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in great order divide the lo n g facades into 19 bays. In

front of the bridge leading from M otzm ann 's square to

the Arsenal island are the tw o colum nae rostratae w hich

Marcus Tuscher designed in 174 3 as the A dm ira lity's con­

tribution to the festive decorations for the p rin cely couple,

Frederik (V) and Louise. A fte r the celebration they were

moved to this place w here th ey stood for a lon g time (see

cat. no. 37).



In connection w ith the extension o f the district around

Frederiksholm H. U. L iitzow , the Lord Cham berlain, had

a mansion built in Storm gade. It had nine bays and tw o

storeys - supposedly w ith a belvedere above the m iddle

ressaut. In 172 6 it came into the possession o f the H ol­

stein fam ily; later the house w as enlarged w ith a broad

bay at either end, and in 17 4 7 the gate w as w alled up.

1756 there w as y e t another rebuildin g: Jacob Fording

added a m ezzanine, decorated at the top w ith vases and

the coat of arms of the P rivy C ou n cillor J. L. H olstein. A n ­

other gate was made th rough the central axis o f the house

(the preceding one had been on the left side), and the

Tuscan pilasters were bordered w ith pilaster strips w ith


104 THE T H O T T HOU SE 1763

The house w as bu ilt 16 8 3 -8 6 b y an u nkn ow n architect

for the Adm iral N iels Juel. Then the facade w as decorated

with simple Doric pilasters in great order (see cat. nos. 25

and 28). In this en gravin g the origin al decoration can still

be seen on the side w in g facin g Bredgade. 1760 the house

was bought b y O tto Thott, the P riv y C ouncillor, w h o had

it modernized b y N .-H . Jardin. The latter provided the

pilasters w ith Corinthian capitals and inserted festoons be­

tween the two storeys. The rectangular three-bayed attic

was replaced b y a trian gu lar fronton and a balustrade w ith

sculptural decorations. T o-d ay the bu ildin g houses the

French Embassy.


W here D ronningens Tvæ rgade runs into Bredgade C. A .

Berckentin, P rivy Councillor, in 17 5 1 succeeded in driving

aw ay three landowners in order to ensure the lot for him ­

self. Here he imm ediately built his house, w ith Thurah's

words "in the manner of the Paris hotels", that is, stand­

in g back w ith a cour d'honneur in front. J. G. Rosenberg

was architect, presum ably w ith Eigtved's "sign ature".

1763 the house was acquired by Baron Schimmelmann.

Since 1884 it has belonged to the Order of Oddfellow s,

that had part of the w rought iron fence removed and two

pavilions put up.



c. 1764

By successive acquisitions of land the prime m inisters

Dehn and Bernstorff succeeded w ithin a short time in

taking over large pieces of land on the corners of Bredgade

and the n ew ly constructed Frederiksgade. A t the earliest

in January 1752 could the thought have arisen to build

laterally reversed tw in mansions on this spot. J. G. Rosen­

berg was the architect, but Eigtved "sign ed" the work, due

to his position as the person artistically responsible for


Reproduced p. 66.


October 29, 1749, the King laid the foundation stone of

the Frederiks Church where the Marble Church stands now.

A t this time there did not even exist sketches for the new

church. Eigtved made no less than five plans, Thurah one,

and the famous French architect A . J. Gabriel two. They

were all rejected, whereas the one made b y the still un­

tried N.-H . Jardin was proceeded with. 1754 he was asked

to come to Copenhagen from Paris, and 1756 a series of

approved draw ings la y ready from his hand. The building

activities were initiated under the supervision of Jardin,