Clip =
Cut brick piece or section.
Closer =
The last brick or block laid in the course. Also
Concrete Masonry Unit.
Composite wall =
Masonry wall with wythes of different materials,
such as brick and block.
Compression =
Downward crushing load on a wall or beam, as
on the top of a lintel.
Control joint =
Vertical joint made in the wall to allow for
shrinkage and prevent cracking.
Coping =
Masonry cap on top of a wall or pier. Very
important as a water barrier.
Corbelling =
A masonry technique of
widening or projecting out a
masonry wall (or part of a
wall) to form a decorative
feature, a support shelf or a
ledge for a building element. Also used to widen
a support wall. As a general rule, the masonry
unit should not extend out more than one-third
the width or one-half the height. The top course
must be a full header course.