For 37 years, the Manetsch and Spaar families
have been running Quattro Sport. Now, the next
generation has taken over. Maya Spaar and Sara
Manetsch have teamed up with Jan Stalder to
continue this beloved family tradition.
“I’ d feel a pang in my hear t if I were to
wa lk down Dor fstrasse and see another shop
or an of f ice in place of Quat tro Spor t,” says
Sara Manetsch, youngest daughter of Erika
and Jörg-Leo Manetsch. Sara grew up with a
rea l af fec tion for her parents’ spor ts store. She
worked at Quat tro Spor t regu larly during her
studies, and has been a f irm
f i x ture in the shop for the
past three years. Now, her
passion for spor tswear and
equipment has led her to fol-
low in her parents’ footsteps
and take over management
of the store. She is joined by her cousin Maya
Spaar, the eldest daughter of L isbeth and Willy
Spaar-Rotzinger, who co-founded the shop back
in 1978. The founders are delighted that their
daughters have decided to take over their cher-
ished store and will continue to run it with
dedication, keeping up the long-held prac tices
of creating at trac tive produc t displays and
of fering sound, persona lised sa les adv ice.
The four founders were reduced
to a trio af ter the untimely death of L is-
beth Spaar in 1999, but continued to man-
age the store on Dor fstrasse as well as
Engelberg’s f irst ski hire point, Swissrent
Quat tro, by the Titlis Rotair car park.
The cousins ta lked long and hard before
deciding to jointly take over their parents’
business. They were clear on one thing: they
had to f ind a third par tner, as the two shops
wou ld present far too much work for two –
especia lly since Maya was a recent mother
and cou ldn’ t spare too much ex tra time for
the business. So, one winter morning, the
young women approached Jan Stad ler in the
gondola lif t. He was no stranger to them: the
graduate of Spor tmit telschu le Engelberg and
of the Swiss Hotel Management Academy in
Lucerne had prev iously worked for years at
Quat tro Spor t. Af ter enjoy ing a day of skiing
and subsequently receiv ing a more forma l
job of fer, Jan accepted. “The of fer appea led
to me, and as we had known each other for a
good while, I knew we’ d work well together.”
Jan, Sara and Maya have div ided up
responsibilities in the two
shops equa lly. The young trio
has been running both since
last winter, a lthough for the
time being the older genera-
tion are still the owners. “Our
parents help us out when
we need it and share their exper tise with us,”
says Sara, whose father Leo intends to work
in the shop until retirement. Asked how they
plan to remain successf u l, Jan explains that
they will keep a ll the good customs but bring
in a breath of f resh air with a few changes.
The three managers agree that they want the
store to still be here 37 years f rom now. They
are a ll passionate about selling ski clothing
and accessories, spor tswear and footwear, and
hiring out the latest ski gear, so they believe
there is a good chance they will still love their
job that far down the line. Of course, there
will be cha llenges to overcome. They have
a lready felt the impac t of the weak euro, for
example. But, come what may, the founders’
experience and their own f resh ideas shou ld
be enough for the dedicated threesome to keep
this established spor ts shop a live and kicking.
Last winter, the founders passed on
the baton to the next generation.
Dieses Trio führt den Quatt-
ro Sport (v.l.): Sara Manetsch,
Jan Stalder, Maya Spaar.
The trio behind Quattro Sport
(from left): Sara Manetsch,
Jan Stalder, Maya Spaar.
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