CMSA Constitution and By-laws - page 9

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Constitution of the Case Management
Society of Australia Limited (CMSA)
There will be a class of Members known as
Associate Fellow Members
. These
class of Members are people who have applied in the correct form and whose
applications have been approved by the Board under rule 4 ('Membership') and
may vote or hold office.
(e) There will be a class of Members known as
Fellow Members.
These class of
Members are people who have applied in the correct form and whose applications
have been approved by the Board under rule 4 ('Membership') and may vote or
hold office.
(f) There will be a class of Members known as
Life Members
. Life Members are
people whom the Board decides have given such good service to CMSA, or to
case management, that they should be invited to accept life membership and who
accept. Life Members may vote and hold office.
The Board may determine and admit different classes of Members. The Board
may vary or cancel the rights of Members in any class.
Any person who is a Member under the Rules of the Case Management Society
of Australia Limited will be deemed to be a Member of the CMSA pursuant to the
terms and conditions of the Constitution of the CMSA.
The Board may from time to time prescribe an Annual Subscription for any class
of Members other than Life Members and the terms of payment of such Annual
Subscriptions. If an Annual Subscription has been set for a particular class of
Members, each Member of that class must pay the Annual Subscription.
The Board may in its absolute discretion vary the amount of any Annual
Subscriptions and may determine that a different amount is payable by different
classes of Members.
Cessation of Membership
A Member may resign from CMSA by giving one month's notice in writing to the Board.
The Board may consent to a shorter notice period.
Arrears of Subscriptions
If any Member:
fails to pay the Annual Subscription within 60 days of its due date and receives
notice from the Treasurer to pay it within 7 days; and
the member in default fails to so pay the Board may debar the member from the
privileges and incidents of membership and until all arrears are paid the member
shall not be allowed to vote, hold office, nominate office bearers or intending
members, sign a requisition for a motion or propose or second a motion.
Failure to pay Annual Subscription
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