age of patients,

using a light microscope from Zeiss (Axiostar plus, Carl

Zeiss do Brasil Ltda), at 40



The analyzed locations were the basement membrane,

the endothelium vessels, and the lamina propria (superficial

and deep layers). Because of the imprecise nature of the

boundaries surrounding the intermediate layer of the lamina

propria, we decided to divide the lamina propria into 2

layers (superficial and deep) to facilitate presentation of the

results. The size of the lamina propria was measured

between the basal membrane and muscle fibers. The thick-

ness of the lamina propria was divided into 2 portions sub-

jectively as the superficial layer, corresponding to the upper

portion and positioned just below the basement membrane,

and the deep layer, corresponding to the lower portion and

positioned just above the muscle fibers.

Measurement of antibodies involved quantification of the

level of brown staining of the lamina propria and basement

membrane structures. The area was set at 2


m, with per-

centage used to report results.


ImageJ software was

used in this analysis. We set the polygon as the selection

tool for the area of interest, choosing 3 fields at random,

and we set the Color Deconvolution plugins to HDAB and

Make Binary.

Statistical Analysis

To compare age groups, considering the response profile

assessed in 2 layers of the vocal fold (superficial and deep

layers), we used a parametric variance analysis combined

Figure 1.

Vocal fold showing the site of the fragment dissection.

Branco et al