Thank you to our loyal guests
In a mobile world where a l-
most ever y destination is easy and
convenient to reach, it is no longer
the norm for people to return to the
same holiday spot year af ter year.
That ’s why Engelberg-Titlis Tour-
ismus pays tribute to those guests
who have been faithf u lly holiday ing
in Engelberg for 10, 15, 20 or even 25
plus years. Engelberg’s Ta l Museum
prov ides the appropriate set ting for
the thank-you par ty ever y Wednes-
day. Registration for the tribute
events must be made through the
manager of your holiday accom-
modation and submit ted to the
Tourist Center by the Friday of the
preceding week. Registration forms
are a lso available f rom the Center.
So why does Engelberg have
so many regu lar guests when they
cou ld go anywhere in the world? For
many, it ’s because Engelberg has be-
come a home away f rom home, while
a lso of fering per fec t conditions for
winter spor ts enthusiasts. Why do
you like coming back to Engelberg?
Let us know by sending an e-mail to:
engelbergmagazin@engelberg.chExhibition of local art in the Tal
Ar tist Doris Studer (*1929) has
lived and worked in her studio high
above Engelberg for many years. Her
work was f irst presented to the pub-
lic with a large exhibition at the Ta l
Museum in 1992. The f irst retrospec-
tive of her work was shown in 1998,
followed in 2006 by the exhibition
Die Erde ist angef ü llt mit Himmel
(Ear th is f illed with the heavens).
The upcoming winter 2015/16
exhibition will prov ide an over v iew
of the ar tist ’s varied body of work.
Doris’s ar tistic career began in the
early 1950s when she at tended the
Zurich School of Design. She devoted
the years that followed to her family,
and of ten had to put her ar t on the
back burner due to time constraints.
However, her study trips to the ar t
capita ls of Rome, Florence and Paris
as well as v isits to Spain and Greece
a llowed her to continue develop-
ing her ar tistic skills. In 1984 she
enrolled at the Sa lzburg Summer
Academy, where she began to experi-
ment with the use of “ear th paints”.
These are natura l paints made
f rom minera l and plant pigments.
12 December 2015, 5 p.m.
Exhibition period:
12 December 2015 to 3 April 2016
www.ta lmuseum.chMusic to your ears
This winter promises to be a
rea l treat for music fans. On 17 De-
cember (8 p.m.) and 20 December (5
p.m.) the Engelberg Abbey choir will
be get ting ever yone in the mood for
the upcoming festiv ities with their
Christmas concer t. Cellist Beatrice
Blanco and pianist Federico Bosco
will a lso be put ting on a Christmas
concer t on 25 December at 4 p.m. in
the Abbey’s Baroque Ha ll. Then on 27
December at 8 p.m., various musi-
cians will per form at an end-of-year
concer t in the Abbey church. Abbey
organist Father Patrick Ledergerber
will give an organ recita l, there will
be folk music cour tesy of the group
Bircheri x+, and the Ennetbürge wind
sex tet will per form under conduc tor
Emil Wa llimann. The evening will
be rounded of f by yodelling group
Titlis, who are celebrating their ten-
year anniversar y. Lucerne School
of Music will per form operatic
over tures and arias in the Kursaa l
for the 38th Epiphany concer t on
9 Januar y 2016 at 8:15 p.m. And on
27 March 2016, a traditiona l Easter
piano recita l will take place in the
Abbey’s Baroque Ha ll at 3:30 p.m.
loster-engelberg.ch www.kultur
fenster.chNight skiing on the Klostermatte
This winter marks ten years
of night skiing on the K lostermat te.
Brunni cableways has decided to
submit a planning application for
new lights to be insta lled on the
slopes. If the application is approved,
the K lostermat te will become the
f irst location in Switzerland with
LED-lit slopes. The initiative wou ld
prov ide bet ter lighting for the
K lostermat te slopes and reduce light
pollution. In addition, the new LED
technology wou ld lower the energy
consumption of the night skiing
sessions. The lights can be turned
on and of f at the touch of a but ton
v ia a smar tphone app. Night skiing
takes place ever y Friday between
6 and 9 p.m. f rom 25 December 2015
to 4 March 2016. OX family restau-
rant is a lso open during those hours
with its OX Burger Night – just the
thing for hungr y night skiers.
www.brunni.chThe fascination of Fasnacht
In Engelberg, the Fasnacht
carniva l season reaches its climax
on Saturday 6 Februar y 2016, with
the Brunnifasnacht parade through
the v illage streets. Un like in other
towns and v illages, where parades
take place during the day, our cel-
ebrations will kick of f at 8 p.m., with
the darkness giv ing a cer tain f risson
to the traditiona l event. Following
the parade, par ties will go on into
the night in the v illage and at the
Ochsämat t Gadä bar. And for a ll
those who still have some energy
lef t the following day, there will
be plenty more Fasnacht ac tiv ities
to enjoy – including a cosy Sunday
concer t of jolly Länd lermusik at the
Brunni mountain hut. On 4 Febru-
ar y 2014 , the Brunni Kids’ Carniva l
takes place in the Yeti Park on the
Ristis. Kids will have to race against
Globi (in optiona l fancy dress) to
see who is fastest on skis or sleds.
The Fasnacht atmosphere
will a lso be in f u ll swing on the
Titlis side of the va lley, with vari-
ous Guggenmusik concer ts taking
place at Berghotel Trübsee and at
the cha let by the Titlis va lley sta-
tion f rom 2 to 9 Februar y 2016.
www.brunni.ch www.titlis.chAll about Engelberg
There are a lways exciting
ta les to be told about Engelberg
and its residents. For an interesting
over v iew of 2015 plus more back-
ground repor ts and stories about
Engelberg loca ls, pick up a copy of
the 2016 yearbook Ängelbärger Zey t
(Engelberg Times), which comes
out in mid-December and is avail-
able for CHF 15 f rom various outlets
including Höch li bookstore. Delve
into more life stories with Radio
SRF 1’s programme “Persön lich ”,
which features two specia l guests
ta lking open ly and candid ly about
their lives. On Sunday 13 December,
the programme will be broadcast
f rom Engelberg at 10 a.m. Anyone
who wou ld like to be par t of the live
studio audience can f ind informa-
tion at
www.sr f.ch/sendungen/per-soen lich. We’ ll be get ting into the
spirit of Christmas on 19 December
2015 with a 7 a.m. advent ser v ice
in the specia lly illuminated Heilig
Kreuz chapel in Grafenor t, followed
by break fast at the manor. Grafenor t
manor will host a range of other
events throughout 2016. Engaging
ta lks will be held one Monday even-
ing each month, and f ive Sunday
events will take place throughout
the year, such as concer ts or read-
ings. The annua l events programme
will be available on line f rom early
December at www.grafenor