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The church is seen from Am agerto rv w ith V alkendorfs-

gade in the background. A fter the Reform ation the church,

w h ich origin ally constituted the southern w in g o f the

m edieval H elligånds hospital (the hospital o f the H oly

G host), w as turned into an ordinary parish church. A t the

end of the 16th century it w as provided w ith tow er and

spire, but the latter fell down during the fire in 1728, and

the remainder o f the church w as also greatly damaged.

J. C. K rieger w as in charge of the reconstruction in 173 2 ;

he had the three naves united under the same roof and

placed a "so-called Italian H a t" on top of the tower. 18 7 8 -

80 H. Storck reconstructed the origin al spire after the

view s cat. nos. 3 and 10.


ST. N ICO L A I CHURCH c. 176 4

It is n ot kn ow n w hen the first church of St. N icolai was

built, but in all probability it w as sometime at the begin­

n ing of the 13th century when it served as a m erchants'

church. The church in this engravin g is the result of se­

veral periods of building. A b o u t 1500 the nave itself was

complete, but on ly w ith a simple ridge turret (see cat. no.

1), and n ot until the end o f the century w as the tower

erected. The spire w as added in 16 10 , and as mentioned

(cat. no. 4) it collapsed in 1628 and was not renewed until

16 6 4 -6 9 after draw ings b y A lbert M atthiesen. Then the

church stood unaltered until the fire 1795.



The church p olicy o f Louis X IV , in 1685 resulting in the

annulm ent of the Edict of Nantes, sent a flow of religious

refugees all over Europe. Since Charlotte Am alie, K ing

Christian V 's queen, furtherm ore belonged to the C alvin i-

stic creed, there were thus several urges to have a Re­

form ed church built in the capital. There w as lots of room

in N ew Copenhagen, where the congregation got a piece

of land betw een Gothersgade and Åbenrå. Here the Re­




form ed Church w as opened 168 9; the bu ilding had been

constructed after draw ings b y H. Brockam s, an immi­

grated builder. It w as bad ly dam aged b y the fire in 1728,

but w as soon rebuilt in the same w a y. Here the church

is seen w ith Å ben rå in the background and Rosenborggade

to the right.

90 G ARN ISO N SK IR K EN 176 2

The Copenhagen G arrison had long w anted to have their

ow n church, and in 16 9 7 th ey succeeded in procuring the

necessary am ount o f m on ey and a site in Dronningens

T væ rgade. H ow ever, the m atter w as put o ff till 1703

when the foundation stone w as laid, and the building acti­

v ity began at St. A n næ Street, later St. A n næ Square. The

draw ings for the church w ere b y G. P. M uller (see cat. no.

9 1), but the bu ildin g w as in 170 4 delegated to von Platen,

the chief master builder. He expanded and improved the

earlier plans. The spire w h ich the church has now is from

1885 and differs sligh tly from the one depicted here. Of­

ficia lly the name of the church is D en Herre Zebaoth's

Church, but that never cau ght on. O n the left one can just

make out a couple of houses in Lille Strandstræde.



In place o f a sm all, rather ram shackle church at the Cita­

del, the present church w as bu ilt 170 3 -0 4 . It was placed

at the western end o f the parade square and thus this was

shut o ff from the ramparts. Then the entrance was in the

m iddle ressaut decorated w ith pilasters w hile now the en­

trance is at the northern end of the church. It was G. P.

M üller, one o f the officers o f the departm ent of fortifica­

tion, w ho supplied draw ings for the church, very similar

to his contem porary sketches for the Garrison Church

(16 9 6 -9 7). The symm etrical projecting parts behind the

facade belong to the prison, added to the west wing in

172 5. A t the same tim e as E. D . H ausser constructed this

building he shut o ff the east side o f the parade square with