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© 2016 Dwellworks

Page 39

Discovering Germany

Household Garbage

When renting a house or an apartment, the landlord usually provides the tenant with a

various number of garbage cans for the household. Each garbage can is for unique

materials so be sure to follow the federal guidelines below:

Household chemicals: batteries, paints and thinners, fertilizers, herbicides and

pesticides, cleaners, bleach, motor oil and other automotive fluids, pool chemicals,

pressurized containers, and their contents. Items must be disposed of with the next

collection at the hazardous waste facility

Dead animals

Yard trimmings. They must be disposed of in the bin/cart for organic waste

Computer Equipment items must be disposed of with the next collection at the

hazardous waste facility

Any plastic material or packaging as it can be recycled and must be collected in

yellow bags

Any glass bottles and jars as they are collected separately at glass collection facilities

Any metal cans or any scrap metal must be disposed of as hazardous waste

Medical supplies must be disposed of as hazardous waste

Any toys and clothing. Your local thrift or resale store might be interested in them

Paper must be put into paper carts or collected at local paper collection facilities

Helpful Hint:

Local authorities are allowed to charge a considerably high fine if one

or more items mentioned above are disposed of in the household garbage cart.

Please ask your landlord or Dwellworks Consultant when and where you will have

to place the full garbage cart outside the house, on the pavement for collection.


Recycling Carts/Bags/Bins:

Varies from community to community whether yellow

carts, bags, or bins are used for waste separation. However, the contents to be put in

yellow are always the same

Paper Carts/Paper Collection Facility:

In most communities, a separate paper can

is provided for the disposal of paper products

Glass Collection Facility:

Glass, sorted according to color, has to be taken to the

local glass collection facilities

Organic Waste:

In some communities, organic waste carts are provided and must

be used for organic waste only

Hazardous Waste:

In some communities, hazardous waste is collected regularly. In

other communities, you need to take your hazardous waste to special facilities

Please ask your landlord or Dwellworks Consultant which system applies in your community.