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Dinner .

F illets of F ish .

S liced Cucumb e rs .

Roast Ribs o f Beef.

Cauli fl owe r with Cheese Sau ce.

Boil ed N ew Po tatoes.

Beet Salad.

Cherry Sher bet.


Fillets of Fish.

Cut any fish into slices one inch thick , wash and

wi pe dry; sp r inkle a platter w ith chopped onion,

lay the fillets on t op of thi s, an d dust w it h salt and

pepper. Mix three tab lespoonfuls of olive oil ancl

one of v inegar thoroug hly and moist en the fi sh and

stand aside one or two h ours . W h en r eady to cook

dip the fillets firs t in egg, then in bread-crumbs, a nd


in hot fa t. Ga rnish with lettuce or cress and

quarters o f lemons.

Boiled Cauliflower.

Pick off the outer leaves, cu t off the s tem close to

the bottom of the fl owe rets ; wash in cold wate r ;

then soak with top downward ·in cold wate r for one

hour. Tie it in a piece of cheese-cloth and put in

salted boiling wat er , st em downwa rd, and boi l till

tender. W h en done, r emove ca refull y to dish and

serve witJ- ) eese sauce.