Facts About Germany |
4 |
General Information |
5 |
Public Holidays |
5 |
Government |
5 |
Economy |
6 |
Business Hours |
6 |
Weather |
6 |
Time Zones |
6 |
Comparative Size Charts |
7 |
Geographic Overview |
8 |
Major Cities |
8 |
People and Culture |
8 |
Demographics |
8 |
Language |
8 |
Religion |
9 |
Etiquette |
10 |
Food |
10 |
Registrations |
12 |
Visas |
12 |
New Residence Registration |
12 |
Residence Title |
13 |
Work Permit |
13 |
Tax ID |
14 |
Child Benefit |
14 |
Driver's License |
14 |
Money and Banking |
18 |
Banks |
18 |
Bank Accounts |
18 |
Exchange |
18 |
Payment Methods |
19 |
Taxes |
19 |
Safety and Security |
20 |
At Home |
20 |
On the Streets |
20 |
In the Car |
20 |
Emergency Numbers |
20 |
Embassy Contacts |
21 |
Communication and Media |
22 |
Telephone and Internet |
22 |
Mobile |
23 |
Television |
23 |
Newspapers |
24 |
Postal Service |
24 |
Driving |
25 |
Rules and Regulations |
25 |
Roads |
27 |
Fuel |
27 |
Insurance and Assistance |
27 |
Child Safety Regulations |
28 |
Expenses |
28 |
Health |
29 |
Medical/Dental Systems Overview |
29 |
Vaccinations |
31 |
Emergency |
31 |
Education |
32 |
Pets |
33 |
Requirements and Registration |
33 |
Care |
34 |
Housing |
35 |
Home Finding |
35 |
Understanding the Rental Contract |
37 |
Maintaining a Rental Property |
38 |
Departure |
41 |
Returning a Property |
41 |
Informative Websites |
42 |