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after the rebuildings o f Christian IV and the layin g out of

N yto rv 16 0 6 -10 . In fron t of the tow n hall at G amm eltorv,

the w ell-preserved fountain, erected 1609, still stands w ith

a bronze figure of Caritas, the w o rk of Statius O tto.



In 1 1 6 7 A bsalon had a castle built on w h at is n ow Slots­

holm en; remains of it can still be seen beneath the Chri­

stiansborg. It w as pulled down in 1369 b y the Hanseatics.

D urin g the 1380s the castle w as rebuilt in another shape,

and b y the m iddle o f the 16th century it had more or less

achieved the appearance and dim ensions of the one in the

engraving. In the top left-hand corner the Castle is seen

from somewhere near Holmens Church, in the top right-

hand corner from the street w hich is n ow called V ed

Stranden. The h eavy tow er in the m iddle of the ensemble

o f buildings is Blåtårn (the blue tow er), w h ich achieved

this shape 1596. To the right Højbro, the drawbridge, to

the left the Chancellery and behind it the Stock Exchange.

The picture below in the m iddle is the one w h ich most

clearly illustrates the groundplan of the Castle. To the

right o f Blåtårn the R oyal w in g can be seen, then the

guards' w in g, the kitchen w in g, the church, the banquet­

in g hall w in g, and to the left o f the tow er the Council

w ing.

19 SOPH IE AM A L IEN BO R G 168 1

16 6 7 -7 3 Frederik Ills w ife, Queen Sophie Am alie, had a

country seat built south o f the present Fredericiagade.

Surrounding the palace w as a huge park stretching down

to w h at w as later to be laid out as St. A n næ Square. The

architect of the palace is unknow n, and as it w as burnt

down in 1689, w e on ly have contradictory reproductions

o f it. This gouache is, together w ith other draw ings and

engravings after the same artist, based upon an unknow n

picture from 168 1. If w e compare Bruun's gouache w ith a

contem porary painting at Ledreborg, it seems as if he

changed the colour of the building from red to y ellow (a

colour, which, how ever, recurs in a p ainting depicting the

burning o f the Castle - G avno). He also left out the pilas­

ters betw een the w indow s. The gardens, too, seem to have

undergone certain alterations.


St. Petri is one o f the oldest churches o f Copenhagen. It is

mentioned the first time in 1304, but is probably even

older than that. The first church w as burnt down in 1386,

w hich means that the church in this engravin g must be

the rebuilt and repeatedly enlarged version of St. Petri.

O rigin ally it o n ly had one nave and a h eavy spireless

tow er (see cat. no. 1). The tw o transepts were added in the

1630 s; the southern one, w h ich is the one depicted here,

w as completed in 1634. The spire w as erected 1609-10 by

D irich Frij. The church served as a canon foundry from

15 3 7 till 158 5 w hen it w as given over to the German

congregation to w h ich it still belongs.



G AR D EN 1693

In the years 16 7 2 -8 3 Christian V 's half-brother, U. F.

G yld enlove, built an im pressive m ansion facing Kongens

N y to rv (the K in g's n ew square), w h ich had just been laid

out. It w as a fo u r-w in g structure surrounded by a large

garden stretching alon g N y h a v n dow n towards the har­

bour entrance. Ewert Janssen is supposed to have been the

architect. A n older d raw in g and a medal struck on the

occasion o f the ston elayin g both sh ow that the house

changed in appearance in the course o f the building pro­

cess. O rig in a lly tw o domed corner tow ers should have

flanked the entrance at the square, and it w as also designed

w ithout the fourth w in g closing o ff the house from the

garden. In 1700 G yld en lo ve sold his house to the Queen

D ow ager, Charlotte Am alie, w h o resided here until her

death, and it is after her that the bu ildin g has its present


Reproduced p. 28.