CMSA Constitution and By-laws - page 7

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Constitution of the Case Management
Society of Australia Limited (CMSA)
develop and encourage high professional standards of performance, skill,
service and conduct of case managers;
conduct, and co-operate in the conduct of, research and the development
and delivery of courses of study in the practice of case management;
provide the means by which persons and firms offering services or
products within or to the case management field may co-ordinate their
efforts to advance the practice.
Providing, promoting, securing and/or supporting meetings, conventions,
conferences seminars, workshops, forums and competitions which promote case
providing and/or supporting material published and/or made available in any
media which promote the objects of CMSA;
educating the community about case management;
initiating change, so as to advance the objects of CMSA;
advancing the interests of professional case management;
providing and/or supporting services to assist other organisations to achieve all or
any of these aims; and
providing and/or supporting such other services as determined by the Board from
time to time.
Application of Income and Property
CMSA may charge reasonable fees for the services it provides.
Subject to paragraph (c), the profits (if any) or other income and property of CMSA
must be applied solely towards the purpose of CMSA set out in rule 2 ('Purpose
and Aims') and no part of them may be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, to
any Member of CMSA, whether by way of Dividend, bonus or otherwise.
Subject to paragraph (d), nothing in paragraph (b) prevents any payment in good
faith by CMSA of:
reasonable and proper remuneration to any Member for any services
actually rendered (including, without limitation, in the Member's capacity
as an employee of CMSA) or goods supplied in the ordinary and usual
course of business to CMSA;
reasonable and proper rent for premises let by a Member to CMSA; or
interest at a commercial rate on money borrowed from Members.
No payments may be made by CMSA to a Director apart from:
the payment or reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred by a
Director in the performance of any duty as Director where the amount
payable does not exceed an amount previously approved by the Board;
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