''Drink, for you know not
Whence you came, nor why;
Drink, for y ou know not why
You go, nor whence.''
' 'We come into tbis world all naked
a nd bar e;
We go through this world full of sor–
row and car e ;
We go out of t his world, we know not
wher e,
But if we're good f ellows h ere we'll
be thoroughbreds there. "
''Here is to t ho lawyer-a learned
gentleman, who r escues your e. tate
from your enemies, a nd k eeps it him–
self . ''
Here's to the press, the pulpit, and
the petticoat, t he thr ee ruling powers
, of the day.
The :first spr eads knowledge, the
second spr eads morals, and the third
spr eads considerably.
· "Fill the bumper fair!
Every drop we sprinkle
0 'er t he brow of car e
Smooths away a wrinkle.
Ther e is room in t he h alls of pleasme,
For a long and lordly t rain;
But one by one wo must a ll :file on
T hrough the narrow aisles of pain.
"Then wreathe the bowl
With flowers of soul
The brightest w it can' :find us;
We'll take a flight
Towards h eaven to-n ight
Anti leave dull eart h b ehiud us. ''