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w in g in N y Vestergade. The structure is an example of

French architecture w ith the m ain building standing back

from the others and a cour d'honneur in front, closed o ff

to the street b y a low w in g crowned w ith a balustrade.

56 CH R IST IAN SBO RG c. 174 6

The R oyal residence is seen from N y Vestergade. O n the

left-hand side it is flanked b y Prinsens palæ (partly "d e ­

m olished" in order to provide a better view ) and a sort of

counterpart on the right-hand side, which, how ever, was

never built. There were plans of rem oving Vesterport (the

western gate) from the present T ow n H all Square to the

west-end of N y Vestergade, w h ich w ould thus form a

splendid entrance to the city. Christiansborg, w hich is

a xially connected to N y Vestergade, is here seen w ith E. D.

H åusser's riding grounds and N. Eigtved's pavilions and

M arm orbroen (the marble bridge). To the left of the main

buildin g the chapel, w h ile the corresponding building on

the right is entirely im aginary.

5 7 CH R IST IAN SBO RG c. 174 6

From the Palace Square w e look through the p artially "d e ­

m olished" w in g into the palace courtyard. The view is not

in all respects in accordance w ith reality, among other

things the tow er is one storey too high, and the w indow s

w ere v ertica lly closer to each other, connected athw art the

storeys b y ornamented frames. This cannot possibly be

due to the artist's unacquaintance w ith the architecture of

the Palace, since he w as the leading sculptor of the building

activities, and besides, his words carried w eigh t w ith the

questions regarding architecture.

58 CH R IST IAN SBO RG c. 174 6

The bird's-eye v iew of Slotsholmen is taken from N ybro-

gade. The buildings in fron t o f the palace are from the

le ft: the chapel, the cart shed, and the stables of the crown

prince and the Guard. O n Frederiksholm w e see Prinsens

palæ on the right and the counterpart w h ich was never

put up (see cat. no. 56). Behind the bastions of the forti­

fication K alvebod and Am ager.

Reproduced p. 46.

59 CH R IST IAN SBO RG 17 4 7

This view is stro n gly idealized. The counterpart of the

chapel on the grounds o f the Red Building to the left of

the Palace did not exist. The same is true o f the house in

the foreground in fron t o f H olm ens Church. The canal had

a simple w ooden qu ay and n o t m arble squares as the pic­

ture pretends. Likew ise H olm ens bridge w as much more

prim itive. The street in the foreground w as then called

Storrestræde, but is n ow called H olm ens Canal (see cat.

no. 37).



The point of v iew and the scale are exactly the same as in

the draw ing cat. no. 4 1, w ith the one exception that in this

engravin g the v iew is cut a little at the sides. The only

difference o f importance is C hristian sborg which here is

depicted as it actu ally looked. Incidentally, a comparison

betw een the tw o sheets reveals h o w much is lost by the

transference from draw in g to engravin g. Naturally, it

cannot be proved that precisely the draw ing cat. no. 41

served as model for the en gravin g - v ery likely yet an­

other d raw ing w as made b y the same artist, undoubtedly

J. J. Bruun, w h o is k n ow n to have supplied Thurah's books

w ith illustrations.



The church w as bu ilt 16 8 2 -9 6 after Lambert von Haven s

draw ings, w h ile the plans he had for the spire were not

realised. N ot until 17 4 9 -5 0 w as T hu rah's spiral spire erec­

ted, to w h ich he in his ow n w ords had been influenced