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a new residence for the comm andant. The buildings in the

foreground are the southern and northern w arehouse re­

spectively, built in the 1660s.


In 1749 the Germ an con gregation at C hristian sh avn ob­

tained the K in g's perm ission to build a church. The lot on

which the saltw orks stood w as chosen; here the church

would provide "a nicer v iew o f Strand gade". Eigtved

was asked to design it, and in 175 3 the final draw ings

were sanctioned. A t his death in 17 5 4 his son -in -law , G.

D. Anthon, took over the m anagem ent. The engravin g

shows the tow er covered b y a p rovision al hood in the

shape of a pyram id, 17 6 8 -6 9 replaced b y A n th o n 's octa­

gonal obelisk spire.

93 V A R TO V c. 176 4

After the Reform ation several charitable institutions were

united into a hospital, V a rto v, w h ich w as placed outside

Østerport (the eastern gate). Later it w as m oved to N y-

Vartovskansen (see cat. nos. 9 and 1 1 ) ; after the damages

caused by the w ar again st the Swedes the hospital was

moved back into town, where it w as placed on a site near

Vestervold. In the engravin g V a rto v is depicted as a three­

winged house w ith tw o storeys and a gable attic facing the

present Vester V oldgade and a pedim ent above the m iddle

ressaut facing Løngangsstræde. To the right o f this w e see

the church, w hich w as established in an adjoining house





- The house itself w as built w in g b y w in g 1 7 2 4 -


with J. C. Krieger as the architect. 18 5 6 -6 0 the building

was heightened w ith one storey.



At her death 173 5 the w ife o f Harboe, P rivy Councillor,

left a house in Storm gade for free lodgin gs for the w idow s

belonging to the three upper ranks. W ith this in mind

the building was expanded 17 4 1 by E. D. Hausser with

one storey and two window s. 175 4 -6 0 Thurah built a

house sim ilar to the already existing house and connected

them b y a low w ing. The engraving show s the convent in

this shape. Later it was changed by C. F. Harsdorff, so

that the connecting w ing reached the same height as the

tw o pavilions.

95 THE C IT Y G O A L 1762

The city goal had been built between 1706 and 17 12 -

presum ably by J. C. Ernst. It was situated in Slutterigade

and burnt down 1795. In the words of Erik Pontoppidan

it was " . . . a large and strong building, like a a good cage

in w hich to store aw ay evil birds." The two houses on the

left stand on N ytorv, while on the right we have Heste-




In 172 7 an orphanage was founded on N ytorv. It was de­

stroyed b y the fire the follow in g year, and 17 3 1-3 4 the

building in this engraving was erected. The omnipresent

J. C. Krieger was the architect. Besides housing 140 chil­

dren of both sexes the institution also included a pharmacy

to the left, a church in the middle, and a bookshop to the

right. Furthermore there was a large printing office in the

basement. On the left-hand side of the picture we see part

of the T own Hall. Like this the orphanage burnt down to

the ground in 1795, and in its place C. F. Hansen built the

combined T ow n Hall and Court House, the present C ity

Court (see cat. no. 14 1).


W hen the U niversity of Copenhagen was founded in 1479

it was situated in Nørregade where the present Bispegård

(Bishop's Palace) is n ow (see cat. no. 17). 1539 it was

moved across the street where some of the buildings were