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Frederik IV was n ot satisfied w ith the non-hom ogeneous

appearance o f the old Castle, and consequently he had it

totally rebuilt in order to create a more modern residence.

This happened 1 7 2 4 -2 7 ; some o f the w in gs w ere entirely

torn down, others o n ly p a rtia lly so. A hom ogeneous fa ­

cade was made in w h ich w in d ow s, cornices, and roofridge

were in line all the w a y round the buildings, and at the

same time a certain m onum ental sym m etry w as achieved

by the conversion o f B låtårn (the blue tower) into a gate

tower. J. C. Ernst and J. C. K rieger w ere in charge o f this

difficult rebuilding. Since the m edieval grund-plan re­

mained practically unaltered, the result o f the m oderniza­

tion did not turn out w ell, and consequently the Castle

was not allowed to stand more than four years in its new

shape. The C han cellery on the le ft is rendered w ith its

final segmental pedim ent (see cat. no. 27).


On May 26th, 173 9 the n ew d ry dock on Christianshavn

was opened. It w as constructed b y J. H. Dum reicher and

considered a technical master-piece, and as such also often

reproduced. Imm ediately after the in au gu ration the w a r­

ship Christianus Sixtus put in to be repaired, and w e see

it here at the n ew dock in the centre o f the picture. The

wooden tower on the right is the pump house, w h ile the

noble structure w ith the big w a v in g flag on the left is the

pavilion from w h ich the R oyal fam ily could w atch the

work. In the background, betw een the masts of the w ar­

ship, we see V or Frelsers kirke (the Church of O u r Saviour)

which had not acquired its tw isted spire yet. A little to

the right - partly hidden behind a sail - the recently built

assembly hall of the A sia tic C om p an y can be made out.

Reproduced p. 33.



Although Frederik IV had ju st undertaken a thorough

modernization of the old C astle (see cat. no. 3 1), his son

Christian VI decided to have all the buildings pulled down

sh ortly after his accession to the Throne. D uring the next

decade a modern residence, from 174 1 called Christians­

borg, was constructed. This view is the first picture of the

new palace as it looked before the fire in 1794. Possibly

it is the entry of the Royal fam ily in November 1740

w hich is here portrayed. The part of the Palace facing the

square is completed on the outside - inside it was still

imperfect, and behind it the marble bridge and pavilions

had not yet been built. The gouache is among Bruun's

early and inexpert view s.


The artist must have been onboard a ship on the outer

roads, and the part of town which he describes is the

stretch from the Stock Exchange to Rosenborg Castle. The

bastions to the right in the foreground must be those of

the Citadel. Behind and between these, just to the left of

Rundetårn (the round tower), we see the spireless Vor

Frue kirke (the Church of O ur Lady). The old spire had

been destroyed in the fire of 1728, and it was not replaced

until 1745.

35 BJØRNS PLAD S 174 1

1735 the merchant "prince" Andreas Bjørn obtained ad­

m ission to reclaim and develop a large lot southeast of the

dock on Christianshavn, the building of w hich had on ly

just begun (see cat. no. 32). Here he placed the shipyard

Bjørnsholm , and the whole district was called Bjørns

plads. The draw ing show s the launching of the warship

"K jøbenhavns Slot" (the Castle of Copenhagen) on N o­

vember 30th, 174 1. In 1762 Bjørn's w idow sold the ship­

yard to the merchant Carl W ilder, whose name the area

carries now.