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Discovering Germany
There are no mandatory vaccinations in Germany. However, the usually recommended
vaccinations are the following: Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio, Influenza (in the winter). These
are only general recommendations and are not specific for your individual case. For children,
there are some more vaccinations recommended. Please ask your general practitioner,
pediatrician, or refer to the governmental health office (
). A consultation at
the Gesundheitsamt is, however, not free of charge.
If you have a medical emergency and need immediate care, you can drive to the emergency
or dial 110 for immediate medical attention. An ambulance will then take you to the hospital.
Only dial 110 in a serious medical emergency.
The emergency room is not intended for situations where a call to your doctor would be
sufficient. Situations that demand medical attention but may not necessarily be emergencies
include animal bites and small puncture wounds or lacerations.
If your doctor tells you that you will need to go to a hospital for any non-emergency reason,
he/she will discuss with you which hospital to choose.