SPDS 09052014 - page 220

Effect size of Latuda® and Lexapro® from Literature:
(L id )
uras one
10 mg/day
40 mg/day
120 mg/day
20 mg/day
NOTE: The data shown here is not cognition data and presented only
to give an idea about the effect sizes with psychiatry drugs
Cognition Study - Summary
The effect sizes for working memory (digit span test), social
cognition (using the PENN emotional acuity test), or attention
(using the Continous Performance Test – Flankers version) were in
favor of Sensoril over placebo.
Medium to close to large effect sizes for cognition studies in
psychiatry are not at all common; thus for a 2 month study with
Sensoril® at a 500 mg/day the results are encouraging.
When add on drugs are administered along with CNS drugs, there
are often more side effects; however when Sensoril® was given
along with other CNS drugs in this 2 month study, the side effect
profile was quite benign.
Study was done as per IND filed with US FDA and not funded by
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