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This double v iew is the oldest kn ow n reproduction of


A b o ve,

w e see the city from V a lb y H ill, from

where the h ighw ay turns and tw ists over the bridge at

St. Jørgens lake, ending in V esterport (the w estern gate)

at the centre o f the en gravin g. O utside the city, to the left

in the foreground, St. Jørgens H ospital, a couple of post

mills along the road, the place of execution on a low pro­

montory to the right, and a few scattered buildings shel­

tering under the tow n w a ll w h ich dates back to the late

Middle A ges. A b o ve this rise the tow n 's roofs, towers,

and spires. O n the left the h ea vy tow er o f St. Petri, while

the tall steeple belongs to V o r Frue kirke (the Church of

Our Lady). Then fo llo w to the righ t the convents of St.

Gertrud and St. C lara, and N icolai Church. The right half

of the picture is dom inated b y the tremendous Castle



the city seen from Am ager; in the fore­

ground ships at anchor in the G rønnegård harbour. From

the isthmus on the right there w as a ferry across to Slots­

holmen. Opposite the isthm us w e have the entrance to

Gammelbod harbour, and to the right o f that K ing Frede­

rik II's anchor sm ithy. To the far righ t Ø sterport (the

eastern gate). The prepatory draw ings for these tw o en­

gravings are p robably rig h tly ascribed to Hans Knieper,

the Court painter.

The view from land reproduced p. 16.


The city is here seen as it looked imm ediately before

Christian IV began his w idespread building projects. The

engraving show s Copenhagen situated on a plateau, and

in order to provide a better v iew o f Am ager, this island

is placed in the air h igh above the city in the top left-hand

corner. Two w ide roads lead to Ø sterport (the eastern gate,


)/ where Kongens N y to rv (the K in g's n ew square) is

now. A ll this territory, w h ich is actu ally much more flat

than expressed in this v iew , w as later enclosed b y the new

ramparts and were to contain the northeast end o f the

city, called N y-K øbenhavn (New Copenhagen, see cat. no.

7). The palisades and the city w all run along w h at is now

Gothersgade and Nørrevold. The fenced-in ensemble of

buildings outside the ramparts in the foreground are T egl­

gården, and below it in the right-hand corner we see part

o f the D anish Com pany's shooting range w ith the parrot's

pole. The engraving is based on an unknow n prepatory

draw ing, or possibly an engraving still to be found in the

Council H all in the 1680s, printed in 1596 b y Caspar

Illum inerer and Byens M aler (the city painter). The en­

gravin g was called "Københavns D elineatio."



The panorama is taken from an im aginary point above

Am ager, from w hich w e see the city against an extensive

scenic background. The accession to the Throne of Chris­

tian IV in 1596 meant a number of important changes for

the look o f the city. The city w all was replaced b y modern

pentagonal bastions w hich can be seen b y the n ew Vester-

vold (the western rampart) on the left, and on the right

Ø stervold (the eastern rampart). The left h alf of the pano­

rama is dom inated b y the K in g's new n aval arsenal (1602-

06) w ith the parallelling armoury and provision depot - on

land connected to the armoury of Christian III. Opposite

the entrance we have the landmark sym bolizing Copen­

hagen, m arking a shoal in the harbour. Several n ew towers

characterize the city skyline: from the left the T ow n H all

(1610), Blåtårn (the blue tower) near the Castle (1596),

the spires of the Church of O ur Lady and St. Petri Church,

both completed c. 16x0, and the spires of the H elligånds­

kirken (the Church o f the H oly Ghost) and N icolai Church

(1594 and 1610 respectively), both of w hich were paid for

by Christoffer Valkendorf. A t Gammel Strand, a little to

the left of the middle, there are typical crenellated gabled

houses and a few large houses w ith gable attics. Slotshol­

men is connected to the city b y means of the Højbro and

Holmen bridges (in the foreground). Near the form er the

Exchequer can be seen, and to the right o f the latter w e see

the anchor sm ithy situated on the large Bremerholm. A t