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CO PENH AG EN c. 174 6

Christian IV had this monum ent put up on the Mermaid

shoal b y the entrance to the arsenal harbour. It w as called

the landm ark of the city and remained there until 179 5.

The sculpture represents Leda and the Sw an, and in his

D anish V itru viu s Thurah says - w ro n gly - that Christian

IV had taken it as booty at Kalmar.


KON GEN S N Y T O R V c. 174 6

The square is here seen from the same angle as in the tw o

earlier view s (cat. nos. 25 and 28), i.e., from a position at

the M ain Guard. N ot much has been altered since 1718 ,

but the v iew is better down through N yh avn (d) w ith the

lo n g row of houses on the left-hand side. The gardens in

the arrangem ent o f K rieger w ith the four row s o f domed

trees fill out the square. The w rou gh t iron fence round the

equestrian statue has been made circular w h ich it never

was. Behind the Krinsen trees w e see the facade of G jet-

huset (c); in this building, constructed 16 7 1, cannons for

the arm y and the n a v y were cast; and also bells for most

of the churches, and 1768 the equestrian statue of Frederik

V b y S aly for the Am alienborg Square.

47 KON G EN S N Y T O R V c. 174 6

Here the square is seen from one of the w indow s at Char-

lottenborg. A great m any of the tow n's spires stand in sil­

houette against the sky, but neither H elligåndskirken (the

Church of the H o ly Ghost) nor St. Petri Church have their

n ew spire after the fire 1728. The gardens have changed

v ery little, n ow the fence around the horse is correctly

reproduced (see cat. no. 46). O n this side the square is

bordered b y a row o f majestic houses, on the left there is

a large renaissance house, possibly built b y H enrik M uller,

the Treasurer, w ho owned it in 16 6 1. O n the other side of

Ø stergade one can see Gram , the C ouncillor's house (d),

built c. 1685. The sm all building w ith the pointed roof is

the M ain Guard w h ich disappeared 18 74. The house on

the other corner of N y A d elgad e (g) w as in 175 7 bought

by Thurah, the m aster builder, w h o lived here until his

death tw o years later.

Reproduced p. 41.



c. 174 6

This area w as nam ed after the Sophie Am alienborg which

burnt down 1689 (see cat. no. 19 ). A fte r the fire several

architects made plans for a n ew residence on the site, but

none o f these w ere carried out. 172 5 Frederik IV had the

grounds divided into a garden and a parade-ground, se­

parated b y a group o f buildin gs w ith a pavilion in the

m iddle. The buildin gs as w ell as the gardens were the

w o rk o f Krieger. In connection w ith the projected re­

sidence an angular canal w as dug in the 1690s along

w h at is n ow St. Annae Square and Bredgade. The swans

in the foreground flo a t in this canal. O n the left-hand

side o f the picture w e have Bredgade bordered by a

row of m onum ental structures: C ou n t Gyldensteen's

house (e), Count D an n eskjold -L au rvig's house with the

lon g stable- and dom estic w in g, and fin a lly the Naval

College. W hen in 174 9 it w as decided to develop a new

residential district on the Am alien b org grounds, the gar­

den w as levelled w ith the ground. T he trees in the fore­

ground were removed to Jagtvejen and Falkonér Allé, and

the buildings were sold for scrap.

Reproduced p. 42.

49 THE AM A L IEN BO R G G A R D EN S c. 1746

In this v iew w e have m oved closer in on the buildings in

the Am alienb org Gardens (see cat. no. 48). The large pa­

vilio n in the centre housed fou r cabinets and an


hall, from w h ich the K in g could w atch the garrison parade

on the square to the n orth o f the buildings. In the back­

ground the Toldbod m ill and on the right the dismantled

ships o f the N avy.