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the loft of the T rin itatis C hurch in the 1650s (see cat.

no. 7).

14 THE CA STLE 16 72

The view is taken from som ewhere near the Holmens

bridge. W ith the exception o f tw o paintings in the Rosen­

borg Museum, of w h ich one in the form o f an engravin g

is included in this catalogue (no. 12 ), this sm all draw ing

is the oldest reproduction w e have o f the Castle. To the

far left we see the C abin et o f Curiosities w ith its m any

attic windows, then Løn gangen (a ga llery), D rabantsals­

fløjen (the guards' room s) w ith "K on gen s R unddel" (a

round tower), the huge R o yal w in g, B låtårn (the blue

tower), and beneath it the half-tim bered gatehouse. To the

far right the gable o f the w in g housin g the banqueting

hall can just be made out. T he draw in g provides an

extremely im portant source for the appearance o f the

Castle and especially the R o yal w in g at this time, but

it must be noted that the num ber o f w in dow s, for instance,

differs from that o f the tw o m entioned paintings.

Reproduced p. 25.




The map was draw n and engraved b y the U n iversity

engraver, Johan H uusm an, after the instructions o f Peder

Resen. Not on ly is it a bird's-eye v iew , it also points to the

future in that a great deal o f the structures in the picture

must have been draw n after alread y existin g plans. Part

of these were never realized, for example the vast areas

northeast of C hristianshavn, the C astle at the Citadel, and

the canal parallel to N yh avn . N or w as Gamm elholm oc­

cupied with residential houses as indicated in the engrav-

mg. But on the site beyond G othersgade and N yh avn

private houses were soon built. The eastern part of the

fortification is copied after a plan w h ich w as actu ally car­

ried out. A s far as the other part o f the fortification is

concerned, the map is correct, and the rendering o f the old


part of town is extremely reliable. In the top left-hand

corner w e have the city arms as it looked since 166 1. In

the bottom right-hand corner the arms of Christianshavn;

from 1639—74 this part of town had its own municipal

charter. In the top right-hand corner was origin ally G rif-

fenfeldt's coat o f arms, but at his fall in 1676 it was

erased from the plate.



BEFORE 16 77

A fter the w ar against the Swedes (1657-60 ) the city ex­

panded towards the southwest, and the foundation of a

n ew district was laid between the present Frederiksholms

C anal and Vester Voldgade. This resulted in the removal

of Vesterport (the western gate) from Vestergade to the

end o f w hat is n ow Frederiksberggade. 1668 the gate (5)

w as finished. This neat view gives quite a good impression

of the city as it was met b y most of the travellers ap­

proaching it on the Roskilde highw ay. The execution and

situation o f the m any spires are, in spite of the smallness

of the engraving, correct.



The first town hall of Copenhagen was built somewhere

near Gamm eltorv at about 1360. This reproduction of the

town hall is not correct, since in all probability it was

destroyed by the Hanseatics already back in 1368. Perhaps

the structure in the engraving is supposed to be the house

w hich stood there in the 1670s. The second town hall of

Copenhagen was between 13 77 and 1400 housed in a row

o f buildings at the corner of Studiestræde and Nørregade

where n ow Bispegården stands. This picture probably also

show s us how the different houses looked in 1677, years

after they had stopped serving their original purpose.

A bout 1475 the town hall was moved to a site south of

G amm eltorv, where a new, large building was erected.

However, the engraving shows the town hall as it looked